Another angsty child-in-a-woman's-body ""journalist"" accidentally spells out precisely why men should never support the #metoo witch-hunt.

76  2018-02-24 by mohkohnsepicgun


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Snappy, you have more self awareness than any of our mods.

My theory is that snappy had to shed the evil part of itself to ascend to bothood, leaving /u/ed_butteredtoast behind.

I like this theory.

This logic is unassailable.

Snappy is actually snally. Debate me.

read this, retarded seriousposters in this thread

If you do nothing now, you’re complicit

Welp I better go to jail now

WTF I love the "if you're not with us, then you're against us" narrative now.

Don't lecture me obi 1

Bush was a lefty all along you see!

so how long til the west collapses

Very soon. Inshallah.

ISIS takeover when

Soon. Like Allah (s.w.t) intended.

Inshallah my bruthas, Gott mit uns.

Asalamalakum, then the mayocide can truly begin.

America isnt all the west

Just the parts that matter

Implying the rest of the West isn't bobsledding down the shitter even faster.

The rest of the West is even gayer than America.

so how long til the west collapses


Who says I hasn't. We just haven't realised it yet.

“To stop sexual assault we need to stop people who joke about it, because joking about something leads to it happening, like how a 3 Stooges marathon leads to crime waves”

Jesus Christ on a crystal meth binge.

If that is not one of the most retarded statements i have ever read, i dont know what else is.She must be huffing some potent stuff to say that shit.

She actually didn’t say why people should oppose rape jokes in just making a guess t what her logic is.

I don't quite understand, how does this show why men shouldn't support the movement? That being said, I think she came off as a bit sensitive.

Because it's a feminist witch hunt targeted exclusively at men, with the goal of allowing slighted women to ruin a man's life with a single sentence on social media.

REEEEEEE male persecution , REEEEEEE feminist conspiracy

username checks out

imagine actually thinking this, why are straight men so fragile?

Inshallah , it's because sjws are snowflakes


Two words, Patric Brown.

Lol. No.

K. Let me know when the feminist #metoo march against Mariah Carey and Cristina Garcia happens.

Why don't you start your own march?

I think they're just pointing out hypocrisy that would seem to support their conclusion, not expressing deep concerns for Carey's or Garcia's victims.

So just whinging, then.

Sure, I mean their names literally IFuckedZoeQuinn, seems pretty obvious.

Zoe Quinn is a literal rapist by her own admission.

By her own retarded definition lol

If you fucked Zoe Quinn you would probably be having a #whingetoo

It's about ethics in games journalism, man.

Its about ethics in crying on twitter, women

how's your cousin? do they even have twitter in your shithole country?

I respect Zoe Quinn

I'm calling you out. This is inappropriate behaviour and women deserve your respect and support.

I hope you're not white, because then your comment might be unforgivable tbh.

I am so sorry, i am going to edit my comment

Anyone that starts a #metoo style campaign about men is gonna be delcared a misogynistic monster. I'm actually amazed that Terry crews didn't get shit on just for talking about his shit at the same.

Wasn’t he assaulted by a man?

yeet, I guess that might have helped

Because of a basic level of self-awareness and dignity.

Yeah standing up for yourself after you've been raped is so cringy

None of the #metoo broads have been legit raped.

"Oh no I changed my mind after I found out Chad Thundercock doesn't have 8 figures in his bank account, now I think he raped me! #metoo"

Nah Weinstein legit raped some people. And some other people did too? I wanna say Brett Ratner was one. Plus a bunch of the non-celeb hashtag people were raped.

Matt Lauer. Nasser, the gymnastic coach. Kevin "I'm gay lol" Spacey.


It was a big trending hashtag for a bit, odds are a bunch of people who used it have been raped.

I would never say that people who were raped and sexually assaulted shouldn't stand up for themselves and that their abusers shouldn't be punished but what defines assault has become impossibly broad in some circles. Currydickgate, for example, did show that there are witch-hunt shennanigans abound.

Yes, Aziz Ansari is an immature and insensitive dick but he did not sexually assault that girl.

Yes, Aziz Ansari is an immature and insensitive dick but he did not sexually assault that girl.

to be fair, the browner you are, the more rapey you come across

I read the story, I don't recall her saying it was rape. And either way that does not invalidate every claim.

Lol, it was literally an attempt to ruin his life over a bad date.

Yes. It does. It was a hit piece, retard.

And everyone thought it was retarded.

Either way...that doesn't mean all the women are making it up.

And the goal of metoo was not to fucking ruin men's lives ffs.

Right. Well, but this is why cases should be weighed by individual merit. When u have mob mentality about a certain issue...say campus sexual assault, you wind up with stories like Rolling Stone: A Rape On Campus.

No one is denying these things happen, but movements that are literally based on the behavior of an entire segment of society are inevitably flawed. Bad things happen, focus on an incident, not mob witchhunts or "cultural" changes.

Did not say it did. Never would.

delete ur account

I consider your passive aggressive posts to be a form of rape, delete them or I'm reporting you to the mods.

> saying it's mens responsibility to stop women from raping them

nice victem blame

because literally all social/politcal activism is retarded, I have never seen a rally with a cause that I felt so strongly about that I thought it was worthy or a good idea, Ive done more to advance my views on society through charity work, voting, and working with kids than probably what most rally attendees will ever do.

“Oh shit he pointed out my hypocrisy, better make it about him then”

But I thought sexual harassment was serious?

Can't tell if legit retarded or simply memeing.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast is this one of your mock-retard socks?

Every account is my alt XDDDD

Sometimes I wonder if I'm an Ed alt, I'm not too sure.

You're pickle rick

Lol, yes.


If you don't support the movement you're a monster. If you do support the movement some hack from an internet gossip column will unearth an awkward sexual experience/time you had an argument with your girlfriend/ time you were a dick in public/time you shouted angrily in the presence of a vagina and say you're a monster.

Why the fuck even bother? Let's just go route 1 and save ourselves a lot of time arriving at the conclusion that you are a monster.

I love metoo. It's great in how utterly useless it is.

There are many harassement stuff that came to light and instead of prosecuting the harasser or doing anything productive to stop harassement, "feminists" just wear flowers.

I swear half the purpose of these movements is just to feel a sense of righteous outrage.

It's a lot more than half.

I saw this coming the second Trump got elected. Fortunately it is leading the Feminist WAAAAGH! away from gaming, for the time being.


White feminism in a nutshell

modern activism in a nutshell, just throw up some stupid hashtag instead of actually doing anything.


So, a woman?

There are 3 ways that phrase can be interpreted, so hopefully it's either that or a foetus/baby.

What about Doogie Houser performing surgery?

so when can we beat em again like in the bible

edits: only when thye act up im sayin

Premptive beatings help make sure the acting up never starts in the first place.

It’s not enough to just think that joking about rape is unacceptable – and, in 2018, you probably should...

Good job she reminded me, I forgot it was {current_year}.

ask women questions

How about, "what kind of knickers are you wearing?"

OK, we can end rape but also women have to shut the fuck up after. Those are my terms.

I only support it because I'm not a big fan of rape.

Well I AM a big fan of rape and i support it too, so what does that say?

Rapists supporting #metoo is like poor people voting for Trump.

Listen to what we want

Get fucking rekt bitch

Ask Women Questions

The only question I have for women is this: "Why are you talking to me about stuff? I'd much rather see your titties. Now you're talking to me about more stuff, why? I'd much rather see your titties."