incel's last resort?

281  2018-02-22 by DowntownWrongdoer


Here is a list of threads in other subreddits about the same content:

Title Subreddit Author Time Karma
incel's last resort? /r/Braincels /u/muricunt 2018-02-21 11:54:54 147
Me_irl /r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns /u/SikkerOmTrans 2018-02-22 03:56:55 907

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My pet conspiracy theory is that Milo is being paid to fake the gay by some anti gay billionaire. Maybe a saudi prince or something. He's getting bribed to act up all these stereotypes and give the far-right a figurehead to point at and go See! - /u/bugsbunnyinadress

So anti-gay republicans are secretly gay, but outwardly gay republicans are secretly straight? πŸ€”

No, it's just that that guy in particular is so vile and cartoonish that I really wish I could explain him away like that

It's more believable than someone actually holding every belief he claims to hold. But I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.

So he’s a bisexual neocon?


so vile and cartoonish

What have you got against drag queens you bigot.

have you considered that identity politcs and intersectionality has made gay white men almost the bottom of the progressive stack, and theyre sick of being ignored and or treated badly in favour of a disabled black transexual for arbitrary reasons

You're not entirely wrong. Fwiw I abhor identity politics. But there's a lot of gay white men who have an 'I-got-mine' mentality, who think there's nothing more for them to fight for now there's gay marriage. To the queerer folk that engenders a lot of resentment.

whos "queerer" than a gay guy, thats exactly the problem im talking about

its not a competition and you dont get a bonus for being less normal

No but we are all in it together, all gender and sexual minorities.

I think most would agree trans folks are queerer than gay cis men. Not a competition, just facts.

As if Saudi billionaires aren't all gay. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†


cant have a male prostitute party if you arent

Maybe a saudi prince or something

Saudi princes love, love, love the bussy. It's the entire reason they take trips to Beirut.

My pet conspiracy theory is that Milo is just really, really retarded.


This has got to be one of the worst names for a subreddit.

Ohhh, there's drama in the traaaaannnnns thread: where the person in the picture is accused of being a Nazi and comes to defend herself!


hey can we keep him?

tfw Stacy cucks you for Chad so you cuck Chad away from her

cuck Chad away from her

This is where the plan falls apart.

Chad only goes for top tier passing bussy

Yea but traps have better than your normal stacy so it works

Better what? Milkers? Denied.






Yeah trans clits are fuckin huge


"I am the girlfriend"

So he is his own girlfriend?

Well Technically ---> πŸ–

So how does masturbation not make him an incel still?

Not slapping that hand.


Tfw not even your hand will have sex with you

he's touching tits.

I'm my own grandpa

It's Austin powers

That's a man, baby!

I know someone like this. They were an ugly autist that always had awful smelling breath and greasy hair, clearly never washed, and he would always abruptly butt into conversations.

Now he apparently identifies as a girl, either because no real girl will actually touch him or because it gives him an excuse not to have to get a fucking haircut.

Chris Chan also did this idk if he is still doing that but same deal.

I remember his improvised/homemade bussy lol that was wild

gussy, or rather, pseudo gussy. Wondering what you could call that...

Tussy. Still has a bussy, still has a feminine penis. He created a new feature between the two, in his taint.

I'm hoping that in the morning I don't remember this.


Un-clit 2.0

Trolling Induced Transsexuality Syndrome

Thank you! I once read the ED page about it but forgot the term. I have been looking for that term for a few months now but could not remember / find it on ED.

How can you have an article like that and forget Cosmo? Dude got the testosterone blown straight out of him live on stage with thousands watching.


He was a professional videogame player (lol) who got destroyed in the final round of the Nintendo World Championships, and shortly after he had a complete psychotic breakdown, became a tranny and quit professional gaming forever. Now xe just hosts twitch streams where xe cries and sleeps for several hours at a time (not exaggerating)

Is she single and ready to mingle?

or it gives him an excuse not to have to get a fucking haircut.

