Apparently even Swedish Reddit has been taken over by "racists". How can smart fellas over at r/onguardforthee combat this?

67  2018-02-22 by Finn005


it's ok to be a fascist, /u/ElMachoGrande

It's legal, but it's not OK.

"I actually believe this is a systematic, state-actor funded campaign to take over country reddits. Sucks that it's happened to Sweden too. I wonder where else it's happened. "

Jesus fucking christ...

This smells like the work of Russians...

You spelled Soros wrong.

Soros is Russian

Soros was born in Hungary. It's possible he's of slavic lineage though that matters less than what he does.

Sorry to everyone for the serious post!

And who ran Hungary until the 90s? Russia, that's who!

Soros did nothing wrong. He is literally apex capitalism in action, an oligarch that can just do whatever he wants because he is rich. Thankfully he is a humanist.

You dumb fucking hicks bray and whinny about 'muh Soros' while fanatically advocating the same type of capitalism that created him.

Thankfully he is a humanist.

tfw when u literally pay millions of dollars to your homeland so that they can get out of third worldism with top-tier education and redevelopments for impoverished Hungarian neighborhoods and they hate your guts anyway lol

hurr durr lets lower taxes and fill the US with people like Soros daddy daddy lmao

like soros

Humanitarians or Oligarchs?

Humanitarians or Oligarchs?


He's anti-nationalist, and thus needs to die.

Hes like 108 dude even if he died right now it wouldn't do anything to his Righteous lifetime of Good Works.

You lost, bitch.

It's only just beginning.

And people who hate him are not hyper-capitalist at all, so your edgy comment was pretty stupid.

He is literally apex capitalism in action

That's such a fat piece of shit I'm suprised you didn't burst your bussy pushing it out.

Soros IS capitalism. Capitalism IS the destruction of the nation state.

No that's communism. Fascism is communism with the nation state still intact.

Pure Capitalism leads to Oligarchy and Aristocracy.

  1. Pure capitalism has never existed, ever

  2. Oligarchy and Aristocracy do not kill the identity of a nation state

Are you trying (Badly) to trigger me or simply having fun proving that you are a moron?

You should read about monarchy and nationalism.

I have from sources before the 1900's even. I bet all your sources are written after 1940 or wiki.

1st hand sources of history are not wrote truth. Later analysis is always more accurate

I'd send you a picture of my bussy for your rampant stupidity but I'm afraid you would actually like it.

You bussy is nasty, hoe.

You would lick the shit right out of it. Don't lie.

way 2 tight 4 me, I want a real man bussy

Don't worry I have hemorrhoids so it feels loose.

Of course, it's always the (((Russians))) to these people.

Only Russian bots would suspect Russian bots!

what if that's actually all of it

Faggots everywhere

Well when your country goes from almost zero crime to grenade attacks, rapes, no-go zones, etc. And the only appreciable change to your demographics is that you let in a few hundred thousand Muslims.

Then it's obvious that the Nazis are the cause of all your woes.

They honestly have a lot to learn from Murica🔥 🇺🇸

They need to import more amerifats so they can have more school shootings.

Well, the majority of school shootings are from recent immigrants, so that could work...

Fake news.

white Americans


Nuh-uh, we aren't sending our best!

I'd take 100 Muslims over 1 Amerifat tbh

I fan of rape I see

Not every Muslim is a rapist, but every American is a retard. Plus I'm not a woman so I won't get raped anyway.

Not every Muslim is a rapist

[Citation needed]

so I won't get raped anyway.

[citation needed]

Muslims love bussy. Remember, its not gay if its not consensual.

Lawrence of Arabia learned that the hard way. The hard way.



Well, if it helps the mayocide, I'm fine with it

Still only 1/6th the murder rate of America, tho.

You guys should probly ask the Swedes for some tips on managing crime, huh?

Do you realize how stupid this comment is? "Hahaha we still have only a fraction of your crime stupid American." Meanwhile you know exactly what the problem is and if you and your dumbass politicians would just stop importing people who want to murder you it would stop.

