Conspiracy users found David Hoggs reddit account

8  2018-02-21 by WeWuzKANG5

I'm sure there will be some bannings for doxing, but in the autists defense the user implicated openly states he is David Hogg in regards to the Rodondo Beach video that "went viral" 6 months ago.

I don't want this account banned, or to get drama in trouble so I wont post links but if you want to find the posts you can, at least for now.

Another interesting tidbit, according to the profile David was a senior last year, sure to be some shit flinging over this.


I tried to warn him.

HA the post is still up even though they banned the guy who posted it.


Admins are inept, more at 9!

I can't tell what the fuck is going on anymore, but it's getting more and more entertaining. It's like a political thriller cast entirely with retards broadcast 24/7 but everything effects us. And I'm not singling out the politicians as the only retards trust me everyone is really doing there part. Media, citizens, everybody has just lost their fucking minds and gone for each others throats. It's amazing, baffling, and horrifying at the same time.

are you suggesting that the entire world has become like /r/drama

The user who posted the conspiracy thread is suspended now, really activates the almonds...

Another interesting tidbit, according to the profile David was a senior last year

I think he said he's a senior because he already completed 11th grade by then (he mentioned that he's a senior in June 2017 and August 2017 as well).

Certainly possible, either way if there's room to speculate the ceiling for potential drama raises dramatically.

Imagine being so much of an autistic cuck that you obsess over and attack kids who survived a tragedy.

Imagine white knighting this hard on a "crypto hate" sub for CNNs golden boi.

Imagine having such malignant retardation that not being a cancerous edgelord is "white knighting"

cancerous edgelord

Imagine being this upset and using these words unironically here in drama. Keep yourself safe as quickly as possible.

Imagine spending a lifetime calling others triggered and snowflakes but getting assravaged at the slightest criticism

I know you're of the belief this is a red vs. blue argument and while entertaining, it's not true. I think you're all retarded and I reserve the right to cruelly mock you.

Imagine wasting your existence by going on the internet to be as edgy as possible yet being so incredibly offended that you downvote someone for pointing out your retardation

in regards to the Rodondo Beach video that "went viral" 6 months ago.

*Redondo Beach

And leave my great city out of it.

Yeah totally fucked that up, I'm east coast.