Tinder gussy disrespected in r/choosingbeggars. WHITE KNIGHTS ASSEMBLE!

34  2018-02-24 by Russiangreyman


She looks fine. Why does Reddit think everyone above 82 pounds is obese. Y'all are a bunch of jerks.




hey man don't disparage all of us

u/funnygirl9512 are protruding guts a sign of good health and desirability in a partner?

This is current year. And ALL WOMEN ARE





Something tells me she's as attractive as she is funny.

Apparently shes engaged! I feel bad for the fiance thats going to get stuck with someone who thinks that pre fupa is just a tiny bit of tummy.

I'm sorry you're such a dick. If you had anyone to love you, maybe you wouldn't be so angry and mean. I'm sorry that the world failed you.

Now if this circle jerk is over... Have a nice day.

It was a legit question. People can't have a preference for thin or athletic people? I mean...you found someone, so not everyone has to be a supermodel, but you got aggro over people pointing out that the chick was obviously fat.

You cant just come in here and not answer u/AnnoysTheSoyboys question!

Well let you know when the circle jerk is over, it will be several days from now I assure you

No it's not

If you had anyone to love you, maybe you wouldn't be so angry and mean.

That's a distinct possibility, but I guess I'll never know for sure.

Tfw an autistic fattie can still make it hurt inside.

I'm confused. Whom did I hurt?

  • Women don’t care what you think! -fanatical feminism
  • What about the other genders! -fanatical non binary
  • Something about gun control! -fanatical fanatic

Cool story, bro


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lol gotta love that manlet rage, apoplectic that even fat girls don't want to fuck them

Mostly the ladies defending, it seems - even white knights don't want to joust that manatee.

how is she a choosing beggar? she probably gets more matches than most of the hat0rz on account of being a white woman... she's not fat enough to be utterly disgusting to a horny and drunk guy.

A horny and drunk guy would probably fuck a mouldy shoe.