/u/Ham_Sandwich77 publishes his manifesto

137  2018-02-24 by Strictlybutters


Again and again, Canadians prove themselves to be the absolute worst posters online. The true disgrace of the Western Hemisphere has made even amerisharts look reasonable in communities like Reddit and 4chan.

u/ham_sandwhich77 posts on the_donald and metacanada. The chances of him being Canadian is very slim. So please don’t lump him in with us, he is most likely Russian.

We have very good posters over here in canada. The best.


You sound like your from fuckin north korea. North america is best america.

lol get the fuck out of my country you faggy retard

You should fite him irl and upload the video

We've seen pics of /u/eva_unit_hung tho. The only thing he's fighting is a crippling sense of inadequacy. And it's not going very well for him

Show me

almost did a spittake

Skinnyfat manlets, smh.



nah i'm okay with me, but I bet you and 90% of autists here wouldn't dare risk r/drama seeing their true form, which was the point of me posting that in the first place.

match me faget

I had pics of me on my last account. I got doxxed. #neveragain

Was that a real pic of your bussy? Did someone actually identify you by cross referencing your ass?

Yes. Maybe.

That's why you need to keep a seperate account for all your lewds. You gave them too many resources to dip into.

PS nice buns if I remember correctly.

PS nice buns if I remember correctly.

You did

/u/eva_unit_hung never say I don't put out

Sweet. Not we just have to wait and see if someone runs this through their ass recognition algorithm.

I already did to be sure 😅

Is there an ass under all that hair? I can't tell!

Also this account was originally intended to be for my lewds when I cared about working out more... And the opinion of random redditors

Is there an ass under all that hair? I can't tell!


hahaha if you're implying I don't have hair down there, god i fucking wish

i manscaped earlier today. sometimes I go full on and shave the cheeks too. just a comfort thing my dude

i was just joshin you and your butt jewfro

i was just joshin

What decade is it?!

shoulda had a dope spidey mask to protect your secret identity

I did appreciate the capeshit touch you added

yeah i'm fuckin adorable/hilarious

I love that "capeshit" is more often used in r/drama. 😌


You couldn't grasp my true form

Canadians are not this mean, you are a fake!

But Im Canadian

Again and again, Canadians prove themselves to be the absolute worst posters online. The true disgrace of the Western Hemisphere has made even amerisharts look reasonable in communities like Reddit and 4chan.

Now their activities have even risen to blatant criminality, and the Reddit admins still don't act.

/u/Ham_Sandwich77 are you seriously accusing them of illegally cyberbullying you?


Get Melania on the phone!

Yeah, what the hell happened to her "cyber bullying" initiative? I was hoping that was going to create a lot of drama.

She probably misunderstood, I don't think english is first language.

She's still looking for the tubes that the internet is pushed through

one of trumps kids (the retard looking one, with the teeth) probably convinced her there up his ass and she gotta tongue them to get them out. The Donald approves.

Nah she speaks one of those orcish languages

i wonder when the last time the donald forced himself on her? She has that look where she just projects herself to a 'happy place'

She looks like one of the black people from "Get out". The real melania is trapped in that empty void.




i identify as a zer

what is this?




I'm not a goy I'm one of you, so stop annoying me or Ill fuck up your credit

I'm not a goy

I don't believe you

Check your bank account

Still the same disappointing amount


Never saw it.


A kid who survived the Florida shooting tweeted at her asking why she didn't stop her step son from liking a tweet calling her a crisis actor. No response so far. Don't worry! I'm sure there'll be one soon.

Lmao who even cares about a standby in a school shooting

Tell her to send nudes!

Blatant criminality

Cyber bullying

Imagine being this much of a cuck

Imagine believing laws protect conservatives in [current year]

Imagine having a huge persecution complex because people say mean things about your political beliefs in [current year]


Imagine being so retarded you think death threats and doxxing is "saying mean things"

How are those conservative forum PTSD group therapy sessions going?

lol, what a sausage fest. Where are all the hotties for Trump?

in all honesty bangable https://www.reddit.com/r/hottiesfortrump/ but not like I would put a ring on it hot, ya know.

I like how the only black guy is confined to the corner

I also like the david blaine-esque looking type with the red maga hat right down the middle. He must be the ring leader


Veterans who have seen the actual horrors of combat are the equivalent to right wing SJW shit posters now?

This is why you retards get made fun of.

