r/EnoughTrumpSpam decides to post unfortunate pic of /u/Spez and the entire sub gets deleted.

38  2018-02-24 by AnnArchist


Trump/Gun nuts are finding personal information about the surviving victims of the Florida shooting who are speaking out against the NRA and calling for gun control.

Then they take that information and send threats to the kids. It's encouraged in those crazy subreddits and reddit administration (Spez) knows about it but refuses to do anything.

His site is being used to threaten and harass teenagers who just watched their friends being murdered and he doesn't seem to care at all. Hell, he may even support it.

u/Sabiancym, do you have links to where this has happened/been encouraged?

Listen and Believe™, bigot.

Oh shit is that him??? Fuck, no wonder he's okay with keeping Nazi subs open; fucker's as whitebread a Doc-Marten wearing heil-hitlering piece of dogshit as I've ever seen!

They know he's Jewish, right?

Well, so is Trump and they were angry he recognised some Israel capital or some other shit.


“I hate Reddit so much that I’m going to continue using it forever”

t. ETS

Alternatively: “I hate Trump so much that I’m going to continue spamming him forever”

The internet is full of people never shutting up about stuff they despise, I realized.

Life in the modern age is so easy that there's nothing to do except shitpost about stuff you don't like

That's why they call him 45, orange, cheeto and derivatives.

If they didn't the word "Trump" would be their most used by far.

Looks like a racist to me

He looks kinda albino.


That's a given.

Why U lie?


Any sub named 'EnoughWhateverSpam' is invariably full of total invalids and should be nuked just to watch the shaved apes that use it pound their keyboards in impotent rage.

Hard to argue

but the sub hasn't been deleted

you lied to me

i believed in u

Lol at the people saying cbts stream are users who were "radicalized by Reddit"

They are so old they probably barely know what Reddit is.

If they are actual users there is a shit ton of bots in cbts. I'll give you at least a few of them are people and they are old and have alzheimer's

Not nuked yet.

These are the same people that tell you to leave if you don't like Reddit. Hypocrites.

And while we've got you for your monthly check-in, demod u/Ed_butteredtoast.

VERY Fake News


why do people expect spex to act like a decent person? Do you know how many people I would straight up kill if i was born without eyebrows?!

Fuck u/spez, fucking closet nazi piece of shit. He should ban the Donald because it represents an ideology that I don't agree with.

Posting in an u/AnnArchist thread 👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿


Only decent mod we have.