Requesting /r/Drama, current mod team is proving to be useless against the waves of targeted harassment. • r/redditrequest

68  2018-02-22 by shitpost953


Please, per the stickypost we had up here for days, do not mean ping the SRSer literally named /u/cryaboutitthen

Fuck you for stealing my damn shitpost. But seriously, the mods here are useless.

You deserve to be caught by Tom, tbh.

That's the point, I think. It helps keep the drama going

If we ping/u/cryaboutitthen, will he cry about it?

/u/cryaboutitthen how is your day going so far

/u/cryaboutitthen have you cried about anything recently? If so I can try and cheer you up!

/u/cryaboutitthen how could you have possibly thought that would work? Will you please come here and cry about it then?


Oh no, the poor poor oppressed nerds. I wish these fuckers really got bullied the way they claim to have, would have taught them to keep their mouth shut a little more often.

/u/cryaboutitthen Too bad Projectionist is a dying career field, you'd have been great at it.

/u/cryaboutitthen, is your grand plan to delete drama? I assure you the new mods will destroy this sub quicker than you could. Some idiot modded Ed twice.

he's actually on his third go.. his second one lasted 2 mins

I stand corrected. Three fucking times. Well, fourth time is the charm.


That'll be all.

Don't worry Ed, someone will get drunk and demod you again. If a cat doesn't eat them first.



All I've done so far is just prevented hodor from adding you back if Jerry comes after you again. God speed! Sometimes he day drinks so don't think you're safe.

snitches get scritches OwO

I should have stuck to mouse and cat jokes.

الموت ل نيوفاغس و مايوس

ماذا اللعنة أنت تتحدث عن نيغا؟ مترجم بلدي لا يعمل لناو

كان ذلك مع ترجمة جوجل

أمك عاهرة

لا، أنت

Lmaooo to actually know what لا means so judging by the size of the comment, I knew what you wrote. :D

You know Arabic?

Someone call Daddy, we've got a terrorist here

You know Arabic

Nah just a few words َلوُلْ (lol)

Well, I know Arabic when I have access to Google translate


Some idiot modded Ed twice

Excuse me but that's ablist and I do believe that u/HodorTheDoorHolder needs reparations from you now

Um, I was trying not to disability shame, thanks for calling him out. Now he might feel bad about himself. That's on you.

Oh no you don't! We're both going dkwn

implying I'd go down with you.

This is sexual harassment.

Please don't kinkshame

Give me back my full permissions.

Lol no.

I disagree

Yeah but earlier you tried to make the argument that I should give you perms so you could fight my boyfriend irl so I'm not really counting your arguments as valid despite their content or lack thereof.


Wow u/UsedToDonateBlood! What a revelation, huh? Who could’ve guessed that the decline of r/drama was due to one of their mods being a bona fide white supremacist, and the majority of the mod team supporting a Neo-Nazi?

Now, now. Before you all get too excited about this, it’s very important to keep in mind the feelings of the r/drama moderator team. Put yourself in their shoes. They’ll wake up, load up Reddit on their computer or phone, and then discover that their deepest darkest secrets have been revealed.

This could be highly triggering to them, and they might frown, they might be sad. They might even cry! Hurting other people’s feelings is extremely problematic. Klansmen like r/drama mods have feelings too!

What might make them even more triggered is if these screenshots are spread even further!

I mean, it’s quite clear when Neo-Nazi and Drama moderator u/cryaboutitthen is triggered. His grammar takes a steep decline, he makes a ton of spelling/typing errors, he becomes extremely desperate trying to pretend he’s not a Nazi despite his love for the blog Fuhrerious 88.

We wouldn’t want to witness u/cryaboutitthen in this state, would we? We wouldn’t want his friends to have hurt feelings today, right?

With all that’s been said here, I just want to wish everyone here a wonderful day! I’ve been looking forward to this for a while...

tl;dr It would be a shame if every Redditor became aware of these leaked screenshots from the r/drama mod team

Tbh if they weren’t useless, they’d be boring and no fun.

It should be a sidebar rule that any actual modding behavior is cause for dismissal.

/u/cryaboutitthen I've infiltrated the mod team. Wish me luck!!

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

Where'd you get this pasta


The retard that wrote that is constantly complaining about how /r/drama has fallen to SJWs, just check the OP of that thread for a couple of examples.

