Hambeast from TrollX, /u/Quixadashani, is putting us on notice people! Stop pinging from /r/drama through /r/mensrights! Whatever the fuck that means.

49  2018-02-21 by TSwizzlesNipples


The thing about these groups is that since "the enemy" mostly exists in their own minds, they all tend to blur together.

Shh, the secret alliance between /r/drama and /r/mensrights cannot be uncovered.

The patriarchy's reddit invasion known as "Operation screeching frog" must go on as planned.

I thought we were allied with r/bigbutts? When did we switch alliances?

Wait, what? I thought we were secretly in league with Clinton. Goddamned, did I bury Seth Rich for nothing? I was promised a mod position by Hilldawg, damnit!

The thing about these groups is that since "the enemy" mostly exists in their own minds

Are you saying that r/drama and r/mensright isn't made of overweight unemployed white men ?


We here at r/Drama would prefer if you wouldn't support your President Admin drone striking banning us over the actions of a few bad apples.


Lets talk stats

Let's not.

Y no

/u/Quixadashani seems like you're having a rough time, check out the funny tv show Family Man! /r/familyman


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/u/Quixadashani how much do you weigh? Preferably in pounds, but metric tons works too

Her weight is oppressing other women. Mainly poor Mother Earth.

ask about the average sized row boat!

/u/Quixadashani I want to assure you Calories In, Calories Out (CICO) results in significant weightloss, increased happiness, AND decreased pain in the joints.


/u/Quixadashani White women need to Lean In and start acknowledging that they're the most prized and privileged members of society.

Agree or disagree?


Everything is an MRA Gamer Gator Men’s Rights T_D conspiracy to take away their cats.

Well, with all due respect, cats are mighty tasty.


The fucking link they sent just shows black people do a great job of killing above their weight class as per usual.

Why people are so bad at per capita is beyond me.

tards in trollx don’t actually understand statistics

Your hopes were too high to begin with amigo

lol i wonder if thats her name IRL. like all these black chicks with names like shaqueefa

I haven’t even heard about /r/menrights in over two years. The last guy I ever heard bring it up is dead now. Is it even still around?

/u/Quixadashani, can you explain what this message means?

A mythical land of black superiority, dreamed up by a white guy. Er...

Where they consider screeching like monkeys to be a reasonable way to debate, and betray centuries of ritual and tradition as well as their closest friends at the whim of a guy who showed up 3 hours earlier - gleefully tearing their own country apart. Then close with a guy whose country flourished precisely because it was behind a giant wall lecturing the rest of the world on building walls. I swear it was written by Stormfront, even /pol/ wouldn't be so on the nose.

I just can't believe these absolute retards think supporting a block buster movie is activism.

It's not important. It's another capeshit movie that will be forgotten in a few months. The nice hand rubbing men at Disney will all be buying new yauchts and mansions by then thanking all the woke pharoahs and virtue signialling pleb media.