/r/aznidentity porno DMCA'd due to its "plot" featuring female Twitch streamer without consent

56  2018-02-24 by biggest_decision

So I'm sure you all remember /r/aznidentity and their croundfunded porno. Here is the original post: https://archive.is/UDUun

Here's the good part though:

Sneak peak of the plot

Our "STPeach" aka STPear got pissed at the racist white trolls harassing her for dating an Asian man, and she decides to fuck her boyfriend while streaming. Slobbering his big Asian cock while flipping the racist part of her audience off. I hope this generates maximum outrage for the 4chan or sexpat types. That would be great publicity. lol.

This "STPear" is a female Twitch streamer that /r/aznidentity creeps on worships, because she's a white woman with an asian bf.


Now, it turns out that nobody actually asked "STPear" for permission to include her character in their porn. And apparently she isn't happy about featuring, surprising /r/aznidentity user /u/mvpcrossxover:

I'm sure she's flatter but she didn't ask for it.

Apparently her manager has filed a DMCA with reddit about the announcement post, so it's disappeared. Now, even mentioning STPear/STPeach in relation to the pron is verboten, according to /r/aznidentity head azncel /u/the0clean0slate:

In addition, from now on, do not mention ST Peach's name, or even ST Pear when talking about this project. Her team contacted us asking us not to.



hol up this webthot has a MANAGER

if sarah palin's Christian ass can't stop the nailin' paylin porno then how can this neet bux business magnate claim to stop it?

They don't want to fight their goddess though, they want her to like them.

Users like /u/mvpcrossxover thought she would be flattered by featuring in their porn:

I'm sure she's flatter but she didn't ask for it.

/u/mvpcrossxover genuine question- Can you please explain the logic in seeing the one white e-celeb who is fucking an asian guy, and punishing her for that by making some weird low budget stalker porn about her? Isn't that totally opposite to all of your stated aims? I'm just trying to understand your logic here.

Her poor boyfriend.

You got to read that quote in the right accent:

I shooah she frattah bu' she did-uh rask foh i'

hol up this webthot has a MANAGER

Most of these people do. All their managers do really is file DMCAs/complaints and deal with tech support for them

I watched this thing on Chinese web girls that like sing and eat food and shit on live stream.. no sex nudes etc.. they make serious bank 15-20k a month.. I was shocked at the thirst of the azn man and yeah they all have managers.

Chinese web girls that like sing and eat food and shit on live stream

I will pay money to watch cute Chinese girls shit on live stream...

Take your upvote and fuck off

I'm pretty sure they could fight this and win, but I doubt they really have the capacity to do so themselves, and their budget doesn't really seem to leave a lot of room for a legal defense.


Azn's blown the fuck out. Can't even produce a porno lmao


We didn't actual have to change our action.

It is only because we want to be nice and reasonable to ST Peach. We don't hate her.

I'm thinking you got a cease and desist and are worried about an internet lolsuit.

No, we didn't.

ST Pear is fine as a name legally. We are just being cooperative.

We are just being cooperative submissive.

So a white woman says "frog" and y'all coolies jump? How is this supposed to fight racism again? It seems like the whole idea was born of some very deep seated insecurities.

Ahahaha coolies, I love a good rare-slur

For those that don't know, coolies are what people in Hong Kong call poor Asians from other countries that come there to work. A migrant from a poor Asian country to a rich one.

You misspelled pussy cunt as cooperative.

You are angry with us. Why?

I'm not angry with you I'm a lil disappointed.

Because you're a lil bitch with a lil cock

Angry? No, we're pointing and laughing at you tiny dicked manlets

How big is your penis?

Is the issue due copyright or due trademarks bs?

And also, there has been tons of parody of real life figures and events in porn. They had a porn using Sarah Palin name and parodied fucking a porn version of her on camera. There was never any legal action even though they had a whole GOP party worth of legal resource behind her. This is actually under fair use. You can parody someone or something without asking for permission. It is only that we intend to be nice and reasonable people that we changed our action.

Calling a random Twitch personality thot a public figure is kind of stretching it, but whatevs. Real talk, though: did you actually consult her beforehand? Or, did your lawyer tell you not to answer that question?

lol y'all can't do anything right doe XD. why no make gay porno with /u/shadowsweep?

The first thing that comes to your mind is gay porn. Says plenty about you.

Says the weeb who had to make one XD

Because Palin is a public figure, and its much harder for public figures to claim unfair use of their image among other things. There's also 0 chance someone sees that parody porno and thinks of it as an endorsement of their ideologies.

If you were this streamer, wouldn't you be scared that people think you're in any way, shape, or form ok with aznidentity?

To be fair, what about all those other subs that raised money to hire a hooker to pretend she was some Twitch streamer or something and do a hardcore scene? You're acting like /r/aznidentity are the only ones who are so incredibly insecure that they would do this.

To be fair, what about all those other subs that raised money to hire a hooker to pretend she was some Twitch streamer or something and do a hardcore scene?

Well, did they try to pass it off as activism and claim that it will make WNs go buttmad?

Oh crap... that was supposed to be a joke, but this is reddit, so I guess aznidentity aren't the first to try it.

I'm not sure about the imitating a real person part but fucked up autistic nerds have been crowd sourcing fucked up niche porn for years.

Remember the porn made by r/Dan_Haggarty?

Remember Metis from Something awful? (He paid for 2 girls 1 cup to be made)

Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is*

  2. /r/aznidentity - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. https://archive.is/UDUun - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. /u/mvpcrossxover - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  5. /u/the0clean0slate - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  6. https://archive.is/GQWZ1 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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Hair like a bowl

Black as your soul

Rice I will fry

Along with complementary egg roll

China Wok buffet is self serve

My son Yang mess up calculus class curve

I love how these creeps think that this girl is flattered, because they made her the center of a porn fueled by racial inferiority complexes.

It's pretty amazing, really.

Why do I see no posts in your archives?

/r/aznidentity fucked up their css, you just have to scroll down.

When your fantasy is so fucking pathetic even the thot you worship wants nothing to do with it.

aznidentity: Complain that asian girls are worshipping white men

also aznidentity: Put a white woman on the Mount Everest of pedestals

That would be great publicity. lol.

is there literally anyone outside of that sub who cares about this beyond just lol'ing at these incel retards


hOLY shit /pol/ BTFO!!!!!

Does this bitch have a copyright symbol on her face? Is she intellectual property?

Intellectual property of mah dick.