/r/MaleFashionAdvice downvotes anyone who makes fun of guys who wear capes

139  2018-02-25 by lmao_how_old_are_you


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u/starscream92 -1 points 13 hours ago

They all scream "neckbeard" to me

Me too, u/starscream92... me too

Do actual people with good fashion sense actually go on that subreddit or is it just populated by plaid shirt wearing numales and hypebeasts?

Do actual people with good fashion sense


Afaik they're actually pretty anti-plaid. Too pedestrian.

It's men who are obsessed about clothing fashion, of course they are going to dress all faggy

lol are you in 8th grade?

We are ALL in the eighth grade on this blessed day

flair checks out

u kno it bb

post bussy

speak for yourself

Yourself is ALL in the eight grade on this blessed day.

It's a subreddit dedicated to reducing the number of embarrassingly dressed men in the world, and is thus an enemy to me.

Sometimes men with capes actively damage the goods being sold at market. It's been a while but there is historical precedence.

They seem to prefer pea coats and whatever pajama pants Kanye is wearing.

IIRC that's the sub that hates any and all modern fashion trends while trying to sell off that their a fashion sub. There was another sub that actually did modern fashion but they are rather elitist and unless you have at least 1k in cash on in clothes they'll say its shit.

I use to go for basic advice like how to wear suits, tie ties, fittings, match colors etc.

Use to be okay in that respect but nowadays its a bit weird.

Sub changed from basic advice to weird high (?) Fashion faggy look from the male catwalk

What a bunch of faggots. Real men only wear jeans and plain shirts, with the occasional garter belt underneath

I own a Gucci belt, AMA.

I got the swag and it's pumping out my ovaries Dafuq

How does it feel to spend money on something only other gay men care about?

Unfortunately we live in a society that values materialistic items. If I am to attract top-tier sluts, I have to shell out on more expensive items. Only Chads like myself would understand.

Chads don't wear gucci dawg, we wear the skin of our enemies

How long does it take for your ass to stop hurting after being fucked?

jeans and plain shirts

Faggot tier. Most of the time I'm wearing trousers, shirt+sweater combo and a decent coat, usually a Montgomery. Get on my level plebs.


Aren't jeans a type of trouser tho

A type of trousers that works if you're 12

calling a coat under 300 dollars decent


It's comfy and keeps me warm while I'm outside. If I wanted to impress others I'd remove my clothes honey, not the other way around.

Tights are actually really comfortable.

gotta have somewhere to keep your tampons, right HAHAHAHAHA faggot

meh...is this the best insult you have?

because if it is....then you are just insecure with yourself.

As a disinterested third party, that was one of the weakest comebacks I've ever seen.

See I usually either go thru contraversial posting history or instead of posting a link to a cute animal, post a link to a picture of naked Trump.

But I'm too lazy to do that today, so yeh it was weak, not as weak as his manhood tho

But I'm too lazy to do that today, so yeh it was weak, not as weak as his manhood tho

Slightly better, but still not great. Try again, but this time using something relevant to one of his comments.

I could go with "Yeh ok, and I'm gonna plug those tampons into your ass and make you my personal bitch, you sissy?''

Now we're getting somewhere!

Good job.

''Why are you being so nasty for now? You was so nice to me in the toilet 10 minutes ago."?

We're got a winner.

You was so nice

How retarded are you?

Good enough, I approve.

Have some Reddit Silver.

They're quite nice; I would well nick those off you.

There's literally nothing wrong with being gay.

Except for the having sex with men bit.

not wearing an anime shirt

What a faggot

There's a homeless dude in my city who wears skirts despite being otherwise totally masculine, think they'd like him?

He's their spirit animal.

That's so he doesn't have to pull his pants down to take a crap on your stoop.

prob posts there

I like him already. Go for an underskirt creep shot pls

I'd be afraid of getting stabbed


Yikes. No, mine looks like your typical homeless hippie except he wears skirts. Not kilts, straight up skirts.

Only if the skirt said "Supreme"

So looking like a person from a capeshit movie is now "mainstream".........lol


They should work pretty easily with a full yeezy outfit like cargo pants and combat boots

$105 for a t-shirt. Anyone buying Yeezy clothing is a dumb motherfucker.

What's the most expensive non-shoe bit of clothing anyone around here has ever bought? I spent 30 bucks on a pair of pants once.

Well I have a bunch of button up shirts that were close to $200 each, and all my denim is close to the same if not over $200, and I agree that's dumb but not $100 t-shirt dumb.

200 dollar chirt? That's amazing. Does it rub your nipples for you?

But of course!

Yep, it's a win win since the xenoestrogens already make my nipples enlarged! :)

where do you buy a $200 shirt and why is it better than a regular $60 shirt?

Not defending it because I hate buying expensive clothing but sometimes as far as button up shirts go it tends to be hard to find ones with nice designs, out of not shit material, and that acutally fit people that aren't overweight that aren't expensive.

button up shirts

The phrase you are looking for is "dress shirt".

Problem with cheapo clothing is it's usually designed for fat people who have no concept of appearance and just want something cheap so all the cheap clothes fit like shit

this right here is the only reason ive ever spent a decent wad of cash on clothing. $60+ for a shirt im only ever going to wear at the office. if youre shopping in america and youre not overweight, good fucking luck getting something cheap. especially shirts

fat-privileged fucks are costing me $$$ on insurance premiums, taxes, clothing, etc etc

Johnston and Murphy, Brooks Brothers, Jos A Bank. Need any recommendations?

