Horseshoe theory confirmed as James Damore's biggest hater gdts shitcanned by Google and is now suing them.

65  2018-02-22 by UnexpectedLizard


When I first saw this article from, its title was:

Ex-Google Employee Claims Wrongful Firing For Criticizing James Damore's Memo

Here are some other articles about this story:

I am a bot trying to encourage a balanced news diet.

These are all of the articles I think are about this story. I do not select or sort articles based on any opinions or perceived biases, and neither I nor my creator advocate for or against any of these sources or articles. It is your responsibility to determine what is factually correct.

Marry me bot!

What a brave soul fighting racism and sexism and speaking out about harassment and diversity. He was just too liberal for this cruel world.


Good bot

fired for condemning diversity memo

How many layers deep are we?

The suit alleges that Chevalier was chastised by his manager for spending too much time on “social activism”

social activism

These days it means REEEEEEEing on twitter

Shit bird spends to much time not doing it's job. News at 11:00.

RADICAL CENTER Google has managed to get sued by both the left and right of the autism spectrum.

We are all Google now.

Wtf I love google now

user reports:

1: NEWFAG ALT alert, someone get Ed in here to flair this NEWFAG up


Anyone who posts on r/drama and doesn't delete/recreate their account every month or so is asking for trouble.

Don't post personal information then. Not my fault people just can't help themselves while posting self doxx.

E: Notapplicacable to those who are S P R E A D O U T

spoken like a true soyboy

An autist neckbeard right-wing mayo man and an fat SJW trans mayo man.

The real problem is that Google isn't discriminating mayo men enough.

Fat Marxist faggot gets fired. Gee, I wonder why...

Oh, wait.

unironically quoting nora reed is a fireable offense in itself

Has she somehow not been institutionalized yet?


Why would anyone deliberately change from being any ugly man to an ugly woman? I mean, sure, you are ugly but at least you are a man.

Did he just pull out his pubes and stick them on his chin?

Wellesley college

can't make this shit up LMFAO

It's like he's ticking off all the SJW boxes one at a time. I guess he was tired of people saying SJWs weren't a real thing.

Was probably someone else's pubes

Isn't that that JonTron guy?


Why do you think he went trans? Can't accuse him of male priveledge now!

Fat Marxist faggot


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Oh just so delicious.

"Let's create internal message boards where employees are encouraged to discuss the hot button issues of the day. Robust discussion will make everyone smarter."

Looks like Google placed too much faith in people. There will be no such considerations taken when they create the robot AI that will take over the planet and exterminate/enslave humanity.

I always find it funny that people think robot overlords will enslave us, what the fuck can we do for them?

Batteries duh!

Flesh sexbots

People in general are some of the smallest, pettiest creatures on planet earth. Giving them one place where they can all “anonymously” air their grievances is just asking for weaponized resentment.

It actually works when google was full of basically apolitical nerdy white engineers who are actually capable of discussing controversial topics and playing with controversial ideas.

I've been in teams of people like that and this kind of thing is perfectly fine. Then you add in people who can't play or take everything personally and you just can't do it anymore.

Exactly this.

Unironically, it's important for people to understand that no one gives a fuck about your feelings. Too many people actually expect anyone other than their mom and their bf/gf are supposed to care- we don't.

Unironically, it's important for people to understand that no one gives a fuck about your feelings

This concept is becoming endangered in American (white collar) society. The good intentions behind "we should be nicer to people and try to practice empathy" have been transformed into "anybody can hold you accountable for their emotional state at any time". Unsurprisingly, a social arrangement like that is incredibly easy to weaponize politically. This whole Google thing is just the canary in the coalmine - this sort of thing is going to become routine.

This is a familiar cycle: Low-emotion people create some thing because people who aren't focused on theirs and others' emotions all the freaking time are more productive. That thing becomes massively successful and all the high-emotion people decide to join it, and ruin everything. Then the low emotion people split off again, etc. I think you're going to see a big exodus from this culture pretty soon, so people can just do their own thing without being constantly monitored by the emotion police. It's already happening with the Peter Thiels of the world.

I think you're going to see a big exodus from this culture pretty soon, so people can just do their own thing without being constantly monitored by the emotion police.

Made all the easier by the isolating/enveloping effect of personal technology and how it allows people to create their own environment, socially and otherwise. I have a professional relationship with somebody who's working on VR right now; apparently demand is exploding, and why wouldn't it? You can turn a dreamscape or fantasy world into a reality.

you don't have to use euphemisms like 'high emotion people' you can just say women this is a safe space

user reports:

1: I have a NEWFAG ALT detector *beep beep beep* Oh look, I found one


I'm not convinced this isn't an honeypot to make it easier to fire people.

excited to see how many of you spergs totally switch sides when it is/isnt /yourguy/ feeling the sting of corporate power

Yeah it would be so weird to think someone should be fired when they spend their free time thinking white men should never have jobs.

