86  2018-02-24 by grungebot5000


What is it with conservatives always trying to dabble with intrigue & trickery (see Project Veritas and WaPo) and always coming out looking like even bigger mooks?

A lot of them just aren't very bright.

how does that edit change anything?

Wut? Oh, I see, you mean the edit the family made? Well, if it didn't change anything, why make the edit?

I have no idea.

What I wanna know is what does it change?

The meaning of the email is the same, with or without that part of the half-sentence, that they removed for whatever stupid reason.

"That really was way too long."

this is the first sentence in both versions.

What else, besides Colton's own writing, could "it" refer to? What else could be "way too long"?

I read the first (the edited version) and the way I interpreted it is the same as I interpret the uncut version.

You could try reading the article fam. Colton originally wrote this question CNN was okay with, and then his dad came back with this giant manifesto he wanted him to read instead. The manifesto was too long and CNN was like "stick to your original shit."

Like this is all the article talks about. How is it possible to have reading comprehension THIS bad?

This is your brain on Daddies cummies

The manifesto was too long and CNN was like "stick to your original shit."


That's what the edited email says.

Same thing as what the unedited email says.

No, the unedited email specifies that Colton is being asked to stick with his own writing instead of CNNs. Like I said like two comments ago.

Ok, in one version, it's clear CNN is telling him to stick to X question that he submitted. The other version is CNN saying stick to the question. In one version, a person could say CNN was telling him what to ask. In the other version, CNN is telling him to stick to X question that he wanted to ask. I mean, unless the family's internet provider charges by the letter, there is no reason for someone to condense/edit a ~3 sentence email unless they want to change the meaning. Especially if that email is supposedly evidence of another's wrong doing. Super sketchy.

Oh ok.

there is no reason for someone to condense/edit a ~3 sentence email unless they want to change the meaning. Especially if that email is supposedly evidence of another's wrong doing. Super sketchy.


case in point

They believe their own stuff about lying media and think that it's easy to do and won't backfire.

You know apart from the multiple times they’ve been shown to lie and push an agenda

You know apart from the multiple times they’ve been shown to lie and push an agenda

I would love to see some evidence of that.

Well let’s go over just CNN because there’s some really juicy stuff In 2003 they covered a story about the upcoming expiration of the assaults weapons ban by demonstrating fully automatic weapons. After the expiration fully automatic weapons were still illegal. Then it all came tumbling down in 2016 after they openly started shilling for Hilary while giving Bernie practically no airtime. CNN also passed Hilary questions before a CNN-hosted debate in October 2016. Then Chris Cuomu stated that possessing the leaked emails was illegal, that statement being bother retarded and false. Then they ran multiple hours of coverage when the Trump dossier “The Piss Document” was released on Jan 10, 2017. The same dossier bought and paid for by the Hillary Campaign. Then CNN printed the false Scarramuchi story (June 26, 2017) after which 3 people resigned. November 6, 2017 CNN uses a cherry-picked quote to headline a story about Japanese automakers investing in America. Also closely followed after that they fucked up a story that falsely portrayed Trump as having had early access to Wikileaks information. Going back to 2016 we have the deliberate misquoting of Sherelle Smith during the Milwaukee riots. I mean I’m not even going into heavy detail about the multiple changes to their online articles and them not printing retractions for those either. I could do this for any of the other news outlets but CNN is by far the worst offender. When you are a news outlet that isn’t afraid of blackmailing people to get apologies it’s time to take a look at how you operate your business.

So you got nothing, 'cause I ain't seeing links.

Seriously just goggle list of CNN mistakes/scandals and retractions you lazy retard

So I'm supposed to the work for you, dude? Just admit you have no evidence and move on with your life. It's not like you had a chance of convincing me anyway.

Looook at that, nice and simple. Formatted easily and with linked sources too. It only took me maybe 3 minutes of googling and some clicks.

wait, it took you 3 minutes to find the wikipedia page

Three minutes to browse through it and to check out some of the sources. Don’t be daft

you said that time was spent GOOGLING though


So, nothing. You lose, little boy.

Yeah those links to the actual sources is what I was trying to get you to look at. If you were any more intellectually impaired I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to function daily. Do some reading, think for yourself and try to act like an independent/free-thinking person.

Yeah those links to the actual sources is what I was trying to get you to look at. If you were any more intellectually impaired I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to function daily. Do some reading, think for yourself and try to act like an independent/free-thinking person.

Says guy who holds on to right-wing smearjob about CNN because they don't praise Daddy.

I am thinking for myself, BTW, but since I see right through your shilling, you "think" otherwise.

Grow up.

honestly i’d just click the links at this point and explain why they don’t mean anything, but if it ain’t broke

I’d love you to actually try to explain it all away

well they're all pretty much just dumbasses fucking up. there isn't so much as a Billo-style second take.

none of the listed incidents describe actual LIES (i.e. intentional falsehoods), unless Chris Cuomo KNEW it wasn't illegal to download illegally obtained documents when he said that live

I’m not any fucking friend of Trump’s. He’s a neocon hack, but what I do care about is an accurate and unbiased press. None of what can be said about the VAST majority of MSM outlets. So btfo, when you can’t defend it just stick a label on someone and try to write them off.

Like what you're doing? And I don't think you have any problem with bias. You just have a problem with biases you don't hold.

I haven’t applied any label to you other than retard

So you do admit it then?