Veterans who have seen the actual horrors of combat are the equivalent to right wing SJW shit posters now?

No, Vets are at least 20% more retarded than any SJW. I mean they went half round the world to kill brown people because "muh freedom".

I know this is an edgy 2006 opinion, but anyone who willingly invaded Iraq deserves to be PTSDing so hard right now.

I'd pay to be given the opportunity to press a button and remove kebab.

You asked about conservative PTSD groups.

Alright, so we are going to ignore the fact that you will say that the percentage of members leans conservative after I point out that it is not really a conservative group.

My joke was about a fictional therapy group that copes with being bullied online for identifying with the alt right. It had nothing to do with conservative people being in group therapy.

Just because you are a humorless twat doesn't mean you have to ruin everything.

Just because you are a humorless twat doesn't mean you have to ruin everything.

I'm not a leftist anymore.

Then why are you still a humorless twat? Is it a disorder? I will try to be less mean if it is medical.

I don't know. Maybe I am secretly transgender.

Or transretarded

I identify as a drama poster

That's what I said

death threats about as real as trollx rape threats

Doxxing is unironically the best thing online. If you're dumb enough to have any PII connected to your account, you deserve what you get

I tend to agree, but there are lots and lots of stupid people.

Stupid is as stupid does

So you think cyberbullying should be a crime?

I can see the reality shows now. Swat teams barging into houses tasing people to death over "cyber bullying".

Damn, I should make a pilot episode and copyright it.

You'll need a (((producer))). I gotchu.

/u/Ham_Sandwich77 probably has a list of (((them)))

I think laws should apply to both sides

So you think cyberbullying should be a crime?

Rip r/drama

Imagine thinking cuckservative’s need laws to protect them from bullying when it’s already established science that they don’t even have feelings.


A cuckservative is a John McCain/Paul Ryan type establishment RINO

Found the cuck.

Learn how to backtrace an IP, n00b


are you seriously accusing them of illegally cyberbullying you?

Not me. It's Perma and VelveltJustice you you guys doxxed and blackmailed.

you guys doxxed

Whatchu mean "you guys"?

Have you always been this much of a pussy?

"Pussy"? Calling people pussies is your defense for doxxing and blackmailing people?

Seeing as this is your "evidence":

He's on record saying he's been blackmailing one r/Canada moderator for months with a leaked private conversation between r/Canada moderators. What he's not mentioning in that discussion is that the person who delivered u/UsedToDonateBlood the leaked conversation, also provided him with the moderator's real identity. He's even been dropping subtle hints about the blackmail he was perpetrating. That's the moderator who deleted his account today.


Why did you omit the part he openly concedes that he doxxes people, and that he created r/OnGuardForThee specifically to dox people?


It's Perma and VelveltJustice

You still have nothing to back this up

P.S. both metacanada & ogft are retarded

Even your own OnGuardForThee buddies acknowledged they doxxed Perma


How can you still be denying it?

Do you have any hobbies besides being a douchenozzle on Reddit?

A few. Unlike you people, doxxing/blackmail isn't one of them.

You need a break man. You’re clearly losing it.

Tends to happen when mongs like him are at the end of their rope.

Right? He’s gone full loopy.

Even your own OnGuardForThee buddies



How can you still be denying it?

You're really bad at this "evidence" thing aren't you?

What do you want me to do, link to the info that revealed Perma's identity?

A) It's finally been removed.
B) That would make me guilty of doxxing.

What do you want me to do

Provide proof

And aside from the confessions I provided, I can't do that without also becoming guilty of doxxing, which is what I suspect you're trying to accomplish here.

Put down the meth pipe, mayo

Don't you have gender reassignment therapy, or a Young Communist League meeting to go to or something?

Don't you have gender reassignment therapy

I honestly went there to ask if they could surgically make you less of a bitch, but they said they can't work miracles.

or a Young Communist League meeting to go to or something?

No I love money.

Sure you do, commie.

Sure you do, Anyone who disagrees with me is a commie.

lol you're no different than the lefty spergs who call everyone they don't like a Nazi

Buzz words for when you know you’re backed into a corner. Just like the far lefties you screech about daily.

How’s it feel to be just like them?

Third from the right is /u/AnnoysTheGoys

pls no doxx. ill arrest u for cyberbullying.

