"Vote up if you think Bush should be impeached" - Evidence of primitive reddit cavemen fighting each other ten years ago.

231  2018-02-25 by neufreund


/u/heyredditaddict has reddit changed much over the past 11 years?

It’s just an ego boost for whomever posted this, knowing that they had β€œsomething” on the front page. Aka kharma whoring.

I can answer that: no.

Well now karma and front page visibility manipulation have been monetized by corporate and political groups, so I’d say things have changed for the worse


Yes, average age went down as did the average IQ but that was only to make things more inviting for leftists and liberals.

Subreddits have flourished. There used to not be any! A lot of the top posts on the front page have become much more meme-oriented, the duration of top posts erodes much, much faster than before (they used to be able to last an entire day, now it's usually hours at most), the GIFs are better, the rise of the mods has helped clean up a lot of inappropriate comments, the jokes are still as funny as before, and I think the overall mix of users is the same (the users tend to lean more left), and the search engine is still awful.

11 hours late, and you call yourself an addict?

Haha, I guess I should say I'm a RECOVERING addict. I was on reddit so much I realized my priorities were out of order and that at the end of the day, I had nothing to show for the time I spent online. I took a long break, maybe around a year, and came back again, and darn it, I find myself checking it every day again, multiple times. I'll need to trim back again at some point, I'm sure.

Some of my personal favs:

Apparently Bush believes it is a prerogative of the president to not listen to the American people (polls) and by extension U.S. intelligence. He's probably on par with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad concerning listening to constituents.

Impeaching the president will cost We The People millions of dollars, and all it will be is a slap on the wrist to a man who's reputation is already tarnished and who will continue to be a rich, egocentric psychopath for the rest of his life no matter what we do, while providing a political ground for the next idiot to hold office to base his support. Don't do it.

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this is just reddit leftist extremism at its best. useless and juvenile.

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Uhhh... What. I never made that comment.

Look at that. I did. Not even a comment search found that. Why the hell do you have a comment of mine from 10 years ago saved?

Have your views changed about this process?

Considering bush isn't in office anymore, I haven't thought about it.

I dunno, looks like you think about it everyday.

Sure Bush isn't in office, but another Republican is and it's ten years later, and here you are still spazzing on Reddit about Republicans in office. It's good to have life-long passions.


I'm sorry, but even if you're living paycheck to paycheck, $40/month isn't going to make a huge impact in your life. You know what will? Cutting services provided to you by the U.S. government (food stamps, medicaid, federal grants to non-profits, etc.) because a tax cut was signed into law creating a $1.5 trillion deficit over the next decade so millionaires could get a huge tax cut and some poor ass family struggling to survive can get $40/month.

Leftists, leftists never change. I'm sure if I go through your history (I won't) you didn't complain once about Obamas trillions added to the debt which was insanely more than these tax cuts.

"/u/digitizemd posting retarded hyperbole on reddit for 10 years"

Great slogan, or the greatest slogan??

$40 wouldn't make an improvement in your life

The difference between having any money left over and having none is huge. Have people never experienced being a dirty poor at all?

You already know the answer to that.

To them poverty is the week or so in college they ate ramen after spending too much of their allowance on booze and drugs.

53M people on food stamps can't be wrong!

As a wage slave 40 extra dollars a month would be cool as fuck. This guy seems like a typical upper middle class spoiled brat. Who the fuck says something dumb as that

I haven't thought about it.

Republican is and it's ten years later, and here you are still spazzing on Reddit about Republicans in office. It's good to have life-long passions.

"Impeaching Trump" is literally in his Tinder Bio.

Funny and sad.

Whoa good find, but doxxing?

He posted the pic in r/tinder.

K, just wondering

What a numale manlet tbqhwf.

and there goes my love of parks and recreation

Still saddens me that doubledickdude was a phony.

He namechecks Ron Swanson as an insipiration and then goes right out of his way to denounce libertarianism right up front, just in case anybody gets the wrong idea or something. It's like he wrote this whole profile at gunpoint.

Also has /r/politics as a hobby lol

oh my god this is so sad

he mentions r/politics in his fucking tinder bio what the fuck

Imagine being a bald 5.3 and having only fictional TV show references in your profile but somehow one of your priorities is getting Trump impeached.