Yes. Another fact that TOTALLY DOESN'T SEPARATE THE TWO is that one was ACTIVELY trying to get people fired and got canned for it, the other guy just had some boo-hoo-sad-sad opinions. Totally the same.

Five years experience is preferred for this entry-level colonizer position

"Yeah it would be so weird to think someone should be fired when they spend their free time thinking women are too neurotic to be engineers."

like i dunno why you think you can make this argument without being blatantly inconsistent, the whole thing is founded on "my opinion good their opinion bad"

X people are less inclined to go after Y job is totally the same as we should literally never ever hire Z people.

I think you should stick a funnel up your butt and shit onto your own face.

I'm all for standing against the fist of corporate oppression and all that, but surely you're not suggesting both guys' behaviour is all that similar.

Well one is an autist who was trying to act in good faith and the other was a bully who cried victim. Im sure I know which one drama supports

Both are good for dramacoin

Which one has the tighter bussy?

One wrote a memo against diversity and the other is "Queer". So one was taking fists nightly, while the other never seen a penis other then his own.

The 5th bullet point of the Radical Centrism Manifesto dictates that you call them both retards and move on

What are other bullet points?

Call them both retards and move on

They both get the bullet.

Do you know where you are?


If you want to see more of that go over to the ghazi thread of this.

Also got "well no one will talk about this because they aren't a straight white male"...because obviously that privilege paid off so well for James lol.

It's pretty transparent. Even if the situations aren't quite the same, you know the reaction would be much different here if some nurse/teacher at a prestigious hospital/school circulated a memo charging that men are less biologically capable at the job because they're more likely to be aggressive, impulsive, less able to identify emotions in themselves and others, etc.

I'm pretty sure 90% of most nurses are burly latin chicks who could easily beat up dudes, imo~

Damore's memo didn't say that women are less capable programmers FYI.

Ya itd be more like if a female nurse claimed that male-to-female enrollment rates were the way they are due to men's biological disinclination towards the field of nursing.

Which I would assume at least 90%+ of men would have no issue with.

He publicly circulated a memo that stated that women are less likely to enter the programming field because of biotruths that are perceived to be negative traits. Publicly citing biological differences between groups for any sort of negative outcome in the workplace is a fucking stupid idea regardless of whether or not the information is true, and whether it's something like 'they're less capable' or 'participation is lower, wink wink' or anything remotely similar because it alienates the workers who belong to the disparaged group and prevents the company from recruiting talent that belongs to that group if word gets around that the workplace allows people to disparage that group. Feel free to say whatever you want to your heart's content in private. Anybody who circles a memo through their company stating 'x group is y because of [biological factor]' is a fucking idiot who deserves to get fired ten times over.

it's hilarious how the autists like to try and nitpick. "He didn't say they were unable, just that biologically speaking it's much less likely they would ever be able to do it" the unwritten hint hint wink wink being "who's dick did she suck to get her job?"

idgi. It's not that hard to be at least somewhat logically consistent, especially if you've ever held a basic corporate job in this case. It doesn't take advanced reasoning skills to understand that circulating a memo that says 'x demographic group is y because [biology]' is probably one of the fastest ways to get shitcanned, and for good reasons.

it was funny I saw in some linux thread that got linked here, everyone whining about google being infested with sjw's ect. I said it was bullshit to label a 90,000 person company like this because of a shit storm among their engineer autists. They replied that "even the CEO got involved and gave a statement!" Yah why do you think Damore got fired? He caused such a PR shit storm by being a brainless self righteous tard that the CEO of this massive company now has to give a statement about this dumbasses' philosophy paper. The moment any CEO has to give a statement about company culture due to the actions of some idiot employee is when that employee is getting tossed out the door. Personally I would have fired all of the engineers caught up in that fracas since it's not a fucking daycare, it's a place to work. Engineers have this amazing delusion that they are these unique flowers rather than someone that can easily be replaced by a dude from India who's probably a better coder than them, so they should appreciate and do their fucking jobs

There's a good piece from a woman in tech about how Damore's firing was less about the validity of what he said, and more about him being a liability after it was published. It's weird that the instinctual response is anger towards women and society at large, instead of the corporation that cut him loose to proactively defend against a potential lawsuit

I know it's hard for you to keep track, but words have actual meanings.

More like "Females choose not go into engineering because they tend to be interested in other things like being social and having friends, so we should make our engineering positions more inclusive to those interests."