I'm an outlaw commie, come git mah

I'm an outlaw commie

I always suspected you spuds were red on the inside

I'm only a commie on the weekends shekelstein

MWF = nazi

Tuesday = radfem

Thursday = jihadi/fake jew

My apologies, I forgot how prevalent mental health issues are among the tators

I wasn't even born in Ireland you zyklon huffer

It's genetic, mongfriend. Where were you born? In an Afghan prison?

That's so highly classified that even I don't know

I suspect I was created in a lab experiment to make the perfect high-T Chad, possibly in Mossad HQ


Neat obsession. What’s your favourite category of trans porn?

Truly a prime example of the master race

Your levels of paranoia seem troubling.


Since the sub was supposedly created to dox people, do you have any links to the posts where people were doxxed on /r/onguardforthee?

People going through your post history is not doxxing. Christ you neo Nazis are seriously retarded?

Calling people pussies is your defense for doxxing and blackmailing people?

No, none of us have mounted a defense because you haven't shown any proof. How do me know you didn't dox and blackmail Perma and VelveltJustice?

you guys doxxed

We're south park neutral, fam, not far left.

While you're here, can I get banned from your shitty sub as well?

/u/Ham_Sandwich77 I assume anyone that uses the term "alt left" is retarded. Care to comment on this matter?

Spotted the alt-leftist.

Spotted the retard.

I’m glad we had this discussion.

It's always nice when people can find common ground

Spotted the alt-leftist.

Imagine creating labels just you can be the biggest faggots outside of the LGBTBBQBLTsandwich community.

It's LGBTTIQQ2S in Canada pls. We include native shape shifters.

This is why I don't trust people that are alt-right or alt-left they just resort to name calling instead of you know having a discussion and I dunno solving problems.

U wanna hug this out?

I'm down to hug it out. I didn't mean to call anyone a faggot, I was hangry.

I was supporting you dude, my point was this is why u/Ham_Sandwich77 is a dummy. I apologize if I didn't make that clear. He labeled you alt leftist and I was just agreeing with you. Totes down for hug though, and I mean honestly gay bros are probably okay with the use of the word faggot, because seriously anyone who devalues discussion by resorting to name calling is a faggot and should be treated as such with regards to the historical reference.

My gay roomate used to call everyone a faggot. It was hilarious. They didn't know how to react and I'm just laughing the whole time.

depends on the person. I grew up using the word, but now I feel for my trans/gay homies. Best part for your room mate is they can't say shit back

Need a hug bro?

Fuck off, your giving all of us a bad name. The fuck is wrong with you? Seriously? Are you missing a chromosome you retarded fuck?

Missing a chromosome? He collects them like baseball cards.

since we only have one MLB team thats not very many

your giving all of us a bad name.

You degenerate alt-left sacks of shit are doing that to yourselves.

Hey dude, I get it Donald Trump got your panties wet. Here is the thing he is fucking idiot. He did exactly what barack did and gave people hope, difference is it took people 8 well more like 6 years to figure out barack was a fake. With Trump it was more like 6 weeks. You know what else, this whole alt-right, 'conservative', islamphobia, racism this, racism that shit you pull is garbage. People want real solutions to real problems. Dividing a country based on race isn't going to solve that; not working with people who have different views isn't going to solve that; you know what will? Well why would I ask you, the fuck do you know? What solves it is strong leadership; uniting all people; and making progress in local communities. I was gonna say something insulting but I don't want to get reported. Ironically a real American would not have resorted to the crap you have. How disappointing.

I get it Donald Trump got your panties wet.


He did exactly what barack did and gave people hope

I would have voted for Obama both times if I were an American. Especially the second time.

it took people 8 well more like 6 years to figure out barack was a fake.

I'm only figuring that out now, since the election, with all the abuses coming to light.

this hole alt-right, 'conservative', islamphobia, racism this, racism that shit you pull is garbage.

You list """"islamophobia"""" alongside racism as if objection to a poltiical/religious ideology and hatred of people based on the colour of their skin are even in the same ballpark. A religion is a belief system, not an immutable quality. And islam is a belief system centred on oppressing out-groups. Well I'm in one of those outgroups. So you saying I have no right to object to islam is like telling a jew they have no right to object to nazism. The problem is people like you making exceptions for bigoted, hateful, supremacist ideologies if and when it happens to be an ethnic minority doing it. You reject that exact type of belief system when the tables are turned, which makes you a hypocrite.

