JLaw takes the red pill, yells at feminists #coverherup

110  2018-02-21 by cultish_alibi


Most people today would claim that rape is a terrible crime almost akin to murder but I strongly disagree. Far from a vile act, rape is a magical experience that benefits society as a whole. I realize many of you will disagree with this thesis but lend me your ears and I’m sure I’ll sway you towards a darkened alley.

If it weren’t for rape, Western Civilization might not exist as we know it today. When the Romans were faced with a disproportionate ratio of women to men in the early kingdom, they had to do something, lest their fledgling society die for lack of sons. To solve their little dilemma, they did what any reasonable man would do: they threw a festival for their Sabine neighbors, and then stole and raped their women. It’s quite logical; in fact I don’t understand why the settlers at Plymouth didn’t do the same to the local Indians. It certainly would have saved on shipping costs.

Obviously, in the case of the Rape of the Sabines, rape was a tremendous help to society. The Sabine women, for their part, didn’t seem to mind so much, as they threw themselves between their brutish old Sabine husbands and their charming new Roman ones to prevent bloodshed when the Sabine men came to reclaim their wives. Yet even when society was totally against a rape, the raunchy act has benefited society too. Where would the Romans be, after all, if it weren’t for the Rape of Lucretia infuriating the people to the point of overthrowing their last king, Lucius Tarquinius Super-Bus? If it weren’t for that event, the world might never have had the Roman Republic for a pristine example of a flawless government.

Rape’s glorious advantages are not, however, exclusively found from 2,000-year-old examples. In actuality, rape’s advantages can very much be seen today. Take ugly women, for example. If it weren’t for rape, how would they ever know the joy of intercourse with a man who isn’t drunk? In a society as plastic-conscious as our own, are we really to believe that some man would ever sleep with a girl resembling a wildebeest if he didn’t have a few schnapps in him? Of course he wouldn’t, at least no self-respecting man would, but therein lies the beauty of rape. No self-respecting man would rape in the first place, so ugly women are guaranteed a romp with not only a sober man, but a bad boy too, and we all know how much ladies like the bad boy.

Ugly women are not, however, the only people who benefit from rape– prisoners enjoy its many perks, too. What, after all, would possibly be more boring than spending years of your life confined to some tiny cell 23 hours a day? The answer, of course, is spending years of your life confined to some tiny cell 23 hours a day and never getting some hot action. With rape, prisoners never have to worry about that. Instead, they merely need worry about treating their rapists with enough love and respect to earn a quick reach-around.

But if there is one bread and butter reason for why rape should not only be accepted, but even endorsed, it is because our news editors are in dire need of interesting stories for our front page. Bookstore stories? Fossils? One dollar coins? Please. Now, some interracial gang rape action? Yeah, that’s the ticket.

No more Harvey to prop her up.

God, did she ever need him.

She's not talented or very pretty.

She's talented, she just kinda phones it now

Isn't she kinda on a break after Passengers flopped and then the miserable gossip queens decided she was responsible for every divorce in Hollywood?

She just did Red Sparrow which is apparently very 'meh'

I guarantee you that shit was pitched as "Black Swan meets James Bond."

I can't but feel kinda bad for the girl. She paid her dues in low budget shit, was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time with Winter's Bone, did as well as she could have possibly done in that Hunger Games garbage, and has generally made decent movies since then. But everyone still thinks she fucked her way to the top.

I wouldn't be surprised if the fappening photos were for/from Weinstein

Maybe, or maybe they were for the dude she was dating at the time.

I dunno. Who knows if she spread it for Weinstein, it's possible, but people are acting like she's his fucking Lady Macbeth, like she's somehow an equally complicit member of the Hollywood rape machine, when in fact it's incredibly obvious that she was just one in a long line of young pieces of ass (e.g. Gwyneth, Uma, Salma) he promoted in hopes of getting laid, and she took advantage because being a movie star is cool, and personal integrity is for fatties and nerds.

She is at best fuckable, and has the acting skills of a potato as do most shiksha's in hollywood.

not pretty


Are there any daddy supporters that aren't Canadian incels?

She's not, bro.

The only time she was hot was when she transformed into Rebecca Romijn in First Class.

Jesus you have shit taste dude. Wow.

lol are you implying JLaw is hotter then Romijn?

sorry I prefer milf sex-goddesses over chubby-face, big-nose, bad-hair Weinstein fleshlights

and Rebecca Romijn (who pulled John fucking Stamos by the way, who is also hotter than JLaw) ain't even in my top 25, so you don't even know what I like

Romjin has the jawline of a cruise liner.

Do you have eyes in your skull or do you have someone type retarded comments for you?

Again, still way hotter than Jennifer Lawrence.

oh and u mad

Sounds like u mad they replaced her with Jlaw in your kids movie lmao.