But please, keep importing them, keep watching your crime rate catch up to America's. Shit is hilarious watching a de facto ethnostate embrace diversity and try to convince their population that being raped and murdered is better because now you've got a bunch of brown people.

Congratulations Eurofag, you played yourself.

Not yurpeen.

I just think it's kinda funny that America is 6 times as much of shithole as the smouldering, post-apocalyptic ruins of Swedistan.

Meanwhile you know exactly what the problem is and if you and your dumbass politicians would just stop

Yeah- imagine living in a country where it's totally obvious to everyone why you have a way higher crime rate than any other first world country, but everybody is too retarded to do anything about it.

We imported our browns a couple hundred years ago and have since relegated them to special no-go zones like "Chicago," "Baltimore," "New Orleans" etc. where they're free to murder each other without government interference.

I'm sure Sweden is enjoying its expedited journey to being an American-style shithole.

Hey, Baltimore is pretty okay overall, the whole place isn't like in The Wire.

Its more like Homicide, anyways

Sweden still beats America out. We paid good money for us and dragged them here in chains; they just let theirs in for free.

keep importing them, keep watching your crime rate catch up to America's

even if i accepted the premise, by the time they caught up the middle east would be empty and its former denizens would be getting liberalized in scandinavitown

That's how much better off they are

How's that sand nigger dick taste? Sandy with a hint of goat?

tastes like the problems of the world slowly and tumultuously fading away

Glad to see you've already submitted to Islam. Inshallah brother.

My QoL doesn't include the forced swallowing of Muslim jizz so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

My QoL doesn't include the forced swallowing of Muslim jizz

who said anything about "forced"?

you know what the Swedish definition of "rape" is, right?

Pretty sure you were able to swallow buckets of cum pre-Muslim invasion. The Swedes usually take gold in that at the Olympics if the Canadians don't beat them out.

Or if you specifically hunger for the sperm of peace, you could visit whatever worthless pile of sand the derka derkas are currently fighting over. I'd suggest packing a parachute as you may be given a complimentary basejumping lesson during your stay.

Pretty sure you were able to swallow buckets of cum pre-Muslim invasion.

There was actually a years' difference. Total coincidence.

From the Swedish government's website:

Claim: "There has been a major increase in the number of rapes in Sweden."

Facts: The number of reported rapes in Sweden has risen. But the definition of rape has broadened over time, which makes it difficult to compare the figures. It is also misleading to compare the figures with other countries, as many acts that are considered rape under Swedish law are not considered rape in many other countries.

For example: If a woman in Sweden reports that she has been raped by her husband every night for a year, that is counted as 365 separate offences; in most other countries this would be registered as a single offence, or would not be registered as an offence at all.

Willingness to report such offences also differs dramatically between countries. A culture in which these crimes are talked about openly, and victims are not blamed, will also have more cases reported. Sweden has made a conscious effort to encourage women to report any offence.

Sweden as the rape capital of Europe/the world

Claim: Sweden has the highest number of rapes per capita in either Europe of the world

Even though many people try to claim this, it is pure lies. While the numbers might make it seem like Sweden has a lot of rapes (which still doesn't make it the rape capital of the world no matter what way you look at it), there are a couple of factors that skew the numbers.

Explanation: Statistics are different between countries and cannot be straight up compared

The first and most impactful one is that Sweden has a much wider definition of rape in crime statistics. The numbers that people use when comparing Sweden to other places also include sexual harassment among other things, and they also count every single incident separately. What this means is that if someone raped their spouse every day for an entire year that would count as 365 rapes, whereas most countries would count that as one single offence (if the countries even count inter-marital forced intercourse as rape). Swedish victims also have a higher tendency to report the crime than people from other countries, which makes it so that the number of hidden crime is lower in Sweden.


The Swedish government have themselves responded to this claim, and the BBC have also made a fairly detailed article on the matter.

