My past life was in a fictional universe.

29  2018-02-21 by snallygaster


happy cakeday snally! <3


Your fear sounds seriously delusional and malicious, are you hearing voices and having paranoid thoughs or manic depression? if you are having visions of alternate realities, you need to slow down, and talk to a mental health professional. Please do not let these delusional thoughts plague you, just breathe and accept help from others.

This is an x-post, but not bad advice.

Without reading beyond the title, how can a place be fictional if you personally existed in it?

Do you read Sutter Cane?

I’m more of a movie guy

The movie comes out next month

Who dat?

There is the simulation hypothesis. That our current universe is a giant simulation.

Just because something is virtual doesn't nessessarily make it fictional or unreal.

It would depend on your perspective. For you and me assuming we are in a simulation it's 100% real for who ever is running the simulation it's 100% not real just like a big game of Sims or whatever.

I think if someone is smart enough to create an artificial world and life they would realize that it is less than fake and have at least a smidgen of empathy.

Because your past life is just Nintendo fan fiction.

Can't even come up with your own world for your psychosis to exist in.

People like this really bother me, because it kind of makes me question if I am constructing my reality and am actually some crazy person that is just making up stuff.


I can't imagine being this retarded

Alright, this has been stuck in my head and I need to get it out. I'm not one to completely rip on someone mentally unwell, but the level of stupid, unoriginal, and boring is baffling.

I have had the feeling of being not quite human, I've never actually belive it, but I can understand if it got so overwhelming where I would be willing to belive something ridiculous to cope with some existential crisis.

But this goes beyond that. So, not only are you from another world, but somehow this got leaked into the consciousness of video game developers. So they somehow recreate your world, not a world just like it, but your world. And not only do you exist in this world, but you are the child of the two main, and practically only heroes.

Somehow this happened, and then not only that but you just so happened to exist in this world when this video game was popular, and just so happened to live in a life fortunate enough to live in a country rich enough to experience this video game.

This person is clearly smart enough to rub two sticks together after writing a somewhat coherent essay of their insanity. So, how the fuck is it possible to be so goddamn unoriginal to latch onto someone else's work of fiction as your past life, and then ignore how absolutely impossible the odds of learning this are, even if your retarded theory of your past otherworldly life leaking into other people's mind is possible.

this story can't possibly be real because first of all, how would she see a "mugshot" of ganon, they are in medieval times with no cameras.

secondly, link and zelda don't marry or have kids, you'd think someone this obsessed with the games would know that. link leaves hyrule to go another dimension in majora's mask, then he becomes a wandering hero after that, dies, and becomes a ghost. he doesn't have kids with zelda.

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed a correlation between being a complete lunatic and being obsessed specifically with Nintendo games? There are plenty of people obsessed with MMOs or MOBAs or FPSs or whatever, but I don't see them nearly as well represented in the lolcow community as Nintendo players.

This is why we need to beat children.