triggered by this sub
5 2018-02-22 by lazyanhedoniac
Normies playing at some limp dicked bullying and snickering at the word "autistic". Check the edgy sidebars and an attempted distinction from SRD too. How can anyone lack self-awareness this much. It's like an even worse version of normies who try to pretend they're tough by dealing out "hard wisdom" that magically falls in line with all conventional truths every time. Here it's just castrated centrism and saying the words "retarded" and "autistic" over and over again.
1 PM_ME_FREE_FOOD 2018-02-22
1 lazyanhedoniac 2018-02-22
Improve your erection angle please
1 AlohaWarrior34 2018-02-22
Imagine being this much of a moralfag.
1 fsdgfhk 2018-02-22
I mean, I get that incels think that calling someone a "normie" is an insult, but personally I'm pretty OK being accused of being normal by someone who's main achievement is being sexually repulsive. Sorry if someone hit a nerve with that stuff about autists and retards tho.
Dude, Some of the mods here are castrated; ablism like that won't fly around here, bucko.
1 lazyanhedoniac 2018-02-22
You sound like a literal autist. I bet that hit a nerve and I bet I get a lot of upvotes for this in this sub.
1 fsdgfhk 2018-02-22
lol, I have no idea what you're trying to say. But anyway, why have he incel subs so quiet lately? Why aren't you guys nailing your dicks to planks, or posting shit about how to fuck dogs anymore?
1 lazyanhedoniac 2018-02-22
Good chunk moved away from reddit to greener pastures