I’m not labeling you as a way to dismiss your argument. I’m labeling you as mentally deficient. I’m not a fucking republican and yet I’m accused of being a Republican shill for being angry at slanted/incorrect/reactionary journalism that dares to label itself as honest

Yeah, sure you are. Let's totally pretend that your shrill yelling at CNN (and not at, say, Fox News) is TOTALLY about "dishonest journalism".

FYI: Not buying your propaganda doesn't make any one "retarded", just as assuming so doesn't make you a medical doctor capable of making such a diagnosis.

Dude fuck Fox, I can list just as many bullshit assumptions/half-truths/etc for them as well.


hey, mistakes, scandals and retractions aren’t the same as LIES

To be fair it was more Democrats get retarded and shit themselves whenever guns are mentioned so it is more ignorance than intentional malice.

They're fundamentally honest people. Just kidding. They think given they'll swallow anything, other people are the same.

Apart from Alex Jones. That man speaks the truth.

It's because Conservatives are low IQ rural retards

the 30% low IQ welfare monstrosities in rural areas still vote liberals.

vote liberals



sees libruls


Are you seriously not believing a school shooting survivor you heartless monster?



Americans are idiots, why waste any effort to fool them?

omg deceptive editing

nigga i just saw you doing damage control in /r/quityourbullshit sit down and take your spankings

seriousposting right wing conspiratard theories to hate on CNN

You've got your panties in a bunch over this. Instead of dying on stupid hills, how about you suggest that Team Daddy try to lie less often?

he doesnt though, people are just butthurt

james o keefe has done more good for journalism with project veritas than cnn has ever done LOL

Imagine being this retarded

anyone who gets angry at trump or trusts american media is below me and i make fun of them, nothing they say can ever affect me because its prob wrong like the other stuff they believe LOL

Show me where the deep state touched you

”deceptive editing?? who would ever do such a thing?”


srsly though, i think they tend to go more for the “out of context” strategy instead of literally shopping documents

i just always found it weird like he could record whole uninterrupted sentences that are pretty incriminating but people would always claim he "edited" them somehow

like theres some way to justify saying the russia stuff was fake that doesnt actually mean it

wait are you talking about james carveritas

Does this make that kid and his dad crisis actors?

""THEY"" are REAL!!

Very cool story!

Bitch they didn't show up in 1970's


because they knew the roof koreans teachers and students were waiting for them.

Or it was a fake threat in the first place? Or it's just a bunch of text on a picture about something that never happened?

it was a fake threat

there is no such thing as a fake threat.

"I am secretly Hitler ready for round 2".


:O OMG I hope the FBI gets to you in time. Leave the Chosen People alone!

democrats using reverse psychology

how does that edit change anything?

kid faked the CNN email bc butthurt they wouldn't let him soapbox for arming teachers

The obvious answer for guns in schools is more guns.

And prayers

The obvious solution is a super soaker with holy water

TFW the next school shooter doesn't even need to buy a gun and instead just beats down the 120lb English teacher and takes her gun.

No one is suggesting arming the lib arts degenerates. But the STEM and gym teachers? Hell yeah!!

Lol @ thinking some super skinny/fat nerd chem teacher is going to hold onto the gun any easier

All my STEM teachers were ex Korea vets and certified badasses. They could kill gooks 5 ways from Friday, and I'm sure that extends to modern 4chin kiddos too.

This was in the mid 1970s though... assume it hasn't changed much, we probably have hundreds of thousands of gulf war vets that could be recruited.

I don't want some grandpa with ptsd to have a gun in a school lol

Okay kiddo that grandpa could likely kick your ass

I don’t think you get the concept of PTSD, or why giving guns to people with PTSD is a bad idea

/ #RespectYourElders

is this like a gimmick cringe account

Everyone on this subreddit is a gimmick cringe account.

Well banning them didn't work. Sitting duck zones only get more people killed

obvious answer for guns in schools is more guns.


It is????

Bullshit! They need to arm the teachers with AA guns to shoot down the incoming rockets!

kid faked the CNN email

No, according to CNN he cut half a relative sentence of that e-mail. you should have read the article lol but #yolo

how does that edit change anything?

Because that part means that the kid is the one who came up with it, not CNN.

Glenn then responded that he and his son "are not actors"

I can't believe crisis actors is a mainstream, actually accepted conspiracy theory now

Really? You can't believe literal retards would believe that someone would hire tons of actors who might spill the beans rather than just do the shooting themselves?

i bet (((you))) can't

Eva fuck off you retard.

no u

Seriously even ed could come up with a better comeback.

nobelium uranium


Dunno, man — handing out edited versions of emails with people at a large media organization seems like some bullshit you’d get called out on pretty fast.

Only among people who actually listen to fake lying CNN. The only people that matter are daddys acolytes and they'll buy his bullshit.




Tbh you disappointed me with that title. I thought there was going to be Alex Jones.

there will be

there. will be.

American conservatives 🤣

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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I like that this dumbfuck tryna pull one over on a major news organization but he's so fucking stupid he can't even edit metadata.

post bussy we must


lol believing cnn



i deliberately never installed emojis because theyre for fags LOL

posting squares at me and shit




Installed emojis? What r u even using

i assumed you had to because theyve always been squares

Only us autists get the privilege to see them, normie 😎

are you saying im not autistic

please consider your words carefully


👈👁️👃👁️👂 👄

lol believing some kid

im not entirely sure about this whole shit tbh, there was a drill for that exact shooting scenario on the day it happened and everyone interviewed seems mad fake about it