Dividing a country based on race isn't going to solve that

The left are the ones doing that. You're the ones obsessed with identity politics. You're the ones advocating for neo-segregationism, you're the ones who want to create separate systems of law for different races, you're the ones doing all this shit.

not working with people who have different views isn't going to solve that

So you have no problem with working with people who hold bigoted, supremacist views toward certain identity groups? You're fine working with "nazis"?

What solves it is strong leadership; uniting all people; and making progress in local communities.

Tell that to all the islamic extremists out there.

I was gonna say something insulting but I don't want to get reported. Ironically a real american would not have resorted to the crap you have.

I'm Canadian.

I get it Donald Trump got your panties wet.


I'm Canadian.

Every. Fucking. Time. 😂😂😂😂😂

Dog whistle, buzzwords, dog whistle, buzz words.

not an argument

Subjective opinion.

Look AFAIK in America there are anti-semite laws, we should have those for muzzies to. Let's look at freedom of speech. It's fucking great. Problem is the dumbest motherfuckers abuse it. People like lauren southern, ezra levant, ect. These people like you are cowards. They want to spread hatred and fear then get some impressionable white kid to shoot up a mosque. Times have changed and we need to look at our laws and make them better. Freedom speech exists because back then saying something against the monarchy or church and you were guaranteed to get fucked. It's like the second amendment, we need to look at how it applies now in the 21st century. I am not saying you can't say Islam is a bad religion or criticize by all means. However, if your stoking fears about a group of people with no basis to your claims then I feel differently. I have never had a problem with a muslim, and i know in America even after 9/11 muslim Americans came out and supported their fellow American. I know Iran held a candle light vigil for the victims of 9/11. That's all I gotta say about that. Are the alt left dividing the country? Yeah they are but so are you. Both of these ideologies are two peas in a fucking pod. Would I work with nazi, I would but they won't work with me, and I would have to get them to understand that hey when we work together we can accomplish more. I suspect most wouldn't. You are sad. Really just sad. I don't mean that insultingly, I genuinely feel bad for you. what happened? Part of this is that alt-right mentality. It suckers white kids into not going to school; not contributing to their communities; and just wasting their lives.

Contribution to society?

Well I fought in Afghanistan - as a Canadian - because of what happened to your country at the hands of Islam on 9/11. Now barely a decade and a half later, filth like you are embracing the exact brand of evil that perpetrated that attack, the exact brand of evil people like me fought (many of whom died) to confront, now scum like you are calling us "racists" for not embracing that brand of evil. Go fuck yourself. You're what's wrong with the western world.

Well I fought in Afghanistan

Cough cough bullshit.

He's level 5 prestige bro

Fights in Afghanistan stays up late talking to autists on r/drama.


Yes OK.

I have family members who served in Afghanistan on my side of the family and my wife’s side of the family. I’ve been around many vets from multiple Canadian missions. I can tell you this. None......I repeat.....none of those members of the CAF would ever be on a social media platform playing the garbage games you are playing.

You’re a kid. Maybe not in age but definitely in mentality. You are making up BS to try and legitimize your post as being relevant. It’s sad on many levels, and disgusting. Stolen Valour is a real thing. People who try and pass themselves off as ex military for social political points is some of the lowest of lows. You need help in more ways than one.

I have family members who served in Afghanistan

LOL you fucking pussy. "I know a guy who served in Afghanistan".

Yeah, but you didn't. Pussy.

I get it. You’re embarrassed for being called out as a liar and dog whistling racist.

Maybe try and be real bro and you’ll have better success in life. I legitimately feel sad for you. Pretending to be a veteran is some bottom of the barrel stuff. Shame on you dude.

How am I racist?

We’ve been over this kiddo.


whistle whistle tweet tweet

Dog-whistle politics

Dog-whistle politics is political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different, or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup. The phrase is often used as a pejorative due to a perception of deceptive intent in the speaker thought to be making use of such messaging. The analogy is to a dog whistle, whose high-frequency whistle is heard by dogs but inaudible to humans.

The term can be distinguished from "code words" used in some specialist professions, in that dog-whistling is specific to the political realm.

[ PM | Exclude me | Exclude from subreddit | FAQ / Information | Source | Donate ] Downvote to remove | v0.28

Yeah, I've asked numerous times, and am still waiting for an example. You saying "dog whistle" over and over again means nothing.

Selective bias. Everyone else will understand explicitly what it means and in relation to you. That’s all that matters at this point.

