
276  2018-02-22 by NotUPromeleeplayer


But muh metabolism

Strange enough self-diagnosed thyroid issues seem to be highly correlated with being a feminist.

And actua thyroid problems are easily controlled with medication, meaning that it won't actually influence your metabolism.

easily detected with a blood sample but it take some time to get the right dosage on the medication

Strange enough, being concerned with the veracity of thyroid issues of anonymous Internet posters seems to correlates with being a lil bitch. Yes I just bullied you for being a bully, idiot, you get what you give it's called karma.

They’re heeeere!!

I'm skinny! It gives a great vantage point to see what a fool you all are free of bias.

While we understand that 250 lbs is skinny by burger standards, that’s not how it is in the rest of the world.

You'll need to do better than that if you want to be a mod.

Das ist das Geheimnis der Propaganda; den, den die Propaganda fassen will, ganz mit den Ideen der Propaganda zu durchtränken, ohne dass er überhaupt merkt, dass er durchtränkt wird.

Bist du BPC...?


Das bedeutet wohl, dass ich mich geirrt habe.

Feminists resigned!

And self diagnosed mental illness.

don’t forget PCOS and weight gain from birth control made unavoidable by the patriarchy

Wait till they hear a "fast" metabolism is only around ~100-200 calories.

Do a decent amount of fat people actually believe this? Because I was under the impression most fat people are aware that they're fat because they eat too much.

Yeah they do. I've seen enough posts from people who say they don't eat that much, then start tracking what they eat, eat less, lose weight and are amazed by how simply it actually is.

I think the issue is that it's simple but also hard for some due to mental hangups. Laziness, depression, low-self esteem, and low willpower are why obesity happens.

Obesity happens because a person eats too much over a longer period. This can be true because of stuff like depression, in a lot of cases it is also during childhood and as a teenager simply because of bad diet and learned unhealthy eating habits. In the first scenario the person is probably aware of the issue and knows they use food to cope, treating the underlying problem should be the priority then. In the second one though the person may not even be aware of their issue since they've pretty much always eaten like this; these are then usually the people who are surprised when they actually track what they eat and realise that it's too much.

Yeah it is hard especially when you've been big since you were a kid. Because things like eating healthy and exercise don't become second nature to someone who's been fat most of their lives unlike someone who's always been thin/in shape for most of their lives.

Of course it's not an excuse as to why someone who is fat but doesn't want to be can't lose weight. But it's just not as simple as "eat less" or "hit the gym". A person who's been overweight their entire life isn't someone who's been in shape for most of their lives, where gaining and losing weight is simple to going on a cut or bulking. To these people these are simply adjustments. Someone going from fat to not fat on the other hand is an entire lifestyle change.

When someone says it's easy to lose weight, I think it's disrespectful to people who did go from big to in shape. Because many of these people had to work their ass off to get to where they now. It wasn't easy at all. It wasn't as simple as eating less or exercising. These people had to learn how to cut junk out and eat more things like lean meats and veggies on a consistent basis. These people had to learn how to get a consistent exercise basis going.

I wonder what the best solution is to helping fat people get in shape other than just biting the bullet and doing it. I don't think fat shaming is the best answer either because while shaming certainly has helped some find the fire to transform themselves, for others it just makes them feel even worse.

Oh, I'm perfectly aware of all of this. I lost roughly 100 lbs when I was younger after having been obese all my life before, so I'm more than familiar with the lifestyle changes that come with it. I'm not offended by anyone saying that losing weight is easy though, it is. You can't change yourself over night but you have to start somewhere and watching your calories is a good start. Later you can add exercise and being more active. Then you also take care of your macros. It's a process and it's doable because you have to take it one step at a time.

I wonder what the best solution is to helping fat people get in shape other than just biting the bullet and doing it.

By showing them that it's doable and that it even can be easy, but also that it's a process that requires long term commitment and lifestyle changes. Simply helping them realise that to lose weight you don't even HAVE to exercise (you can but it's not a must) but that simply eating 500 calories less per day than what your body already burns leads to a 1 pound weekly weight loss. Accepting that it all comes down to calories is a very good point to start.

I think a good way to get people to lose weight it to be supportive and encouraging.

Also therapy could help with the mental aspect of weight loss.

I think a good way to get people to lose weight it to be supportive and encouraging.

That's after they've decided to try it, before they must realise that it's doable and what they have to do to achieve it. But yes, a supportive community is helpful, there are even some decent ones here on reddit.

Also baby steps help.

That's what I've been saying though? E.g. first step is realising that you actually eat too much, after that changes in diet, possibly exercise, etc.

Also therapy could help with the mental aspect of weight loss.

Which mental aspect? Addiction to food, learning self-control? Or do you mean how weight loss can lead to stuff like self-image issues? I agree it can be helpful although not everyone will need it.

Losing weight is technically easy. But actually doing is can be tough for some.