Holy fuck, this isn't some basic bitch conservative autistic screeching. This is advanced retardation

Holy fuck, this isn't some basic bitch conservative autistic screeching. This is advanced retardation

And the left things we re literally a hate sub

This is the heavy load borne by the radical centrist

how the fuck has /r/dramma fallen to SJWs i dropped a hard r n bomb on a mod just yesterday and was just called an autist, not banned and castrated.

I bet that stupid bird is delicious with some lemon and herb.

Not if you can't catch it, hahahahaha. I am all things and no things. <3

After I asked you which intelligence service you work for and if you were on a VPN, you ran away after trying to act superior, Are you afraid of being on the CIA, NSA, FSB, MI6, Mossad's radar, why did you run from me when I was interrogating you, I think I know what you are now, pal. You messed up, you pissed off someone who works in intel.


Fucking mark....will he go and cry about this in SRS🤔

.....Anyway - stay strong mods

" This was a paid propoganda post"

The subreddit /r/drama has 23 moderators with recent public activity. Subreddits aren't eligible for request if any mod has been active anywhere on reddit in the past 60 days. The active moderators are listed below. (Results limited to first 25 moderators of 27 total.)

Even the bots agree that we're amazing

r/Drama for new default sub 2018

I sincerely wish that someone takes over this subreddit and only allows those Indian soap operas to be posted here

Hahahaha oh my god, I knew this guys name looked familiar. I joke about this all the time but I forgot where it came from:

Fucking commie degenerate wanting to murder firefighters because they don't go to black and brown neighborhoods oh lord.

I like that his argument against the existence of firefighters is that there aren't enough of them where he wants them to be. Them not showing up to a minority neighborhood is a bad thing, so let's make sure they don't exist so they can never show up anywhere at all ever again.

You know someone's a sheltered mayo when they've never been in a black or hispanic neighborhood and noticed that there are actually plenty of unburnt houses there.

I'm placing a bet he's the NEET son of either a firefighter or a cop, and will set the odds at 10 to 1. Any takers?

This person is either the most violent and stupid lefty on the planet or is a troll. I hope to Christ it's the latter.

this person has to be a troll, or a robot. no sane poster would say the things they say

Sounds like my archenema.

I thought my bf broke up with me (turns out his phone died, whoops) so I got together with some guy on tinder. I'll be blunt, tinder guy was a major upgrade, and had he not been in town on vacation I would have put a ring on him that day. Taller, more athletic, deep voice, and a legitimately pringles can sized member. I thought he was joking about it, but no, my tube of sour cream and onion was the same size, and it felt incredible. We must have covered every inch of my apartment, regrettably in what seemed like a good idea at the time, he sent snapchat videos of our session to my bf. Needless to say when my bf charged his phone he was none to pleased to find his snapchat inbox filled with it. He pretended not to see them, as he never brought it up again and somehow didn't break up with me. Gotta say I'm still surprised he didn't, but whatevs.

my tube of sour cream and onion was the same size, and it felt incredible

I don't understand this. Can anyone explain?

They got a can of Pringles from the pantry which happened to be of the sour cream and onion variety and did a comparison with it

Lol, well, I guess r/Drama has fucked up my reading comprehension. I was thinking it was a euphemism.


Gary moderating /r/drama

Pleasing thought


you're doing a good job of living up to your name! keep up the great work!

I am all sorts of hot and bothered because I somehow knew right away that u/subpoutine's acronym "DDF" stood for Daddy Defense Force.

No matter how little time I spend here with you retards, you're still in my mind. You're just like that Willie Nelson song, r/drama

No matter how little time I spend here with you retards, you're still in my mind. You're just like that Willie Nelson song, r/drama

i agree 1 hunnert percent drama r jus like pancho n lefty


u/Assy-McGee 10 points 7 hours ago

/u/sodypop un-ironically this, but make the worst person possible top-mod

But we already modded /u/Ed_ButteredToast


you know it

I know it

everybody knows it

no u

First you start using Telegram

Now you type in sand people?

Dude, you're seriously on some lists.

pedo ones

Actually, I'm doing an AMA today here. Stay tuned 😉

Will you post an irl pic? Like, how fat are u, srsly?

On a scale from yuge to trolltwox ?

Irony, thy name is /u/cryaboutitthen.

The sub is about to hit the critical mass of 50k subs where it turns to shit. This is to be expected, cause its been shit lately.

it’s always been shit

Trust me SRS, you can't handle fempiring this sub, we will consume your fucking souls.