I'm still waiting for you to show where I've said anything that would indicate I'm a racist.

If you can't find anything after all this, why do you think I'm a racist? Because some stranger on the internet told you to think I'm a racist?

What does that say about you?

Your ability to ignore the plain evidence presented in front of your face is spectacular.

What evidence?

So, there's no evidence? Just you saying "dog whistle"?

whistle whistle tweet tweet

You and I, we've done this dance before.

You failed to respond to an actual argument before and I can see instead of learning from your mistakes you pretend the argument just never happened.

So I will reiterate for you: you think because you watch Jordan whatshisface that you are some sort of free thinking intellectual titan. You are not. You are just a little boy who discovered that he can block accusations of racism with the words 'Islam isn't a race'.

Those four magic words are all the excuse you need to behave like an absolute shit head.

Every. Day. You put your prejudices on display for everyone on reddit. Your ignorance and your addiction to outrage and hate are things you shove down our throats and force us to look at Every. Day.

I hope one day you wake up and realise what a self-destructive path you're on. You're hurting yourself more then anyone else.

How am I racist?

I don't think you're a bigot, but since you're Canadian I'm curious what % of maple syrup to cum you throw back before bed every night.

It's a 0% maple syrup cum/syrup mix.

What kind of fucking Canuck are you, then?

Source or are you just making stuff up because you disagree with him?

Well I fought in Afghanistan

Prove it

And how do you expect me to do that without doxxing myself?

Jesus. Can you people go a day without trying to dox someone?

Oh sure, we'll just take your word for it 🙄

Hey, PTSD from taking afgani goat dick in the ass over years of service would start to explain his delusions.

Oh fuck this guy wants to get serious. So a handful of spastics hijack a few planes and attack the US. Then the ever wise bush says you know what fuck afghanistan were going to war, and also proceeds to invade iraq. Now lets say he left it at afghanistan, your telling me he couldn't I dunno just launch missiles at the place. It's bumfuck, goatfuck country. Let's look at this to, this guy bush got a 5.4 TRILLION dollar surplus. When he left it was a 13 TRILLION dollar deficit. That one white guy fucked America harder then the british, the japs, vietnam, and the 9/11 sand nig nogs. Like I said I have no problem with muslims, like most people they come in all kinds varieties. Some are cool, some are pieces of shit, literally and figuratively. Your to dumb to figure that out. Fuck, Americans could have fucking healthcare; higher paying jobs; instead we get a deluded old faggot for president and ton of wars no one fucking wanted.

So you saying I have no right to object to islam is like telling a jew they have no right to object to nazism

The Jews are literally the ones behind this, though. Who do you think is pushing all these ideas in Western countries?

Telling a Jew that they have the right to object to Nazism is like telling ISIS that they have the right to object to Western imperialism.

Less meth, more anti-psychotics pls

Better run back to your safe space.

Lol conservatives trying to use alt left as a term is even more pathetic than liberals trying to co-opt the word cuck or snowflake.

I wonder what happened to you to make you who you are. Genuine mental illness? Are you deeply depressed and lashing out against a word that holds no happiness for you? PTSD from abuse or trauma? Just a really pathetic dude who gets off on getting angry PM's on the Internet? What makes you tick?

You're truly a fascinating case.

there are better words that hurt them more, tbh

tankie, commie, pinko, etc.

I just want to thank /u/Ham_Sandwich77 on his efforts to shut down this garbage website. It is absolutely haram and Allah will bless him for his efforts.


I gotta be honest I took one look at the scroll bar size and noped the fuck out

Smart decision. I just went into the shit pile comments.

u/Ham_Sandwich77 do you want to know why everyone is mocking you? Why the admins aren’t doing anything? Because you proof is shit. I have seen your posts and the “evidence” you have. There is only vague intentions. At that it’s 1 post.

You want to nail these guys? Provide something solid , undoctored

Yeah, you're trying to get me to post the dox so you can report me to the admins for UsedBlood's doxxing. I wasn't born yesterday.

The admins know who was doxxed and where they were doxxed. They were given links to the actual posts, and still haven't acted.

When you fail you fail hard bro.


If you weren't born yesterday what was that absolute garbage you spewed out? Are you telling me that you're this clueless and not a new born? God that's embarrassing.

