"The best idea for the admins: Ban /r/Drama and other subs that organize brigades to hate and harass"

79  2018-02-22 by Average2520


I second this.

/u/BanRdrama harassing and hating isn't all we do. If you can find a better sub on this site for preaching mayocide then point me to it

If you were truly committed to the mayocide then you'd lead by example >:(

it is not our time yet. our suicides might inspire a handful of white deaths. our leadership will inspire millions

Maybe he needs someone to demonstrate the proper way to do it, I volunteer you for this illustrious position.

I ain't mayo, cumskin

We can't take that risk. u/Ed_ButteredToast needs to start rounding you and the other mayos up for the biweekly field trip to the showers

ur transmayo, not get on those train tracks and lie down bitch

Kill whitey

Tbh I've always found r/drama to be the counter culture sub to the rest of Reddit. We don't discriminate with our festering hate here. We hate everyone

/u/BanRdrama if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I am here to laugh at you.

Imagine being this fragile lololol

This is your alt, isn’t it?

I don't think /u/Ed_ButteredToast knows where he is fam.

He's probably in some soviet era insane asylum in the Caucasus.

spoiler alert: christina aguilera aged better

This but unironically

/u/banrdrama I hope your booty wasn't blasted too hard, poor thing

since when is telling users to keep themselves safe harassment

Fake, but funny.

Who's alt is this?

That guy who claimed to have like 20 alts and is using them to systematically try to get /r/drama benned.

Which one tho

The fuck, keep me out this shit

You shall stay forever being known as the biggest wuss in this sub

Keep your alts under control son, or someone will control them for you

Burn the witch!!!

I just gotta say, y'all are easy to hell to bait. One post, one link, and suddenly I've got a million edgy soyboys like /u/YiffReich in my inbox with knee-slappers like "Screech louder. That will work."

What a devastating insult! One will never recover.


Go inject one whole unit soy into your bussy.

i wouldn't say we organize anything, most people in this sub probably can't even organize their sock drawer

I can’t throw them away because I’ll find the matching pairs eventually.

Wait — they come in pairs...?!?

Indeed they do. Finding a good pair of socks doesn't have to be hard. Socksoff has all the matching pairs of socks you want in designer styles for the whole family for 50% off. Socksoff.com

Bring back sockposting tbh

This but unironically

[/jordan peterson]

Jokes on you, my sock drawer is empty because I havn't don't laundry since New Years.

organize their sock drawer


You don't organize your drawers? LMAO /u/LSU_Coonass get a load of this normie XD

/u/banrdrama HAHAHAHA

/u/BanRdrama i am sympathetic to your cause, how can i help you?

This just really hurts my feelings


If you feel that /r/drama violates the content policy, you can message the admins and report it, making sure to include specific instances and links where it violates the content policy.

I've done that, and so have many others on the site. It doesn't do anything.

Then the admins don't think we're breaking any rules.

I created this post in hopes of expressing to the public and the admins who mod here the private disdain that I and many others have already expressed to the admins over this hatesub.

That's a lot of words for "I'm butthurt and you all need to know it"

I see you are not a mod yourself, so I'm uninterested in further contact with you.

No one cares what you are or aren't interested in

Man, all those words, so few brain cells. You thought this was real lmao

because thats what /rd/rama users do, they downvote me and call me a cuck and say im booty blasted when i'm just tired of being made fun of for posting on trollx.

Oh Lord Jesus.

Shut up you bootyblasted cuck. Stop worshipping Jesus and worship a big bootyfull womyn from trollx.

/u/BanRDrama you can't be a cuck if you're a girl (especially an empowered, modern woman like all trollx posters).

which one of you is actually /u/BanRDrama, the bit about wanting to post on trollx peacefully gives it away

My money is on Ed

I thought the same but then I googled a few TrollX usernames and found out they really are that stupid.

If this is an alt, I applaud the effort.

If it’s an actual trollx: you’re bootayblasted.

because thats what /rd/rama users do, they downvote me and call me a cuck and say im booty blasted when i'm just tired of being made fun of for posting on trollx.

Trollxers are strangely butthurt for trolls, unless that word is about how they look like.

u/BanRdrama 2 weeks ago I would have disagreed with you, but now that u/ed_butteredtoast is a mod, let's nuke this cesspit

Reported for ban evasion. Lolololol


Why has nobody modded u/banRdrama yet?


No we want the cow to come here where we can have a nice steak.

/r/Drama serves no purpose

Wat? We are actively supporting the Mayocide, Feminine Penis, Bussy and lot of minor stuff.


users with hateful messages

We can't. /u/spez cucked us. 😢😢😢


to brigade and troll the subs they get linked to

Proof or GTFO.


There is no reason that /r/drama should exist



nice sauce of teenage angst and run-of-the-mill anonymous hatred

/u/cuckslovetrump don't real.


The admins should explain why they allow this sub to continue to exist

/u/snallygaster, /u/T_Dumbsford /u/ed_butteredtoast are admin's waifus.


