When you have to post a "trustworthy" poll to deny reality, or more politics in-fighting

9  2018-02-21 by WeWuzKANG5


Literally at the top of the front page right now, people up-voting an unnecessary poll regarding the very real tax cuts Americans are receiving. People have become so delusional with blind hatred they can't even accept a tax cut, and are going to great lengths to get the public to refute the reality that they are going pay less.

I am not sorry for the serious post, and there is some stale political drama in the comments for sure. I just can't believe people are angry enough to rally around shit as stupid as this.


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/c... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is*

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Yeh but how Drumpfs dick taste OP?

I'm a centrist, but I'd prefer to take a shot at the bussy.

I'm a centrist homosexual

Thanks for clearing that up xx

Nothing wrong with being gay. I think the most masculine thing you can do is dominate another male to the point that he submits to you and becomes feminine and submissive.

or more politics in-fighting

And Why That's A Good Thing For Drama

Hence me posting it.

While referring to it as a seriouspost and not putting in any fucking effort. Maybe you should've posted this in /r/shitpoliticssays or similar.

After all, you know how high the standards are for practically all drama threads, you can't just go and drag all of us down to mediocrity.

Meh I felt it wasn't a typical partisan political post but instead a bastion of delusional drama.

*lmao at you gatekeeping drama posts like post quality matters here.

Of course it matters. To clarify my gatekeeping, your post is the ONLY ONE posted within the last 24 hours that doesn't meet my extremely lenient standards for drama threads. How does that make you feel?

What the hell?! Why would you post dolphin porn here you sick fuck



Don't you poast to LSC?

Every chance I get.

Up against the wall capitalist pig!

Wewlad, good luck with the revolution.

You can't expect a tax cut if you're living in a basement on government tendies.

That's actually what the poll says too.

Just 25 percent of registered voters reported an increase in their pay, compared to 51 percent who said they did not.

The number of employed voters who noticed an increase was higher, at 37 percent, according to the poll.

Lol why the fuck did they even mention the first number? What was that supposed to mean?

I think they were hoping that people would form an opinion and stop reading.

I just think it's hilarious that they would try to use an opinion based poll (likely biased) instead of running the actual numbers and presenting the actual facts (which they all have access to). Shit a simple google search reveals a dozen tax calculators and articles that will show you what you'll save. But hey, fuck me for wanting the truth and not what I should think from the media.

"Forget about numbers and percentages. How did the tax cut make you feel?"

Lol they dont have any job to pay taxes so why would they care.

i like how dramatic people are

"i got 100$ more per week but it isnt worth my kids future"

i really want to know how fucking far inside your ass you need to be to think like that

I've always thought people were generally stupid, but these last 2 years have really lowered the bar.

for real, look who got elected to the white house, smdh

People are so upset about the outcome, but the choices weren't good...

I want the government, which I don't trust, to take all of my money tbqh

By most Americans do they mean most American redditors? I’m struggling to believe if even half of this godforsaken site files their taxes.

Also peeved because my state income tax liability’s going to reduce my federal return by half 😡

I'm sure it was a handful of cnn newsletter subscribers, yet again, I don't understand the need for a poll when the actual numbers are available and anyone with a calculator can see that most Americans will in fact receive a tax cut.

Looks like it was done through Politico; I don’t really know much about it as a brainlet when it comes to their subscriber base compared to the senile boomers of Fox News or hyperventilating hipsters of Vox.

why file if your take home is zero, i mean mommy makes those tendies so good anyway

If you don't change your withholding, it shows up in your refund next year. Granted, you have to have had a job to know that.

Still think the tax cut is dumb, but r/politics is dumber.

Lastly, horseshoe law confirmed again. I remember when Obama took office (back in college) and 6 months later the local McDonald's franchise upped the amount withheld from paychecks and the college republicans started reeeeeing about a tax hike - the tax code literally had not changed one bit.

Still think the tax cut is dumb

Did you know that tax revenue is up too?

lmao. New payroll schedules weren't in effect for most places yet you retard.

I know Trumpers and Sanderistas are insanely ignorant about how the economy works but jfc imagine being so retarded you think a tax cut not only paid for itself, but did so in a month.

lmao. Taxes are down revenue is record levels but eh, its just not knowing. Oddly my employees were already on it.

I hate to seriouspost here but the amount of economic ignorance is something usually only seen among the denizens of wayofthebern.



my employees

In the unlikely event you actually have any, some firms changed schedule bust most had not yet done so. Your firm is not every firm.

Why are you trying to argue with that guy. He's an economically illiterate moron that gets his news from facebook memes.

I am not sorry for the serious post

The absolute state of this sub