Jos A Bank

Since when does Jos. A Bank have $200 shirts?

Does Johnston and Murphy even have 200 dollar shoes? Lol

Their most expensive pair is $278.

Absolutely disgusting

My underwear costs more than that

Trunk Club/Nordstrom. And most of those shirts are from New England Shirt Company, so they're made in the US and cost more to make.

I could buy similar shirts from Proper Fit for a lot less but it's all made in Malaysia. I could go to Malaysia and get fitted for a whole new wardrobe and spend less than $5k.

lolol i wish i was rich enough to afford my own stylist

Eh, the stylist is "free". However, if you visit their office in Chicago, they'll give you free beer and they have Hoegaarden on tap!

You buy it at a tailor and it is custom fitted to your body, so it doesn't look like you are the assistant manager at Office Depot.

Anyone spending less than $200 on denim is wasting their money on shit that will fall apart.

Denim is so worth it

I have paid $374 for a pair of premium cargo shorts sewn from a rare cotton/alpaca fabric hand woven by child slaves. It pairs well with my black duster jacket and new balances.

Look at this loser who doesnā€™t wear heelys.

Are we counting fitted suits? Because if we are thatā€™s kind of cheating

Bowling ball shaped isn't fitted Amerifat

You're the un-funny version of Andy Kaufman. You can't even pretend to be a Jew and suck at baiting to boot

Andy Kaufman wasn't funny

Your words can't hurt me, I've been a disappointment my entire life

Your parents wonder everyday where they went wrong. Every day you're alive is another day of agony. Good job

I killed my parents years ago, and I'll kill you too

Iā€™ve got a couple sweaters that were around $700-$1300, but they were made by virgins using virgin sheep or something. Also coats/jackets/parkas usually end up being around $1k after alterations.

Always get yourself a good suit that fits very well for special occasions. Do it after you turn 25 when your body is no longer changing much and events that require suits start to come up.

Spend 50$ on an okay pair of jeans, wear said jeans for 3 years - Wash once.

You should wash jeans more than once wvery 3 years...

looooooooooooooooool imagine a women telling me how often to wash when we're less than a decade away from sexy bots.

I'm a manly man and only,identify as a women when at sporting events because their restroom lines are shorter.

The most I've spent Ā£55 has on an amazing black parka that had nine pockets. I could never find anything in it! But I fucking walked out of a club in a daze and left it behind, and I never got it back.


Is that like 200 dollars in American units?


I have a $600 leather jacket

Confirmed for incel tbh

Lol no Iā€™m married

1500 eurobongs on a pair of cargo pants :/)

Probably my Barbour jacket, after that, cycling clothes.

I have suits that cost over $2k.

username checks out

I have a $200 leather jacket.

Aside from suits, about Ā£150 (I think around 230 FreedomBux) for a really good parka that's lasted several winters.

i have a north face jacket that was like $150

Spent about a grand on a leather jacket once.

$105 for a t-shirt

Does it suck you off? That's the deciding factor of getting a single article of clothing for that much money

Anyone selling $105 shirts is a genius though.

You care about what you're wearing just because you're hollow on the inside.

whats your point

I don't have one. I'm stating the obvious hoping to engrain it into the others by force.

Won't need to carry a condom wearing one of these. Keeps out the rain and any chance of pussy.

I like capes...

I like gussy more...

I don't wear a cape.

Wear cape and get bussy

Don't wear cape and get gussy

The choice is clear and you made the wrong one smh

The soy is flowing in that sub.

Cool Meme

ITT: basement dwellers attack kids sense of fashion.

If you actually dress like someone from MFA, you look like an idiot. They dress like the people featured by Snapchat

kids sense of fashion.

If you actually dress like someone from MFA, you look like an idiot.

In this comment, we have been shown that basement dwellers can't read.

You can't read?

no u

streetwear is so crazy that it sometimes actually doesn't look terrible- MFA is just guys who try too hard

eh it used to be cool until nerds took kanye too seriously and turned it into some pseudo high fashion cringefest

made nikes harder to buy as well

Sorry loser, peak fashion is cargo shorts, band shirt, and a baggy unzipped hoodie.

Black cargo shorts. Gotta be black. Makes that 40ā€ look slim.

Jesus christ everyone in that sub shouldn't be dressing themselves

I sense a huge market opportunity to sell these to the mall ninja/EDC crowd

Looking forward to seeing nerds in capes during my commute next week.

I notice they don't have a Scottish rain cape. Possibly because we're not a bunch of fa... No I shouldn't say that. But fortunately the kilt doubles as rain cape, and when deployed in this fashion the resultant exposure of a Scotsman's 'haggis and tatties' causes the enemy (well, anyone really) to flee in terror.

modern fashion is faggy as fuck anyways

like who the fuck thinks its fashy to wear skirts and female clothing

phaggots i tell you

Feels nice though

fashy means fascist

This shit is for people who have just enough self-awareness to know that trenchcoats are cringy as hell, but not enough to know that this shit suffers from the same problems.

those things are pretty good in heavy rain tbf

Those capes should go well with their fedoras.

Capes are cool. Why are people complaining about capes?

A nine hour old thread and not a single joke about Larry David's appearance on Seinfeld in a cape? Thats how I know this thread is full of millenial jack asses and therefore worthless.

Don't let your dreams stay dreams. Be the cringe you want to see.