It can't be good for advertiser relations and it's not good for users

We have a billionaire mod, /u/BanRdrama.


Hate brigades are a problem on reddit and so far admins have refused to properly address it

Again, proof or GTFO.


edit: wow ok so you downvote me below 0 and harrass me in comments, but then you dounvote those so I can't even respond! typical /r/drama trolls


Fuck that, everyone wants to call this a hate sub but it clearly isn't. It's simply a bussy procurement and containment sub. So much unironic bussy posted here...

It is Allah's will. The majority of this sub is undoubtedly mayo. Let it end.

Oh shit, I didn't realize we were suppose to brigade the links. I've been doing it wrong the whole time.

It's true.

I recently was allowed into /r/drama and, I've got to tell you, what I found there shocked me deep into my core. Check my karma. You'll see it's true. I'm going to be banned for saying this, but I simply cannot hold it in any longer. What's happening is unethical, immoral, and absolutely devious and there's simply no way I can continue to be complicit. It's not even about the karma for these people, it's about control and they can, and will do anything to keep that control. Despicable, deplorable things. They don't care who you are, what you believe, or what you've been through. We're nothing but pawns in their little Machiavellian schemes.

And don't think it's just /r/drama It goes deeper than that. To the very root of Reddit. I'm taking admins, people. Admins. The "good guys". Everyone believes Reddit is this huge bastion of free speech, but nothing could be further from the truth. You think reposters are bad? People who claim to be OP a la /r/quityourbullshit? Hell, you think /r/ShitRedditSays is trying to cenosr you? LMFAO. Baby, you ain't seen nothing yet. Literally nothing is off limits to these people. Nothing. /r/karmaconspiracy thinks they know, but the truth is far, far worse. Oh but keep the sheep occupied lol. Let them win small battles and they'll never come for the main force. And we just eat it up.

Someone screenshot this if you see it. I wouldn't be surprised to see my account deleted. May God have mercy, I will not stand by and let these atrocities be committed. We have to stand up.

We have to say "No. More."

It's true.

I recently was allowed into /r/drama and, I've got to tell you, what I found there shocked me deep into my core. Check my karma. You'll see it's true. I'm going to be banned for saying this, but I simply cannot hold it in any longer. What's happening is unethical, immoral, and absolutely devious and there's simply no way I can continue to be complicit. It's not even about the karma for these people, it's about control and they can, and will do anything to keep that control. Despicable, deplorable things. They don't care who you are, what you believe, or what you've been through. We're nothing but pawns in their little Machiavellian schemes.

And don't think it's just /r/drama It goes deeper than that. To the very root of Reddit. I'm taking admins, people. Admins. The "good guys". Everyone believes Reddit is this huge bastion of free speech, but nothing could be further from the truth. You think reposters are bad? People who claim to be OP a la /r/quityourbullshit? Hell, you think /r/ShitRedditSays is trying to cenosr you? LMFAO. Baby, you ain't seen nothing yet. Literally nothing is off limits to these people. Nothing. /r/karmaconspiracy thinks they know, but the truth is far, far worse. Oh but keep the sheep occupied lol. Let them win small battles and they'll never come for the main force. And we just eat it up.

Someone screenshot this if you see it. I wouldn't be surprised to see my account deleted. May God have mercy, I will not stand by and let these atrocities be committed. We have to stand up.

We have to say "No. More."

It's true.

I recently was allowed into /r/drama and, I've got to tell you, what I found there shocked me deep into my core. Check my karma. You'll see it's true. I'm going to be banned for saying this, but I simply cannot hold it in any longer. What's happening is unethical, immoral, and absolutely devious and there's simply no way I can continue to be complicit. It's not even about the karma for these people, it's about control and they can, and will do anything to keep that control. Despicable, deplorable things. They don't care who you are, what you believe, or what you've been through. We're nothing but pawns in their little Machiavellian schemes.

And don't think it's just /r/drama It goes deeper than that. To the very root of Reddit. I'm taking admins, people. Admins. The "good guys". Everyone believes Reddit is this huge bastion of free speech, but nothing could be further from the truth. You think reposters are bad? People who claim to be OP a la /r/quityourbullshit? Hell, you think /r/ShitRedditSays is trying to cenosr you? LMFAO. Baby, you ain't seen nothing yet. Literally nothing is off limits to these people. Nothing. /r/karmaconspiracy thinks they know, but the truth is far, far worse. Oh but keep the sheep occupied lol. Let them win small battles and they'll never come for the main force. And we just eat it up.

Someone screenshot this if you see it. I wouldn't be surprised to see my account deleted. May God have mercy, I will not stand by and let these atrocities be committed. We have to stand up.

We have to say "No. More."

/u/BanRdrama As a protected person (faggot) I feel your targeted bullying and harassment of my safe space (/r/drama) is problematic homophobic and racist. I have sent the admins a msg to let them know what a horrible person you are.

u/BanRDrama should try not being an autistic pussy

I'm like 90% sure if this place was banned my PhD would be done. I haven't started a PhD but still.