Dude, hit the gym or something, travel, stop being worthless and the relationship thing will take care of itself.

The only people who find bitching about Trump on dating profiles endearing are losers.



this dude is so soy its mind baffling

Pretty sure sounds would overpower him.


Libshit BTFO

What happened to ur Ivanka name?

Cause you're special to me 😘

In all seriousness though, I just came across this old thread full of juicy political drama that seemed oddly familiar, so I posted it here.

Seems odd to me, but to each their own.

Just how stupid are you?

Don't upset the lolcow yet, the milking's still good.

Maybe thats it. Im laxtose intolerant

Farts or puking?


Well that's ok. You'd only be improving the ambiance of this sub with a little flatulence.

Overtime it will give me hemorrhoids. Have you had uncontrollable farts with hemorrhoids? It's not exactly fun.

There's a 'post bussy' comment in there I don't want to make...

Don't worry, I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body so no bussy will be shown on here. ;)

11 years bitching about politics on reddit lmao how the fuck can you call anyone odd

He probably took a break for 8 years tbf.

Oh yeah when that illegal immigrant nigger was in office?


Pronounced Njigjer.


He needs a boogeyman. Those types (left or right) always do.

Heh heh, bi-directional plebes, I'm a downist

implying bi-dimensional relieves you of plebe status

We out here on the z axis cuh

Holy shit, he still posts in Politics.

I would have hoped this would have been an introspection moment for you but I suppose not.

And over a decade later you are still pointlessly wringing your hands over today’s republihitler.



11 years bitching about politics on reddit lmao what a fucking loser

I literally remember that thread (and the chimpeach guy)

Didn't support Bush but supports Trump. When did you eat the red pill πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”?

Jeez u/cojoco u r old af! 😧


Hi! What does ur username mean? 😊

It was the name of my first company.

For reals!

I don't believe you 😈

That's sad.

Why? πŸ˜•

Because on reddit I generally tell the truth.

Are you a bot?

we know it's actually because you listen to cojo nnamdi on npr

this sub is trash, get out while you can

Oh my god. Reddit hasn't changed in the past 11 years.

Not at all-- see very first every comment.

Except for a greater influx off even more idiots. See: digg exodus, 4chan migration, mass popularity like what which killed off many previous social platforms.

the human race was a mistake

This, but not ironically

EricTrump is your waitfu

not Baron trump

Are you retarded?

Too many letters can't create that username

Good call, friendo

Why not Tiffany? :(

Too many characters for a Reddit usernames

can confirm, was part of digg exodus, am reason this site sucks now

Fucking diggers.

You've just made an enemy for life - ANZAC

/u/charlieb/ get in here.

Its /u/charlieb. You fucking mayo cunt

Sure it has, now anybody who down votes or argues against any such sentiment is a Russian.

Fucking libshits still don't understand that Bush is trying to Make Iraq Great Again!

I think the thread that is linked here is a meta discussion of another thread with the same title. It seems like the thread that was linked here was meant to call out the original OP for karma whoring. If you look at the comments on both threads, most of them are calling out OP for karma whoring and remarking that these types of threads are useless.

This means that the population of reddit has actually changed for the worse.

Russian bots have been around since 2007

What do you think /u/xNotch was programming before he made minecraft?

Well the only other person to make an autism blocks game that sold over 100 million copies was a soviet nationalist, maybe you're onto something πŸ€”

ugg say give red rock if think Zurg bad tribe leader.

edit: thank for yellow rock, most red rocks ugg ever get

Imagine being so mainstream you can have a reddit account for 10 years without it being shadowbanned/suspended by the admins for spreading too much truth.

I've been shadowbanned twice :(

you're on an altright sub and you expect people to believe you're not a white supremacist piece of shit? kys you incel idiot

Hey you're actually in the right place for once.

Lol πŸ˜‹. You got yourself a fan eh? 😏

Yeah, multiple suspended accounts over a period of weeks.