That's why it's good for people to realise that it's doable. That's the first step. Actually going through with it can be harder, I agree, supportive communities can really help a lot in some cases. It's also different for everyone.

Both on the mental aspect

Well it could certainly be helpful to some and they are free to go to a psychologist and see if it helps them. I don't see it being inherently necessary for most though.

I think a good way to get people to lose weight it to be supportive and encouraging.

I disagree. Tell fatties they are fat. I was very active in my youth and once I stopped I got fat. A friend of a friend at a party asked me once how much exercise I was doing and when I told him he simply said "You need to do more." It wasn't meant in a cruel way but it was definitely needed. I started eating better and losing weight within 6 months and now people look at me very oddly when I say that at one point in my life I was a fatty fatty fat fat.

You shouldn't call people names and shame them though, it just doesn't work, you can't shame someone into losing weight, it's a decision the person has to make by themselves. I remember a study about how children who were bullied about their weight ended up to be more likely obese later in life than those who had the same weight and hadn't been bullied.

You can only try leading them into the right direction and hope they make the decision for themselves.

Ok I agree that shaming is not a tactic that is good or works. But a lot of people consider telling a fat person they are fat and living poorly to be shaming and that's simply not the case. Fat people are fat because they made decisions that made them that way. Pointing that out to them is not cruel. I'm not saying you should go up to fat people on the streets and say this obviously. If you have a friend that is fat and you care at all about them, I think it's ok to talk to them about their weight.

On the other hand, have you seen them? Eeeew.

I'm not serious posting about this anymore. Fatness is nasty. As a former (temporary) fatty I know from personal experience.

Same thing happened to me. When I was 9 and in the changing rooms in school, a friend told me I had man boobs. I got self-conscious however it also pushed me to lose some weight and now I'm a literal Chad who regularly engages in sexual activity with multiple female partners.

The best way I’ve been able to explain it to people is “fit people are fit because that’s who they are. They are the kind of person who enjoys eating right and/or exercising. In order to become that person they either had to come out of their developmental years doing it or they had to more or less pretend until it became their reality.”

“Fake it till you make it” is absurdly useful in life.

Also moderating /r/drama apparently. The only thing low effort about this post is the excercise regime of whoever labeled it low effort.

Ohhh yes they do. See /r/fatlogic

Not for the last 15 years

I drink my excess calories tyvm

Protein shakes, I hope.

Protein shakes

lol faggot just suck dick already

Not having a nice, lean, muscular body which you can gaze lustingly at in the mirror while jacking yourself off, realising that females will never attain such a beautiful physique and are nothing but a waste of time

Take a photo, it will last longer

I have ... a few.

Please share.

I'm not trying to argue, I'm just a faggot.

Post bussy

I thought you liked lolis

A loli is fine too.

Lolis have boyish bodies

It's not gay to eat your own cum, don't let those roasty succubi steal your protein

Protein shakes are delicious with rum and a little slice of fruit. Yummy!

I'm not a chad

Protein shakes are a meme.

I'm dirty bulking, bigot!

Cultivating mass

Now this is shitposting

Or, it will be once it runs through her GI tract...

But the guy in the drawing isn't fat?

Found the fatty.

He'll be good after losing about 10 pounds

If anything he needs to hit the gym, look at those spindly arms.

This stupid bullshit about girl incels is getting boring. Gtfo of drama and bring back a lolcow when you come home.

Absolute fat mess.

Why tf is this sub even caring about trollx

"hmm I need to feel better than someone and jerk off about it with others to validate it, who do I find annoying... Ooh, I know..."

Why don't you bitches just join one of the makeup subreddits or something?

Stfu soyboi

What in God's name are you on about?

not hard to feel better than someone on reddit, i literally clicked this link and read your comment and immediately knew i am better at everything in life than you are.

You have the monster energy drink logo as your flair, nice try dew boy.

further proof you are a god damn retard.

You post in r/justlegbeardthings and I'm the r-word. Lol, k.

Here is a song I found recently that I think you'll love:


Though unfortunately you also hate on people with legitimate social justice issues and just like TiA cum r/drama, you're too seriously offended on behalf of umm mayos (???) to be funny.

Imagine being so fucking retarded you have to go through someone's post history trying to insult them and then posting a YouTube link. Lord son.

Nice comeback lol, goodbye.

Three and out, later faggot haha.

Uhh going through someone's post history to insult them is like 75% of what /r/drama is about. Welcome to the sub


the r-word

what's it like cowtowing to internet faggotry


Wasn't the idiot who got meanpinging banned trolling TrollX so obsessively they got the admin's attention?

Why tf is this sub even caring about trollx

Because they're fatties and it's fun

Careful calling TrollX users fat is a banhammer offence now.

How ironic this post came up just when I decided to start consuming less calories. I'm not even fat.

Hey look, a fellow Chad in this subreddit. Wazzup!!

This is true

Source: Am fat