Does being a Daddy aficionado kill your children, and if so are they better of dead? /r/Politics debates.

32  2018-02-23 by HaulOfChina


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Nope. I have a family member whose three daughters were all shot by a toddler with an unsecured handgun left out in the open by their grandmother.

I've found the next Jason Bourne, the story gets even better their next comment, it was a handgun, and the toddler only needed two shoots to shoot all three.

this aint true we practive gun safety w our toddlers. no baby killed anyone ever its just a kid

No shit, retard. The point is they said one toddler shot 3 kids. Didn't see that article did you?

First article is a toddler shooting two kids with one shot. Clearly needs more range time tbh

toldler didnt shoot kids NICE TRY LIEberal!!

edits: not even phsycially possible thank try again!

You good?

nbc, abc, couk

no thanks show me alecs jone link if i should tak eu serioualsy


Losing that innocent child was a direct result of his voting record. It's time to hold ourselves accountable.

This, ladies and gentlemen, and those in between, is an actual thing said in /r/politics by, supposedly and actual person, as a real thing.

put em in prison for sayin that about OUR USA president, shouldent be a traitor and hate america

You are a funny alt


You're supposed to say it as "ARE" president

He ran into the room with it, fired one shot catching the first girl in the head, second girl went to grab the gun from him as he pulled the trigger again and the bullet went through her hand, striking the third girl in the arm. I don't know guns so I don't know what kind it was but it looked like a toy. It had fancy pearly handles and stuff. I was pretty young myself when this happened.

fuck, i feel like life has become a parody of itself at this point.

r/politics is a russian bot farm mixed with future school shooters. The tricky part is figuring which comment is by which group

I'd say his daughter is probably better off...She doesn't have to live in a world where her own father hopes Trump ruins the country for an extra 4 years.

/u/Spacedman-Spliff so its better to be dead at 16 years of age than be alive and have a trump supporter father? Just need some clarification.

Like what the fuck do you even say to """"people"""" like this

Seek fucking help you psychopath

ironic because this is how I feel about you

seek help

You should also seek help and keep yourself as safe as possible

/u/spacedman-spliff that was a terrible thing to say, and you should feel bad for saying it.

Trying to mock a man who just had his daughter murdered. What broken people.

/u/c0LdFir3 do the poor retards need your help?

/u/DirkRockwell you forgot that teenage girls are dumb. Its why so many of them get pregnant.