I have a new member of the Cojoco Fan Club TM

Yikes! 😨

Oh wow you really are some sort of reddit super hero (and by hero I mean retard), you literally follow people around reddit shouting at them about their alleged crimes! You are a brave one.

this but unironically



Imagine being so mainstream you can have a reddit account for 10 years without it being shadowbanned/suspended by the admins for spreading too much truth.

That's what you call living in st petersburg ?

I only got one account banned in my 6 years here.

And that was for spreading too much truth about /u/OniTan.

Is he turning the frogs gay?


The gay frogs are spreading the HPV!

This is an almost 11 year account. Never been shadow banned but

I'm banned from a fun mix:

/r/history because /u/davidreiss666 and his mod team are ideologues

/r/askcarsales because some mods can't handle disagreement that doesn't end in trying to punish someone.

/r/guns because I didn't properly give a submission statement fast enough

/r/askmenover30 because cyan likes to ban people for disagreements in entirely different subs

/r/everythingscience because astroturfing leftist "science" dot org sites is totally science

/r/geopolitics because some jackass and I got into a disagree but they decided to ban us both.


/r/law because more often than not mod teams do whatever they want

I try not to ever personally attack anyone but more than half my bans are from mods who couldn't seperate disagreement and their duties as mods.

Dude, do you want to become a mod of r/powermodabusereports ???

Sure why not.

It seems I had fallen into the delusion of change, here I thought reddit has worsened in recent years, perhaps that is only true in magnitude.

Wow it's just as shitty. Someone even linked XKCD in the comments.

I thought we grew out of submission polling some months ago?

10 fucking years ago...

It is funny, the reaction to Trump is very similar to the reactions to both Obama and Bush.

Trump deserves the reaction more than Obama or Bush.

It's kind of a cry wolf scenario, when an actual crazy retard comes into power nobody wants to listen.

Trump isn't crazy, he's doing exactly what an elderly cab driver from NYC would do if they won the lottery and became president.

You are such a leftist shill. You can't let go of it for a second can you?

Are you going to unironically argue Trump isn't a crazy moron?

Only a moron would think he's stupid

Everyone thinks he's stupid because he is.

Hardly. Hes got more money, power and fame combined than anyone in the world and yet somehow you think he's stupid. Do you ever get tired of smelling your colon?

The man speaks at a 3rd grade level and very clearly has some form of mental disability.

He's famous for being a moron, you know that, right?

The only people who think he's stupid are morons. If you think that makes him famous what you are saying is that you belong to a very large group of morons.

Np, literally everyone with an IQ above room temperature thinks he's a moron because he literally is.

He's so stupid his own lawyers are afraid to let him go under oath because he's literally incapable of telling the truth.


bragging about your IQ

Are you clinging to a childhood test to distract yourself from the fact that you scrape a living together by driving people around all day?

I do uber to help rebuild my savings after buying property. Ruh Roh.


I do uber to help rebuild my savings after buying property.

sure thing buddy

How triggered do you have to be to dig through my posts?

With 'mod toolbox' you can click a link next to somebody's name and see every sub they've posted to. takes a fraction of a second

Build your own reality for all I care. Fact remains you got upset that I mentioned intelligence and went for low hanging fruit. Speaks more to your own intelligence than mine. Maybe a little self esteem on your end as well.

sure he's stupid but bush deserves it a lot more

kharma whoring

we need to go back to this spelling. it feels way more exotic

/u/fierarul truly a visionary of his time

When Romney or Guiliani defeats Hillary at the polls next year I'll have to give up completely on the United States. Democracy won't be completely dead at that point but it'll be beyond recovery.

/u/parcivale has deleted their account since this piece of fortune telling. Too bad.

Has there ever been a president that people didn't cry IMPEACH?

The nig

George Washington

Remember when Bush was literally Hitler?

Th-that was different

no i just remember the shiftiness and the wars

Back when 3000 points could take you to the front page.

I remember seeing a book, with a piece in it about a person comparing Star Wars EP3 to Bush Jr. in 2015. Same talking point.

There are just some thing that people can't let go.

This is the best post here I've seen in a while

If you vote this up, the terrorists have won.

u/eromitlab did the terrorists win?

At least the kid that created the original stopped spamming Alex Jones crap. That's a win.

What's a "downmod"?

It's something to do with Ed, isn't it?