South Park Centrist

11  2018-02-25 by I_Am_Not_Pope


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Who is this man, copy pasting same comment at all the places. Wtf!!!

Centrists are a bunch of retards whose IQ is too low to form any real political opinions. South Park neutral =/= being a centrist

Not really, the real retards are having a blind loyality to a person because the letter next to their name. I like and hate aspects of both partys. I hate abortion (except for white babies) but realize its best to keep it legal to make it safe, I think gun nuts are retarded and have massive penis envy but I think its a slippery slope to take away any guarenteed rights ever, I hate high taxes but realize a social safety net has to be put in place, I dont believe in the death penalty(except for mayos), so I can have different point of views and not have a "home team". Both sides get money from corporations, both sides promised to bring home troops only to massively expend defense. Classic divide and conquer techniques.

Commies can never be Chads, they are by definition automatic Cucks. Nazis disreguarded too many prime Jussy to beconsidered Chads too plus they lost.

Commies who are living under a REAL oppressive system like the nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America are Chads. The ones LARPing as oppressed revolutionaries in the West are most definitely not Chads.

"I'm a brainlet with plebian facebook tier political opinions"

Yeah thanks I already knew that

Lol neck yourself. Go follow along blindly with your trainwreck party, consume media to appeal to your bias, never venture outside your comfort zone, be told how to vote by a simple letter. Feel sorry for such a sheep.

What the fuck are you talking about lmao

>Not being a brainlet centrist means I'm a shill for team D or team R

I'm a Theocratic Christian Monarchist a.k.a an ideology you form from research and not normies memes on facebook or from your parents

Okay well drink some flavoraid in Guyana with that fringe bullshit(kool aid did nothing wrong) Parents have been worm food for years love to hear their opinions.

I'm a Theocratic Christian Monarchist


>I'm a christcuck AND a bootlicker

Looks like you've ruffled some feathers. The irony when you trigger r/drama beta virgins.


pretty hot tbh

Shut up and enjoy the anal sex, also this is probably my favourite use of the political chart.