im pikle rik XD

2  2018-02-23 by [deleted]



I need all of you to shut the fuck up with all the internal bickering for a moment. Fuck politics, genders, memes, everything... it all needs to take a backseat to the matter at hand. McDonald's thinks we're all a joke. They think they can make millions of people waste a day of their lives for a sauce. They think after trying to bait us along with a plastic carrot that it's all made fine by giving us the real carrot months later. On Tuesday, 10/10 we need to be the spark that brings an empire to its knees. No matter how much your kids cry, no matter how much you want that Big Mac for lunch, we cannot give them our money. Let them see what just one day without us will be like. Watch as their stockholders flip shit over millions in lost revenue. Then on Wednesday the war continues. And again, and again, and again... every day until McDonald's begs for our mercy. But we're Ricks so there won't be much of that... Share this with every Rick, Morty, Beth, Summer, Jerry, or any other person you know. #SzechuanWars #DownWithTheClown #YouMessedWithTheWrongDimension

Why not enjoy a nice plate of spaghetti instead??

Mc Daddy O's missed the boat by 6-8 months, surely the internet has moved on?


  1. Dead meme

  2. np link.


/u/annoysthegoys This heathen has desecrated r/Drama with an NP link.

Thanks, citizen! If you see something, say something

/u/PM_ME_UR_RARE_PUPPER ban in 10 mins if u don't delete and resubmit without np.

Who is that sub for? White trash that loves Mcdonald's food or white trash that works at Mcdonald's?