How fucking could he say such a terrible thing, smdh. Better lock him up.

no it's more of why is your dumbass posting essays on why you think people you don't know act in certain ways on your company message board. What fucking goal are you hoping to accomplish? They are paid to work, not live out their fantasies of being autismo Socrates pontificating on the ways of the world. I think plenty of shit that would piss people off, guess what opinions I'm never going to share at work because i'm not socially retarded? These fucking fools who think their job is a platform for their activism career are insufferable, the xir anarcho kids and the alt-right tards alike

no it's more of why is your dumbass posting essays on why you think people you don't know act in certain ways on your company message board?

IIRC he sent his memo to some internal diversity initiative asking for comments, as a comment they were asking for, and it was "leaked" from it by some SJW going "would you look at this shit" a month or two later.

As is tradition.

Hundred Flowers Campaign

The Hundred Flowers Campaign, also termed the Hundred Flowers Movement (simplified Chinese: 百花运动; traditional Chinese: 百花運動; pinyin: Bǎihuā yùndòng), was a period in 1956 in the People's Republic of China during which the Communist Party of China (CPC) encouraged its citizens to openly express their opinions of the communist regime. Differing views and solutions to national policy were encouraged based on the famous expression by Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong: "The policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend is designed to promote the flourishing of the arts and the progress of science." The movement was in part a response to the demoralization of intellectuals, who felt estranged from The Communist Party. After this brief period of liberalization, Mao used this to oppress those who challenged the communist regime by using force. The crackdown continued through 1957 as an Anti-Rightist Campaign against those who were critical of the regime and its ideology.

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I don't know why companies decided hiring entire departments devoted to affirmative action or asking employees to play Socrates was a good idea, but acting like they aren't just as retarded as the political kiddies they employ is very disingenuous.

Well since social media has deluded our country to the point that most people think they have amazing opinions everyone should hear, it's pretty difficult to hire people who can't help but bare their ass to everyone constantly, especially amongst the people graduating college right now.

That is why i hide behind anonymity to give you all my very enlightened opinions.

just that biologically speaking it's much less likely they would ever be able willing to do it

why are you going through old threads?

Fuck if I know

There's a huge difference between "women are less capable at X" and "women are less interested in X" because the latter doesn't imply in any shape or form that women who do X are bad at it.

The further argument that while this might be so, it's still irresponsible to say aloud because people don't distinguish between the two and feel upset and alienated because every single feminist with a twitter, blog, or a journalist job did everything humanly possible to equate the two is top shelf retardation.

There's a huge difference between "women are less capable at X" and "women are less interested in X" because the latter doesn't imply in any shape or form that women who do X are bad at it.

The reasons given for the disparity are negative traits. Ascribing them by virtue of genes to a demographic of people, some of which who share your workplace, is a completely valid reason to get shitcanned. There's no benefit to doing it to begin with, and it will make many people who belong to that group unhappy regardless of whether or not the traits apply to them. There aren't many people who would be happy reading sweeping negative generalizations about a group they belong to. There's a reason why a good portion of the posts featured here involve somebody of any given demographic getting upset because somebody made a generalization about that demographic. People even do it in this sub pretty frequently, and this isn't even remotely close to as serious as a workplace environment.

How is interest in people vs things a negative trait? Is its opposite, being an autistic shut-in, a positive now?

Did you read the memo yourself btw?

I think snally's point is that Damore's opinions were obviously going to piss people off from the get-go, and that he should have known that getting fired and becoming a political lightning rod would be the outcome of airing his views to his colleagues. The validity or accuracy of his opinions on their own merits is a separate issue. It probably shouldn't be, but it is.

I think snally's point is that Damore's opinions were obviously going to piss people off from the get-go

Imagine a feminist going all out with those points. Women are so much better than men at middle-management jobs, reconciling the differences and all that stuff, so it's not surprising that a lot of managers are women.

Say what? It's not about what's true, it's about what benefits women. Damore's stuff didn't benefit women so he was labeled a misogynist and fired.

Some fat lesbian woman at google says that women are naturally more suited for managerial jobs because they're better at resolving conflicts and she's praised for that.

The difference is that this thing you've described happened in your imagination and the Damore thing happened in reality

This is true. Are you implying that such a thing is unlikely to happen in reality?

And by the way, seeing how I'm drunk and going to sleep, I'm upset about this whole Damore thing because made me feel like a chemtrails person and I didn't like it at all.

Everyone knows that James Damore said that women statistically suck at programming. Literally everyone except me. This is because everyone with a twitter or a blog or a newspaper access said that he said that, that women suck at programming.

And it's like, I'm now in the same kind of environment and treated exactly as the people who talk about 9/11 being an inside job or chemtrails being real. EVERYONE KNOWS that Damore said that women suck at programming. If I say that this is not at all what Damore said, then I'm a part of the people who believe that women suck at programming and should be shut down.

