Update on the whole r/canada might have alt-right moderator situation. Butt hurt and demands to remove the alt-right mod in the comments.

22  2018-02-22 by Finn005


Oh /r/Canada...

Im actually impressed on guard for thee actually suceeded in doing what they set out to do. They may actually get their way and get to eventually mod that place themselves.

They are even getting journalists involved now lol

I have to give r/onguardforthee props. THey got a journalist to offer r/canada a chance to clear the air. r/canada didn't want to get there bussy blasted noped the fuck out of that.

How can people take a sub that seriously. Losers.

IS a small country. The conservatives in Canada are basically the teaparty. Like we don't have a trey gowdy or a fuckin marco rubio. We have bunch bible thumping, muslim hating, minority hating, salivating over american cock, cucknadians. Seriously I bet if your American Andrew Scheer would let you have a go at his wife.