aznidentity crowd funded porno coming soon

68  2018-02-22 by _omniscient_


I guess Hiroshima and Nagasaki wasn't enough.

Don't forget the Firebombing of Tokyo.

Everyone goes on about Dresden but LeMay was like 'hold my beer'.



The girl looks like a sloth

Funny, I thought the proud AZN looked more like a sloth.

Anyone who would be offended by this is too busy reeeing on /b/, /gif/, and /s/ about Probably /pol/ too

This is actually real LOL.

Lol, why don't they just buy JAVs like everyone else?

Blurred genitals and the girls keep making those squealing sounds?

the girls keep making those squealing sounds?

But ... but I like those, they're hot

Don't forget the tentacles.

Lmao, imagine unironically watching JAV’s.

JAV actresses > Non JAV porn actresses

Lol, weebs are first to the wall.

Yeah man, everyone loves squeky faux voiced women acting like they're getting raped

Like I don't even know if you're trying to be ironic or not.

I'm being serious.

fat azn boy fucks washed up jap (not the gook kind)

Believe me now when I say porn rots your brain?

All that money and they couldn't even convince an actual white woman to do it and had to settle for some hook nosed kike? Just goes to show how unappealing gooks are

/u/feeepo is on the money as usual 😍

Wow that is pathetic

It is just so insignificant lol.

How do they think adding one more porn video into the ether of unlimitaed porn is actually going to do anything?

This might be the dumbest use of fundraised money ive ever seen.

That being said r/drama crowd funded trap porno furry cosplay when?

We could pay jewdank to deep throat some trap dick.

Why pay when bullying is cheaper and would actually work better?

Apparently looking at the reaction in this thread and how we got so many trolls hating and leaving threats on our sub, it is obvious that it is not "so insignificant lol".

and leaving threats on our sub.

lol this is either a) untrue or b) every 'threat' is sent to yourself, from yourself.

Yep, all fake news I am sure.

leaving threats on our sub

Things that have happened: NOT THIS

It is just so insignificant lol.

That's not a very nice thing to say about Azn cocks.

Even if it's true.

lol. This is like the best possible advertising for the idea that asian men are all bitter, sexually inadequate losers who have weird power-fantasies about fucking the most stereotypical "basic white bitch" possible an off-brand version of the most stereotypical "basic white bitch" possible, in the same way the bullied autist in middle school fantasizes about fucking the football captain's gf.

u/the0clean0slate You couldn't re-enforce the stereotype of 'sexually insecure asian men, obsessed with blonde, white chicks because of their victim complex' better if you tried.

(The irony of the asian guy only be able get the "made in China", low quality copy of the e-celeb is pretty funny, tho)

Why wouldn't you be obsessed with white blonde (as opposed to the Australian aborigine blonde)? They are the most iconic race. It's only natural to like them.

So much salt. I thought r/drama is suppose to laugh at salt and have a IDGAF attitude. All of that BS just proves that you do give a fuck and you are hurt.

We got a total of 5 aznidentity-level-woke members helping us on set and getting training. This is massive progress. Jeremy taught us all how to do it. So instead of 1 or 2 AM knowing how to actually create adult media to serve the Asian community, we now got 5 people who knows how to do it and went through the pipeline.

So, what did this training involve? Lighting? Post-production shit? Actually filming some part of it? Or did they just take turns fluffing the talent in between scenes?

Patrick. Just stop obsessing with us and get out of that basement.

How many alts are you going to create? What's the next Larp? An Asian-jew-female-transgender-SJW-raceplayer.

Who's this Patrick guy? Someone you met on Craigslist and only wanted some NSA action, but you wanted something more? Let me tell you a story about who I am:

I got rejected by the YTs when I was a kid because I brought a 咸鱼肉饼 for lunch and stank up the classroom with ethnic dankness #LunchboxMoment. I got rejected by the AZNs because they figured out that my dad literally bought my mom for two chickens, a carton of cigarettes and LaserDisc player... and because I like to wear a children's Kylo Ren mask at socially inappropriate times. I realized then, that I have no culture to call my own. I'm a tragic mulatto with no home. An abomination. Now I am become Hapocalypse, Destroyer of Tendies!


Patrick is a r/ccj sexpat who do know a kindergarden level of Chinese and always parade around with his tiny little vocab pool as if it is impressive. You just confirmed this behavior.

哈哈你跟典型的支那人一模一样。都有玻璃心。所谓的“洋垃圾”一直困扰着你吗?Also bro, I'm not an ESL teacher. I have some self-respect. I'm one of those Bay-Area tech bros you love to hate on so much.

Yeah, Patrick triple confirmed. He is mostly a taiwan sexpat. You are using a lot of vocabulary more popular in Taiwan than in mainland.


u/IanPatrick1966 is banned, get on with your fuckin' life

just because someone makes fun of you doesn't mean they're salty you idiot

you idiot

sounds pretty salty to me

yeah i've heard that autism makes it hard for people to understand how to interact with other people

Making fun of you and the other cucks from your sub does not = salty.