The development of the number of rapes in Sweden and its relationship with immigration

Claim: The number of rapes have increased due to the recent European migration crisis

There is no denying that the number of rapes have increased in Sweden, and that is not entirely due to the redefinition of rape, but it also not a result of the recent wave of immigration.

Explanation: While the numbers have increased, many people ignore context

Here is the official statistics regarding what share of Swedes were the victims of sexual crime last year according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, and this includes everything from rape to indecent exposure. As you can see the numbers are up to 2.6% in 2016 (4.1% for women), but what you might notice is that the increase started in 2013, so there is no way to directly correlate this to the recent influx of immigrants.

Swedish police also don't record the ethnicity of criminals, so there is no way to pinpoint exactly what group of people are behind the increase, What can be said though is an argument that the government itself has made in the same page as mentioned before. They refer to a study from Stockholm University that has concluded that the main factor when it comes to crime among immigrants is the socioeconomic conditions that they grew up in. Unfortunately there are no studies regarding third generation immigrants due to the lack of third generation immigrants from outside of Europe in Sweden, so we can't draw any conclusion when it comes to long term effects of having a foreign background.


The article from the government didn't link to a certain source, and the only thing I can find online is articles referring to a study from 2011 which seems to be the one referred to by the government. It was conducted by Jerzy Sarnecki, possibly Sweden's most famous criminologist, and observed people who graduated primary school in the Stockholm region.


Jerzy Sarnecki has also published another study in 2016 on the same subject, where he mentions three factors that could skew the numbers. Those are discrimination toward immigrants in the judicial system (which would increase the tendency to report crime if an immigrant is the suspected perpetrator), conditions in the country of origin and conditions in the recipient country. Simply looking at the conditions that these people lived in in Sweden already shows that the socioeconomic factors cause twice as many people to commit crimes, which indicated that the country of origin might not be the main issue, but instead the condition in vulnerable areas in Sweden, which brings me to my third slightly related point.

No-go zones in Sweden

Claim: Sweden has multiple no-go zones

While we're at it I might dispel this notion aswell. Supposedly Sweden has a bunch of areas where the police don't go and where criminals control everything.

Explanation: Sweden has a bunch of so called "vulnerable areas" that experience a higher level of social unrest and alienation

Once again I refer you to the government article, but these areas are in no way as bad as some people make them out to be. I personally used to live right next to one of these areas and would regularly walk through there day and night, and I know many people who lived in the areas with no fear to their own safety, men and women. The Wikipedia page on these areas is pretty good, even though certain sources they use have been heavily critizised in Sweden (especially [3]). I'm gonna leave it at that since it wasn't the main focus of this comment.


Here is the official police report on the matter, which states the following criterion when it comes to categorizing these areas:

An especially vulnerable area is characterized by:

  • Public indisposition to participate in the judicial system

  • Difficulties for the police to fulfill their duties

  • Parallel social structures

  • Religious radicalization

  • Proximity to other vulnerable areas


Sweden is facing many issues. Things have gotten worse, and something has to be done about it, but that doesn't mean that Sweden has more rapes than equivalent countries or that Sweden is less safe than other countries (I seriously spoke to people who compared Sweden to Syria and Somalia). Sweden is still a safe country experiencing high economic growth.

you've probably never even been to europe

Not saying any of this is factually inaccurate, but I can't help but feel like the Swedish government might have an interest in downplaying the level of crime in Sweden.

couldn't that stem from concern over the coordinated international fear campaigns tho

lol gay

lol. Russia paying far right troll for sweden is old news. We found that out in the 2010's.

Lol, who tf cares about influencing the Nordic countries? Only 2% of your people say they'd fight in a defensive war, Putin could probably flex in front of your leaders and get them to capitulate.

I honestly can't imagine what it's like to live in a supporting country and know that your international reputation is based around only like, 1 or 2 cultural exports.