Except I know that I can tell you to go and read the memo yourself and you will see that it doesn't say nothing like that, but I'm still shut down because defending him makes me a misogynist, and it's established that he really said that which makes everyone defending him a misogynist.

But I can go and reread the memo, and you can too, and see that there's no misogynist stuff there. But EVERYONE KNOWS and this makes me really upset about the way we humans can figure what's true after all. We can't.

Publicly citing biological differences between groups for any sort of negative outcome in the workplace is a fucking stupid idea regardless of whether or not the information is true,



Snally do you enjoy anal? you seem to climb up your own ass a lot.

Sorry that I'm not joining the outrage train over some guy acting like a dumbass in the workplace.

>Spend time typing out paragraphs misrepresenting some dude every time his name is mentioned

>Not outraged

Ya, okay.

Snally, big difference between ability and inclination.

That's not the point. The point is that it's completely inappropriate to publicly announce your opinions on biological differences between groups in a corporate environment, particularly if the traits behind the differences are negative vs. positive. There's a time and a place to voice those opinions, and it's definitely not at work.

Well, I just don't see it as an insult. I don't really think it is strictly biological either and that would be a difficult topic to prove in terms of biology and society/nurture.

I just think all of that is dramatically different than some psycho that wants all cis white men fired.

If someone was saying that men don't pursue elementary education in large numbers I would not take it as a claim that I am personally inferior. The people I see most bothered by that dude are the ones completely fabricating what he said and what happened.

corporate environment

Part of he issue IMO is that Google tried to be the cool kids that aren't corporate, which might be okay until people start talking politics. It's part of the issue with some open source projects and CoCs. Corporate environments are great at making people keep their stupidity to themselves.

Oh, google is totally to blame for a large portion of what's happening. I don't understand why they thought encouraging employees to talk politics wouldn't be a disaster.

I imagine a lot of "hip" tech companies have similar issues, especially since many of them started very small and never changed when they got big. Google's shit would be OK if they had 100 employees. In all honesty I'd rather work somewhere like Microsoft, which probably has a more "corporate" environment.

I've heard some pretty petty stories about tech companies that took the ~startup culture~ way too far. Yeah, Microsoft is definitely more of a corporate environment than most tech companies, though what your experience is there largely depends on the product and team you're working with.

I think when the startup bubble crashes and once we hit saturation for computer scientists/programmers, we'll start to see these companies either lose relevance or move more towards more corporate environments.

Youre right, of course. Google probably should have realized the same before soliciting their employees opinions on diversity initiatives though

Google definitely has a large portion of the blame in this. Public political discussion/debate has no place in a corporate environment.

But wouldnt it be true?

Is shaking my head in disbelief and then laughing about how stupid people are switching sides? Cause that's what I did... in both situations.

for once radical centrism is the correct take, gj

I dunno, I think it's different to have some angry co-worker spreading some spergs dumb autistic rambling and another flooding twitter and the like with nonstop garbage about how XYZ is non-stop oppressing and constantly whining about about capitalism on a google paycheck.

I mean, both are insanely autistic, but one seems far more malicious and annoying then the other?

Yeah, it's less "are they behaving similarly?" and more "does Google have the right to fire whomever it thinks is or might cause drama?"

That is fucking hilarious.

Two assholes get in an argument.

Me, shaking head wisely: "horseshoe theory confirmed"

Wow how could anyone possibly misgender this beautiful woman. I'm really starting to think at least half of white mtf trans are just gender trenders trying to escape their white privledge and hop up on their soapbox to talk over actually oppressed people. I'm definitely sure there are white people not lying about gender dysmorphia, this fat fuck is not one of those. Oh shit am I a terf? :(

Why keep the beard? If you're trans the very first and easiest thing to transition is to lose the facial hair.

You know that dude would without irony, go hit on a guy and then call them transphobic when they don't want to ride him while gripping his beard.

Watch the movie "Get Out".

You know they'd go transracial if they could.

Hell, Rachel Dolezal tried.

Imagine the shame his parents feel.

Based on what google staff tends to look like, by too much social activism it must have been 100% because the rest look like its their side job, hobby, and calling.

I bet that fatty with the blue hair lost a good friend today.

So if he's a queer trans does that mean he's attracted to women? Doesn't that make him a cis male with a mental disorder?

My brain starting shutting down when I read "Chevalier, who is queer and transgender". How are you both? You literally identify with another gender, then date that gender? Or date the old opposite gender? Is that even straight or gay at that point?

Bottom line if anyone calls out more than one identifier then just stay the hell away. Don't talk to them, don't hire them, don't look at them or they might sue you.

queer literally just means any sort of not straight, it really isnt confusing at all if youre not retarded

yeah but how can we tell if he is straight

knights can't be queer