You guys are literally worse than incels.

lol, but seriously, good luck with the paid sex with the knock-off e-celeb, dude (I'd have thought you could fuck an actual d-list e-celeb for that money tbh. But not my area of expertise, I guess)

So much salt. I thought r/drama is suppose to laugh at salt and have a IDGAF attitude

A whole bunch of these losers in this subreddit are or were once "channers" themselves.

r/drama should crowdfund a porno with the mods blowing coke off a qt trap's fempeen

u/xNotch please donate $ for this

If /r/drama is going to do it I'd like to think they would at least be able to top something awful.

Still the best $40 I ever spent.

We should really piss them off and just raise double the amount and crowdfund a porno cucking the azn boi who was in this film. Is asa akira still popular? She must be getting old so her rate must be in the r/drama funding range.

I still beat it to Asa once a blue moon. When I’m in the mood for “plastic Asian cougar.”


LOL are you really that triggered over a porno ?

Are you a jew btw? jeez

simmer down on the fragility over there kike boy. Nothing wrong with more porn

im in correspondence with spez so ever throw out an anti semitic remark like that again and you will pay dearly

How bad is your asthma and do you have many corns on your feet?

Porn activism. Truly mankind has entered a dark and terrifying age from which it might never emerge.

I have to admit to being more than a little impressed by this stunning display of autism.

I'm not especially knowledgeable of US slang but is not paying someone else to fuck the woman you want to bang the very definition of cuck?



A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.

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Imagine staring at the face of a guy in a porn video and agonizing over whether his eyes look like yours before you can jerk off.

This is the best timeline for drama and the worst timeline for humanity.

/u/the0clean0slate who's the girl and how much did she get paid?

Did the other guys in the room feel cucked because they didn't get to fuck her?

No, they saw how little resistance and moisture her puss produced and were glad they didn't have to take sloppy seconds or thirds.

But sloppy seconds is extra wet.

Wet is nice when it's combined with tight, when it's combined with a flappy loose cavern of a pussy it just means you have to be John Holms or choose which side of your dick is going to get friction.

Elliot Rodger died for this

This is so funny to me. I have a fat, short, unattractive asian friend who literally has gotten more pussy (almost all white girls) than basically everyone I know

The confidence meme is so fucking real

You know JT Tran?

So what they're saying is they're going to prove Asian men are desirable to white women by paying a white woman to have sex with them?

Our hero Elliot Rodger gave his life to see this come true.

So, they raised three thousand dollars to make a porno as their way of saying "Fuck you whitey".

Props to the Asians then. Enjoy your jerkoff. Hope the magnifying glasses are cheap.

I just want to know how far into the barrel they had to scrape to find a slag that was within their budget.

A few of them in there actually inject some sense that this will actually backfire on them. Lol at these clowns thinking women will find them more desirable because of this. They’re better off spending their time/money on making a rom com about Asian men rather than a porno. Clearly shows how little they know about women for an entire sub dedicated to obsessing over women.

If we are going to allow miscegenation to happen we need to kill the offspring if they are male -- especially in the case of the Hapa.

Let's examine the scenario. A girl Hapa will have no issues getting future dates and sexual partners. She would be 50% asian and 50% white and for a female those are (or can) be 2 of the top desired groups in terms of females.

The male on the other hand becomes a crazed lunatic. Because almost all Hapa parents are White Male, Asian Female the male Hapa child will be unable to fulfill his father's legacy. Because he is half an asian male (an undesirable group) he feels inadequate and is painfully aware that no female group is interested in him, not even the same type of group as his own mother.

Here we can see the outcome of such a crazed individual. The Hapa-Cuck. Maddened by his own frenzy he believes that paying a bottom-tier "white" woman to have sex on film with an Asian male that they are somehow scoring a point for themselves and against whitey.

Keep in mind that all of us were volunteers and didn't take a single cent of this money. The only salaried person on set that day were the male and female talents.

How do you not finally Keep Yourself Safe when you're literally volunteering to fluff someone, pay them and then hold the camera and then live vicariously through a dude as he fucks some girl just in front of you.

The best part of this whole thing is how transparent it is. All of this is being done under some guise of "Pro-Asian" propaganda, but its clearly just the small-dicked beta incel Asian support group.

I'd love to know how supportive this Asian community would be if an Asian woman decided to drop by and make a post that casually mentioned her "white boyfriend". I'm sure she would be warmly welcomed into the fold.

Lol that's pretty funny. Got to give them credit for creating something! Most spergs only fantasize about doing something

I mean, part of me is sort of proud of them. A small part.

Your dick is proud? U asian?

no! Eurasian! (get it? 'you're asian'!)

I'm Asian myself and I STILL don't understand the purpose of the subreddit r/aznidenity. Do other Asian people see the group division between Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims(?) and say "Yeah, I want to get in on that noise."?

They raised their tiny yellow dicks in unison as they furiously masturbated themselves into 2050. T I M E T R A V E L Y' A L L