While I'm quite indifferent to X-men movies without muh Hugh Jackman, I guess i would say I wish they focused less on Mystique entirely? She didn't do much for me.

I don't get the JLaw hate. More than anything I admire her determination and will to power.

Do you think blowing Weinstein's rusty trombone is in any way pleasurable? No, but she ate that ass like it was caviar. There is not a dick in Hollywood that needed sucking she did not suck. A completionist mentality.


I think she's dumb as rocks, a terrible actress and has a plastic face. But as a person I don't hate her.

I have no idea what if she is nice or phony or a serial killer. She is a movie star. She does not know me and I don't know her. And I don't pretend otherwise.

Can you imagine what her breath smelled like after eating Weistein's ass?

Roses? Gafilte?

Here's my taste

just saw this during the Canada/USA women's hockey gold medal game and I had to laugh at how quickly I was crushing on this fucking dork lol

You must not leave your house very often

I live in the midwest, America's basement.

Sounds like you failed in life. You should try and start over.

As a daddy supporter I'd smash her butthole anytime.

She's a'ight. She's above average, I guess, if you are into Beckys.

As we all are


Not despising white women

She is/was pretty, she just radiates a kind of yuppie banality. She's the cute intern, and that's all she is.

I don’t know about you but I see multiple women far more attractive than jlaw every time I walk through campus to go to class

You can walk? I'm surprised.

You can type? I’m surprised considering how autistic you are

My caretaker is helping me out. Normally mommy types for me, but she's in the hospital because the whore wouldn't get me tendies.

Mother! was a great film. Fight me irl.

I got into an argument with my sister over this movie because she thought it was pointlessly sexist because people mistreat JLaw's character. When I explained how it's a very on-the-nose allegory for humanity's treatment of the Earth she got even more pissed and said that doesn't excuse it, reeee, fuck Aaronofsky, etc.

and then I realized I didn't care enough about it to keep it going

Oh dear. I shouldn't even be surprised anymore at people's ability to miss the whole fucking point entirely.

What does she think of, say, Handmaid's Tale? Is that pointlessly sexist too?

Manufactured controversies will work! They always do.

She's best friends with Amy Schumer which explains the overly liberal brainwashing.

Please, liberals love baring the flesh.

that shit is nsfl

I hate that I know this exists now.

Holy shit those Russians are sneaky.

That video is the worst thing Putin has done since 9/11.

wtf I love JLaw now

Also, I see The Guardian has joined the proud tradition of begging for a dollar online.


Been in a coma?

I thought they were among the first to have the guilt-tripping messages, and the first ones to block ad-block?

I'm just going to go ahead and admit that I rarely read the guardian, and even more rarely reach the end of the page when I do.

Wow, perhaps one day soon they'll be able to afford a journalist.

“This is sexist, this is ridiculous, this is not feminism,” she wrote.

Man talk about being in a bubble

she’s just going by the Oxford standard bruh

Ah, the hypocritical "b-but not all feminists/that's not feminist!" shtick. She must've realized she's not relevant anymore and decided that it was time to sperg out again

why does she hate women

Because she's envious of them and their breasts

For real. This is why I hope Watson doesn't get her nudes hacked. Would take away all the fun if it turns out she has saggy tiny tits instead of just tits. Thank God for Alex daddario tho,

She must've realized she's not relevant anymore and decided that it was time to sperg out again

I mean, I know this sub is full of morons, but she's pretty much one of the most popular actresses on the planet.

Reddit decides to hate her ages ago, and some people have truly committed to that position.

Tbh I don't hate her, she's a good actress and what movies I've seen her in she's been enjoyable to watch. It's just so...well I wouldn't say stereotypical but this specific kind of behavior is kinda typical for actresses to take up when they need attention and it's pretty lame. Like, you're one of the top actresses in the biz but you need attention this bad? Or at least I hope that's what it is. I'm stoned and it's been a long day so I'm even worse with words than I usually am right now.

It's kind of sad, too. The subreddit that should be making fun of the rest of reddit is basically falling in line with the general sentiment: "I hate Jennifer Lawrence. I hate how she acts, I hate how she looks, and I hate what she says. She is irrelevant and her career is stupid." Funny how you can pretty much pinpoint when everyone turned against her: August 2014.

Meanwhile, the rest of the planet doesn't give a fuck. She's still a hugely popular figure and probably will be for some time. Careers like hers usually don't just fizzle out.

I still find it hilarious when redditors are convinced that their circlejerk is a popular opinion outside of reddit.

what are you supposed to do when they actually say something not-feminist though?

seems pretty cut and dry honestly

What are you supposed to do when they actually say something not feminist enough

Well that depends on what approach you're cool with taking. There's the classic "REEEEEEEEE" option like that exemplified by TwoX. Then there's being a functioning member of civil society. I just hate humanity in general so usually I don't even bother (unless there's drama to be had).

femenism is fine. what is fucking up all these rights movements is an extremist political religion called inter sectional theory.

