/r/nihilism wants to make the entire universe safe

24  2018-02-24 by MantisTobogganMD_PHD


This is called antinatalism. Check up this subreddit

Oh god I forgot about that shitshow: /r/antinatalism

They realize they can kill themselves, right?

Can't autisticly screech at their mother for letting them into this world if their dead

they're you fucking mongoloid.

Their, their. No need to get upset

Does not smooth!

Not chunky!

Haha I didn't even realize autocorrect fucked that up. Fuck it, I'm leaving it. It's funnier this way.

It's whom, retard


Fuck my wife

It's not as easy as you make it

It's pretty easy. They don't do it, because they doubt their own reasoning.

I don't do it because it doesn't matter. Am going to die anyway, but bringing someone else into this world is simply wrong

They have a meme about how people always tell them that, but I’ve never seen them actually invalidate it. I don’t see how they can. The means of undoing their birth are right at hand.

Das Kind war in diese Existenzmaschine hineingeworfen worden von der Mutter, der Vater hielt diese Existenzmaschine, die den Sohn konsequent zerstückelte, lebenslänglich in Gang. Eltern wissen genau, daß sie das Unglück, das sie selbst sind, in ihren Kindern fortsetzen, mit Grausamkeit gehen sie vor, indem sie Kinder machen und in die Existenzmaschine hineinwerfen, so er, dachte ich, das Gastzimmer in Augenschein nehmend.

Honestly, when I read shit like this I start to realize what a wonderful thing common sense is.

You suffer in order to survive. The purpose of life is not to end suffering, it is to continue surviving. But you can do both, if you're not a fart-sniffing sophomore taking mid-level philosophy courses. If you are, then you probably think you can only choose one or the other.

The purpose of life is too lick bat booty hole.

It's traps for me tbh

I've no complaints about that.

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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seems reasonable tbh