/r/milliondollarextreme debates if it supports pitbull genocide literally or merely ironically.

60  2018-02-25 by vishier




mmde startin to get reeeeeal weird

It went from alt right irony to alt right, I blame the election. This is coming from a LONG time mde fan. That subreddit is a dumpster fire and will get banned next big wave, it sucks ass.

mde was genuinely hilarious. they were not actually alt right people in real life, they just did edgy satire that was genuinely hilarious. shit, only a small percentage of shit i even saw them do, and that includes random sam hyde skits, was even remotely ironic alt right satire.

how the fuck did their sub become a literal nazi hang out?

how the fuck did their sub become a literal unironic nazi hang out?

Reddit banned all the places they were using before.

This didn't happen to /r/Drama tho. Nazis are notoriously thin-skilled, so even a small amount of radical centrism keeps them away.

They didn't have that in MDE probably then.


mde is just right wing john oliver. one decent idea beaten for 20 minutes until it's embarrassing

, they just did edgy satire


It is funny when they get the news to take the bait though.

Subs like CringeAnarchy finding it. The same way everything eventually gets shit.

They already have a replacement sub at /r/13451452251849519 because they someone are retarded enough to think they’ll be the first ever banned sub not to have replacements banned too.

So gay pedophilia statistics tumblr standup is fine but now it's too edgy? Fake fan

Are you referring to the one when they went full Tom green, causing almost the whole venue to boo and exit? That was a surreal stand up. That took effort, and no fear.

Go look at what the neo Nazis are posting in the subreddit. Maybe you're too new to not remember how it used to be, but it wasn't about trump and white supremacy. That was just one of the MANY angles mde could hit with humor from. Now the subreddit has exclusively latched on to this, without any semblance of humor. It's just a bunch of stormfronters, and I can ASSURE you, that subreddit will die soon. I hope it does tbh. Too much exposure for the wrong reasons too fast.

IMHO now it's basically worst of both worlds of Reddit (hive-minded circlejerking) and /pol/ (mindless contrarianism and everyone trying to virtue signal how Nazi and racist they are)

Very well said. There was a post the other day, called "French". It was linked to a post that someone took of a French actress who was black. They we're just simply promoting racism without any semblance of humor. You can disagree with me on the race angles mde takes, but that post was just flat out racism.

Yeah so it's fine to do 15 minutes on gay pedophilia/hiv statistics but race crime statistics is a bit too far huh. Of course you want the sub shut down you're exactly the type of sensitive Redditor the sub gets off on triggering

You're over simplifying. There's a right way to approach it, like the way mde approaches it, and then there's the people who try (and fail) to do it all over the subreddit. If you seriously consider that "french" post mde related / funny then you're honestly not understanding mde and I'm sorry man. Maybe you should go back to your containment board.

Really playing the "MDE is actually double layered leftist satire" thing? Seriously? We're long past that. The way MDE approaches it is talking about "faggots" spreading "gay cancer" and fucking children. I fail to see how that's so elevated from some kind of generic "black people aren't French" shitpost or pointing out minority crime rates. There's constant internal debate on the sub anyway it's not this unified stormfront thing that you imply

Seems like you're really hung up on that one stand up. I suggest you check out the rest of their plethora of content, then come back to this discussion.

We could talk about Inconvenient Anime if you want, where he says "chinks" look like aliens. I'm just saying at least be consistent with your outrage if you're gonna play humour police

It's a calculated use in my opinion, it's strategic. I wish they didn't use the language as much honestly, but it gives it this tangible edge. I can totally admit that by including this edge it invites the actual stormfronters crowd, unfortunately. And with the election all that kekistani crap only caused it to fester even more. Mde is always about being edgy, but I think that there is a right way to approach this edge, and when the boys do it they do it well, but when these kids post on the subreddit they're like not trying to be funny, they just post to virtue signal their political agenda...

Exactly. They're fucking unironically Christian and anti-abortion now.

Fake if true.


I might have to save this one for later

i always try to, but then when it matters most my mind goes blank and all i can come up with is 'nigger spic kike faggot'

i need a racial slur thesaurus built into my browsers autocorrect

Tbh it helps to have "kys you autistic goy" ready to be pasted whenever (((you))) need it

Pit bull apologists are the worst kind of people, right up there with anti-vaxxers and multi-level marketers

Pitbulls are to small I prefer the boerboel

That dog looks like it just swallowed a kid whole

Its a South African farm dog breed to defend the farm from lions and black people.

I was hoping it hunted Boers in the streets

We do need an official dog of the Mayocide. Perhaps it can be trained to hunt Boers?

And MDE fans

as long as they spare mr. worldwide I'm cool with it

So is r/MDE what would happen if lolsorandumb and the alt-right had a baby? What a fucking bizarre sub.

MDE is the holds up spork retarded subsection of T_D

B-b-but only ironically though.

daddy is definitely too (((cucked))) for mde


Don't comment on a month old thread, tard



Saying this as a lurker and occasional poster on that sub, as well as a nigbull owner, this is actually legitimately fucked up if real.

Which isn't likely.

What's it like being retarded an MDE poster?

Don't advise it tbh. Recently ive been getting an ulcer and i blame the jews, blacks and my pet pitbull

Sounds like you're in a self defense situation tbh

Pitbull hate comes 99% from people who get bit and then assume it must have been a pitbull that did it. 20 years ago it was Rottweilers that were killing everyone, and now suddenly they've been bred to be non-aggressive and Pitbulls have become trained baby assassins.

Incidentally, the other 1% comes from people who get Pitbulls specifically because they've heard they're aggressive, and then proceed to encourage it.

They say Pitbulls are the most violent breed on the planet. I say it's the racist Golden Retriever judges that be puttin' away good decent Pitbulls like myself behind bars n shit. Locking us up before our time, taking us out of the community. They say Pitbull schools' more violent n shit, I say it's the institution that societized the pitbull to be violent. ...

i've decided that this is not real, for my own sanity

I’m so happy pit bulls are banned in canada.

dindus of the dog world

This is why we need Labradorcide.

Terrorists are banned from entering countries, so are pitbulls in some countries. Pitbulls are pretty much terrorists.

I am unironically in favor of sterilizing most posters on /r/milliondollarextreme

I don't think most of them have any shot at breeding, might as well save the resources to gas the weebs

What are you? Some kind of pussy bleeding heart liberal?

The obvious solution for /r/milliondollarextreme is GAS GAS GAS.

Put some Tide pods in a candy dish, and tell them not to eat then.

No, you need to tell them that the Jews don't want them to eat the Tide Pods.

Huh. I thought this was about killing the mayo rapper named Pitbull and I was enthusiastically on board with the idea. Instead it's just an untrue and homosexual story about putting down his parents' dog.

I am disappoint.


Progressives get pitbulls as a retarded protest against the idea that an animal can be genetically predisposed to aggression and violence.

And then it rips their toddler's face off for stepping on its tail. F

Tbh it deserved it for provoking a dog like that, you gotta learn these lessons in life early.

The only "progressive" in that thread was the Tull fan

LIBerals dont get pitbulls only we real americans do for huntin use

wtf why would you do that? What are you hunting and how does a pitbull help?

what are you hunting


how does a pitbull help

Are you serious?

to catch teh hog afte ru shoot it sometimes they run after

You don't use pitbulls as hunting dogs you fucking tard. You use a Redbone or a black mouth. Pitbulls are to slow and unpredicyable while working in groups.

shows what u know NUTHIN probably aint never hunt before