Not your average Twitter drama: A showdown between furry zoophiles and canadian neo-nazis. Whoever wins, humanity loses.

66  2018-02-24 by LatieI


Hewwo dis ish teh FBI, Furry Bulge Inspection agency, coming to awwest u for poswession of an iwwegally big bulgie uwu. Now I will inspwect u.

sniffs and notices ur bulge owo wats dis squeezie ur bulgie uwu ish sho juicy and big owo

Why did you do this?

Why did we come so far just to suffer

In the end it doesn't even matter...

Will this kind of shit be happening when we go to mars and beyond? Will there be space furries on space furry ships being faggoty in outer space?

If we're lucky

I'd hate for our first contact with aliens to be with their bizaro scally-faggots-who-pilot-their-ships-with-dildoes crew.

I was thinking more like acceptable targets for Warhammer 40k LARPing

I dunno, if Doom Rider is a thing in our universe I just might get into some slaaneshy heresy. But only if I get to ride on a sweet blazing ride down a mountain of coke.

Hitler killed the wrong people.

God truly has abandoned us

Keep yourself safe.

owo pawseesion*

I'd like to report I've been raped.

You could learn a lot from our talents in sex and social media.

I want to get off this CURRENT YEAR

How did you even find this particular drama? 😒

My money is on OP being the furry degenerate. I doubt the Nazi would be posting here given he got wrecked by a degenerate 🐕 fucker.

I got it from KiwiFarms 😘

Kiwi = furry fruit

Furry = fruit in furry suit


No escape bud. You're condemned to live chained to the unruly madness of reality.

Enjoy the ride.

Furrys are faggots and should be put in the gas chamber but how’d this nazi guy find that dudes tweets 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Nice flair.


really gets the noggin joggin

What we really need is the second top mod of behold the master race to give an opinion. The dude is an admitted gay slavic furry and even flairs himself with it.




Gay, Slav and Furry?

Hitler never stood a chance, no wonder he offed himself, he knew the horrors the Western Influence would bring.

Hitler just hated me because I'm beautiful.

Furrycide N A O

why NAO? this is the best thing they've ever done

Did an autistic furry just deny furries are autistic?

Seriously they all are on the spectrum I thought even they accepted that.

Take away the first sentence and I feel the same way about furries. Horseshoe theory confirmed?

Any time furry zoophiles lose and neo-nazis win, a good thing has happened for all of mankind.

well that's not what happened

Well then mankind has been made lesser for it.

Gas everyone involved.

Tbh this seems like normal Twitter drama.

that is easily the coolest furry I've ever seen

and I've seen a BUNCH