Seattle soyboy and pegging enthusiast advocates civil war to "burn the construction" and kill the gun owning "traitors."

15  2018-02-23 by Freicorpse1099


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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I think you meant to make this a link post

You suck at this.


He sucks in general

Repeal and replace the Second Amendment.

Points to /u/fuyos for actually suggesting the 2A be repealed instead of just ignored or twisted into irrelevance.

I found it fascinating that people lost their shit completely that I suggested using the basis of our government system itself, as it is designed to be used, to modify the Constitution. I guess the premise was a little too real.

Well in a civil war at least your cuckold fantasies will be fulfilled when your wife becomes property of the local militia.

Though my guess is she is probably fat and low value

Stope being so potato

Well you're still retarded for your opinion

Forget legal justifications, you can never take the guns because gun enthusiasts will kill you if you try. They've been training for the race war since Charles Manson was talking about it. Starting the war over gun control would be a huge boon for white nationalists because it would let the war be about something other than race, and let the ethnic cleansing of immigrant families be an unintended consequence instead of the reason for the conflict. Making the war about gun control would ensure that the military side with the pro-second amendment faction.

Keep it up, watching them flip out as you suggest following the Constitution itself is adorbs

We could always go full FDR and pack the court.

Points lost for this tho

I wish you would respond to my other reply to this post
