Man has an absolute meltdown over the use of the word "doggo"

66  2018-02-24 by [deleted]



/u/RunawaySteak plz no swearsies doggos no leik

u/RunawaySteak mus gibs shmackos for the doggos so they can mlem in happy after leastenings to swearsies. Doggos are jus big pupperinos and swearsies make them do a sad ๐Ÿ˜”

u/RunawaySteak what's your stance on puppers?


YFW you see a woman's naked body, amirite, bussy all day heh๐Ÿ‘Œ

this redeems bitmoji forever

nothing can ever redeem bitmoji


especially not /u/HodorTheDoorHolder

Not that




tbf anyone who says doggo unironically should be sterilized

I've been downvoting you non-stop and now you're only at +3 on RES. Hope this teaches you a lesson.

lol for what, where else have i dissed dogs

I've been undermining your every step for weeks. It would be foolish to think it began with doggos. In truth, I remember not. It does not matter. Justice is all.

> uses RES

> doesn't tag users why he hates them


Everyone I know who says doggo either doesnโ€™t have the money to breed or doesnโ€™t want to, so that saves us a job.

That doggo is hideously cute

Honestly between this guy and r/doghate I am getting a ton of mileage from this .gif

Go get 'em boy ๐Ÿถ

i think i sprouted ovaries watching that

It's a baby hippo.


u/RunawaySteak I agree with you. Those people who use such bastardization of language are very annoying.

It is a dog. Or a pup. Or a puppy.

If a person doesn't know proper words, then they should shut up until they do.

plz no angery doggos no leik


fuck off


This one made me smile

why you has to do such an anger, friendo? doggo language is just smile-making

bastardization of language

Flair includes "newfag"

Reddit pidgin needs to die.

English is a living language.

u/RunawaySteak, hey there doggo.

at least doggo isn't as bad as "furbaby".

also i hate it when people call my ferret "catsnek". i mean fine, cat snake is accurate, but c'mon

u/RunawaySteak What's up my doggo?

He's right. The baby talk is beyond disappointing.

Well, that person is now one of my personal enemies


u/RunawaySteak does a heckin' meltdown! No schmackos for you!

u/RunawaySteak lol Silly hooman.

i mean, it is pathetic as fuck watching all these women with graveyard-wombs channeling their child-rearing tendencies into a semi-conscious furball thats gonna be dead in 7 years

so i see where hes coming from

When I see pics on like r trees of single dudes with really nice houses and a ton of nice shit but just like two dogs and Reddit to hang out with, it hurts so bad.

Where did you get the silly notion that women post on Reddit?

u/Runawaysteak you are taking Reddit a bit too seriously for hating doggo posts

/u/RunawaySteak , let me tell you much doggos and puppers love to have their snoots booped, almost as much as they love to zoomies.

/u/RunawaySteak. What's a doggo? A big ole pupper. What's a pupper. A lil doggo. `

Dugger and puppo

u/RunawaySteak, herro doggo, you'll make a nice udon.

Absolute meltdown is something else, completly... fucking click bait

I don't blame him. I'm down for straight up death penatlying anyone who engage in reddit baby talk.

What the fuck, people? You're adults, at least ostensibly. So try not acting in such a way as would make your father look down at the floor and shake his fucking head in disdain.

So try not acting in such a way as would make your father look down at the floor and shake his fucking head in disdain.

But you're already on /r/drama.

Heโ€™s right tho

Did you seriously just assumed a stranger's gender? I am literally crying IRL.

most played out joke of all time