How can they dislike my sexy dress? Said the actress as she promoted a sex negative movement.

Sparrows are pretty sex positive I'll have you know

We’re kinda faggy, it’s true

The plot of the whole story is professional Russian seductresses called sparrows your ignorant slut

stating the obvious/sensible thing



Why are you so mad that women around the world are taking the red pill and rejecting the SJW libcuck agenda?

everything is not a redpill. calm down lmao

sjw libcuck

May Allah cure your illness. Ameen!

drama mods smh. bet you don't even like daddy

He gets hilariously triggered by the GEOTUS. It's cute.

making fun/mocking daddy


Wow I unironically wish he'd be elected my daddy for 2020 too just for the drama and autism.

Don't worry, you'll get your wish.

lol keep getting mad and pretending you're not

Why would I be mad in the first place? You're trying too hard here.

Why would I be mad in the first place?

i don't know. some of the cosmic questions of the universe will forever remain unanswered

Nice meme but that won't cover it up for you. Pretty sad you can't answer the question lol.

Because you show up and sperg out every time daddy or feminism is mentioned. Probably because you are a russian


I honestly don't care. TrollX has been milked to death. I feel bad for those teats

sperg everytime

Since when is making fun of people /ideas "sperging"?

Probably because you are a russian.


ur mother is a whore

اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر

ur mother is a whore

My father too. I am whorespawn.

Islam is the ultimate redpill, cuck

I see you get your Islamic teachings from Pepe maymays lmao

No, I get it feom an imam I see once a week. I've decided to convert so I don't have to die in the mayocide

SJW libcuck

Well, I am pretty sure their women spurning them is the cuck agenda.

isn’t this like, the opposite of the red pill tho

it's rare enough to be notable to be fair

>not Jude Law

Why the fuck would I care

The only one I'll ever know as JLaw..

Man, has someone's career ever been more derailed by baldness?

Actually, yes, Billy Zane's, but this one still sucks, Jude Law deserved better.

Can't a nigga get hair plugs?

Jude law bald or not is still bae

Jenny, girl, don't forget what happened to Megan Fox. Your fans only want to hear you speak when you're being cute and sexy. When you start opening your mouth to say things you actually think, you're gonna start hearing some reeeee's.

don't forget what happened to Megan Fox.

Jennifer’s Body?

Producers realizing her talents are best suited for magazine covers and softporn?

Nobody saw Jennifer's Body. Chick got blackballed because she said things about Michael Bay that everybody already knew but weren't supposed to say, and Hollywood found that way less hot than when she was humping cars and pretended to be bi.

Nobody saw Jennifer's Body.


Ladies and gents, I give you - Marysue article about this.


Article is retarded

Real drama in the comments

That's actually quite an interesting debate on whether feminism should be about the individual or the collective. You can tell that some of them are itching to stamp out internalized misogyny and they don't mind stepping on a few toes to do so.

Maybe 200 years in the future, when all the men (save a few breeding Chads) are gone, the only crime will be IntMis and they'll have all kinds of Black Mirror devices to detect patriarchal thought patterns. Offenders will be sent to camps to be lectured about their icky white feminism, and write Buzzfeed listicles until they repent.

That's actually quite an interesting debate on whether feminism should be about the individual or the collective.

Feminism should be about improving women and getting rid of lolfats.

Femenism is made by lolfats because they can't get laid.

  • Rush Limbaugh, How I Got So Big

Rush gets laid though

thanks to feminism!

Thanks to him being the best troll out there. Dude knows how to push buttons and get paid millions for it. Very smart.

Thanks to prostitutes

It doesn't count if they charge by the hour

Sometimes its unpaid interns tho

So the tired old liberal versus socialist debate? yawn.

Overreacting about everything someone says or does, creating controversy over silly innocuous things such as what I choose to wear or not wear, is not moving us forward. It’s creating silly distractions from real issues.

Well duh, that’s the whole point of feminism.

i would lick her butthole fo sho

The ex queen beginning her plot to retake the Reddit throat

isn’t she too old for that

I don't get how anyone thinks she's a good actor. Her face is always frozen.

yup, nothing more feminist than telling a woman she’s not allowed to wear her clothes

"Takes the red pill"?? Is everyone seriously unaware that Mz Lawrence will be fem-shilling as soon as it benefits her? God.

Sounds like someone has a redpill allergy.

I would have stood in the snow for that dress because I love fashion and that was my choice

I will never understand how someone can "love fashion". I totally get being vain and loving being attractive, but "fashion" is such a bullshit way to delude oneself into thinking being vain is some artsy bullshit.

Well if her fucking is anything like her acting then I'm pretty sure she's the raper.

If feminists are pissed off with her dress, imagine how cross they'll be when they realise what she willingly did for Weinstein to further her own career.

Feminism converges to radical islam