This is it

Autists are 7-10x more prone to gender dysphoria than general population.

Pretty sure it was a girl that said they would end up a lonely guy without a girlfriend.

That said, incel no more. Bussy Power!

For real though, there is a legit incel to transgender line out there. Go look at some of there histories, and you'll find a lot of little-Elliot Rodgers out there.

So you're saying that if more incels went trans, then less mass murders would happen?


Works for Iran, why not r/Braincels

If 16 year old me knew just how boring and unfulfilling life would be for me now at 33 and retired, I would’ve hopped on that train.

you're retired at 33, just get some fkn hobbies or fuck alot of girls. most people don't retire till 65 stop complaining you asshole.

You can give me your money and go back to work, that might fulfill you.


That didn't work for the Tranny Phantom shooter.

WTF is that sub?

I wandered over to look at a few posts and I still can't figure it out.

Its /r/incels reformed after being banned. It's weird because while being a circlejerk they all also hate themselves so there is at least less(not no) smugposting.

i can deal with incels more than trannies because of that, trannies just have so much pride about it for some reason

Then she'd still be shitposting whiny videos.

"I was at the mall today in this great dress and no one even looked at me. How can people not like ME, the supreme lady?"

Would you rape her after or before killing her?

yeah doesnt sound like a woman at all

I really think r/hapas should take note. Sure, they're not having much success in the dating arena now, but think about how much everyone loves Asian/half-Asian girls with daddy issues. Kelly Balthazar?

I mean cwc got tricked into believing he was a woman.


leave pls

Never seen it as CWC before

I'm here for drama, not lolcows. Leave please.

Chris Chan. The reason kiwi farms exists.

I know who he is never seen it as CWC tho, my bad

what does the w in cwc mean?


Xir's name is ChristianChristine Weston Chandler

Lol I thought the 2 C's meant Chris Chan haha

Shit, not sure.

cwc got tricked into believing he was a woman.

Too much erasure of trans* identity on this sub tbh

gotta respect the hustle

She cute

not surprised xe's your type

You haven't overdosed on fentanyl yet?

oh please tell me about the drug habits you think I have, this'll be good

Try typing that again without a needle sticking out of your arm

hahahaha for real what gave you the impression I do heroine?

I'm way too square for that

So just coke?

nah, just these lately

You're going to need to explain to me this drama, or I'll simply fill in the gaps myself and spread it around until corrected.

I'm guessing he was in to some chick who liked to party and take coke but he's the nerdy no drugs guy and some Chad came and pinched his lady.

/u/choriposting is alluding to drug use by /u/eva_unit_hung

What made choriposting think this? Was it a certain post by eva_unit_hung?

I WILL get my explanation or I will create one myself.

I'm interested in seeing what you can come up with tbh

You think you saw a post where eva said xe uses heroin.

Coke is awesome you little limp dick nerd

Lol limped dick I am not my friend. I'm on day two of my first serious nofap attempt and I just woke up from the most vivid fuck dream I ever had. My dick is still diamonds



O fuk rite

A /pol/ /r/the donald cross poster, boy am I glad you haven't killed yourself.

no u


Why is r/braincels still swallowing this megacope?

Some guys turned into real qt 3.14s

I mean how is this guy NOT getting laid?

So why don't ugly girls just do this?


Wait, that's a dude?


the only good reddit community

No he became a speedrunner.

Taking a page out of the CWC handbook?

think hes trying to grow some balls on the left hand side there

someone please repost this on r/gendercritical thank you I can't be bothered to make an alt


Train-sperg: Confirmed

Annnnnnnnnnnd still an incel. No one touching that.

What could possibly bring you to drama if not our pro-bussy policies.

What could possibly bring you to drama if not our pro-bussy policies.


Don't use link shorteners. Reddit automatically filters them.

balls. i hate linking to whole pages but i'm too stupid to link to any thing else! If only there were some sort of solution

What makes you believe this person is an incel?

If anything the retardation here is from the SJW people attacking her.