See the problem is you’re a conservative on Reddit, and thus you’re problematic. Learn not to express your opinion, it’s that simple.


conservatives != nazis

Yes thank you hence the /s

User was banned for unironic use of /s

No, I just forgot mine

You forgot to denote that you were being sarcastic in a comment that says conservatives aren’t nazis

This but unironically

Dude you could just post it with the info redacted. You know that unless you a) have nothing to show or are b) truly retarded.

/u/Ham_Sandwich77 why did you lock the fcking thread reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

lol. Just lol.

Did the evil libwuls hurt your feewings Hammy?

In the past few days, Reddit's commutation of the rules for their extreme-left users and groups has become self evident.

I lost it already hahahaha

How Reddit Works
If you're unfamiliar with how Reddit works, a "subreddit" is essentially a room where users


essentially a room where users

o hai doggy

How Reddit Works

Posted on reddit

i think he thinks its gonna go viral and be in the news or something lol

/u/Ham_Sandwich77 lol cry more

I encourage everyone in r/reddiyusersafety to maintain their safety

It's pretty fucking hilarious that there are actually people out there who are afraid of Justin Trudeau. Justin fucking Trudeau. What other effete lace curtain sissies are you escared of /u/Ham_Sandwich77? Does Ben Aflleck haunt your nightmares too?

Trump = "alpha male"

Trudeau = "beta male soyboy"

Liberals scared of Trump = makes sense

Conservatives scared of Trudeau = a bunch of fucking pussies

Not my framework, mind you, but it's got my eggs whisking

Where's Daddy! OMG! OMG! OMG! better clench my canadian bussy. On a serious note I apologize on behalf of Canadians for subjecting you to such autistic faggotry of the lowest kind. Be well my friends.

Don't apologize, push for legislation to make it mandatory to abort fetuses with autism or downs. That's the only way to stop these posts (and destroy /r/Drama)

But I love this place....

the extreme left are making Reddit a dangerous place for... centrists

Everywhere should be a dangerous place for centrists IMHO.

Wow rude

Except /r/neoliberal, home of R A D I C A L C E N T R I S M

I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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lol he removed all the comments in his safe space

Edit: lol

Yeah I got banned as well, pretty hilarious.

why does your screenshot have a rageface in it

Relay for Reddit


What's your name and political affiliation? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.


I want to report you to the liberal soyboy antifa BLM supersoldier death squad police.

They're already on me, as you can plainly see.



I can agree that the far-left is definitely more tolerated on reddit than the far right at least. Not sure what this guys deal is though, seems really paranoid.

Far anything is generally mocked outside of their designated safe spaces


They should definitely keep themselves safe

you faggots actually read all this shit?

brb gonna bury submissions.

Also does a left wing group wanna post bussy to mod /r/democrat ?

I'm voting for Jagmeet because I want to see how many colors of turbans he has!

The nazi is full of shit, but he has a point with the right to anonymity.

Except he's offered no proof

Then don't publicly identify yourself online.

Fam, as an internet stalker, I can see how easy it would be for anyone to find the real you, regardless of you ever identifying yourself over it (beyond facebook and such of course).

Nah, I could disclose my town, age, sex and occupation and there would still be thousands of candidates. Maybe if you work with something rare and/or live in a small shithole.

Yeah, but we all know that you're the only gay escort in that one horse town worth going to.

Too long didn't read. And what's this on guard bullshit?


Internet is srs bsns guys.

/u/Ham_Sandwich77 for someone who owns /r/RedditUserSafety you aren't doing a good job of Keeping Yourself Safe.

LMAO imagine being such a triggered little snowflake you make a whole subreddit just so you can reeeeeeeeeeeee

What exactly did he say in there that isn’t easily verifiably one way or the other? Is it fashionable to look the other way when people on this site get doxxed or outed or whatever the hell you kids call it now?

that isn’t easily verifiably one way or the other

Where tho

Can’t it be verified by the mods he points out that were singled out?

idk. ask them

I just don’t get all the hate for ham sandwich, is it because he is a conservative?

Nah, it's that he's claiming some giant dumb internet conspiracy and refuses to back it up

That was my original point, if someone wanted to verify what he claimed, it seems like he put out enough information to confirm one way or the other. I don’t know shit about any of this so I will show myself the door.

That OP is retarded, but the people defending doxxing in that thread with "well I don't have anything to be ashamed about" are boring fucks too.

Well if you have nothing to be ashamed of, you are quite boring.

Yea that's my point.