Finland = Saunas and Spurdo
Sweden = IKEA and that gross canned fermented fish for YouTubers to eat for views
Norway = Black metal

Denmark definitely has it the worst because everyone just thinks of danishes and they're not even from Denmark. I can't remember the last time I've even thought about Iceland aside from reading about how they have their first ever Rabbi. I guess if you use the internet semi-regularly you might have heard about how they have (had?) a cool mayor in their (capital?) city with a name that's too complicated in a country so insignificant for anyone to care about learning how to say.

Iceland gave us The Sugarcubes and Bjork, so they're okay in my book.

Finland is a proud nation that has produced MANY memes

Bruh, both Sweden and Finland export way more metal than Norway. Much better, non-meme music, and in Sweden's case desperately copied by Americans for decades.

Just lmao at leafs

Reddit is becoming quite unstable.

These camps of idiots rally, truly believe they're engaged in some epic struggle and it's two minority opinions throwing poo at each other while normal people laugh at them.


Except one of them took control of the big default subs and is actively conquering more in order to drive out the infidel.

This is good for Dramacoin.

Yes indeed. Bad for society though. What will Drama do when civil war breaks out? LOLing wont be an option then. We are going to have to get some serious anti lolcow armor.

You assume that the average redditor isn't just talking shit online, and would ever actually do anything noteworthy irl. Have you seen the pics from the various "reddit meetups". These are some of the people you are worried are going to start a civil war.

Yea useful idiots. They would be the first to die but their actions could have resounding effects for years after their fat ugly faces are no more.

The two attractive asian women in the first picture scare the shit out of me. How homicidally insane do they have to be to associate with the rest of those people?

idk its hard to turn down a party at a storage unit with people you met online

Nah, they are the mail-order brides for the fat lonely NEET with his shirt off in the middle.

So what you're saying is... I have a chance!

No my son, you must learn the way of the bussy. This is the only true path to happiness.

Are those shots from /r/TrollXChromosomes meetups?

Dissent is the racism.

Nazis are a hilariously minuscule minority in Sweden especially when compared to other Western countries. Funnily enough, I wouldn't be surprised if the number of Nazis is rising. I wonder why...

minuscule minority in Sweden

They are the majority on the internet they are so rampant on the internet.

Specifically from Sweden? I highly doubt it. Most of them are likely Americans LARPing as Swedes so they can cry about immigration.

They speak Swedish so it is hardly larping Americans.

America ooga

Sweden booga

outside of /pol I actually don't see anyone advocating for national socialism or fascism.

But these are neo-Nazis. They don't want facism or national socialism

neo nazis are mostly reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally poor white people who want to be real Nazis. Neo-nazi is not a real Nazi?

I don't get it.

ofc just go check on the Sweden largest neo-Nazi organization "Sverigedemokraterna". Does it mean Sweden is 1/8 fascist?

I wouldn't say the far left is creating nazis, maybe nationalists and white nationalists.

The alt right is about half national socialist or influenced by that to a large degree, though Nazi is a normie slander today like it was back then. The other half is libertarians who eventually said "fuck it I'm racist."

It's kinda like being called a "commie" in the 1960s by conservatives I guess. Just a word with no weight to it.

commies were definitely a myth. i know this because hollywood has parodied it in entertainment

Heck, there's even a subreddit (/r/skitswedditsager/ "shit sweddit says") dedicated specifically to pointing out the racist/nazi stuff said on /r/sweden

Faggotry has no borders.


Too much of Soy

TFW it is "Nazi" to let gays and atheists complain openly about religion. That is the message between the lines. Every other default has identified irreligion or speaking out, on topic, against religion as the number 1 hate speech.

Now all the hysterical white agnostics are literally trying to run critiques of religion totally off Reddit.

They are waiting for a dog whistle that THEY invented to trigger them into hysterical activism.

Cool beans mang.

how is this not a brigade attempt

/u/Norci wtf bruh

sieg heil

They seemed to naturally gather to "crusade" against r/canada because they felt that they were the only people who could be right, and that meant that everyone should listen to them.

I'm not sure this poster can appreciate the irony of this statement.