A TV show based on an 80s movie is "Trumpian" because it mocks diversity quotas

112  2018-02-25 by lmao_how_old_are_you


lmao /u/save_the_last_dance confirmed for 17 years old.

"Ageism" when it's about a 70 year old driving is kinda a thing. I suppose. "Ageism" when it's impotently raging that adults don't listen you is...not.

It's literally the exact opposite of that, go back to /pol/ and take your shitposting with you. We don't need any alt right psyops memes in the fucking television subreddit. Why can't you freaks ever act normal for once? It's always has to be weaponized political autism, 24/7, 365 days a year. Deus Vult for your fucking precious little "culture war" I guess.

From another thread. This kid is so angry he has to be young, anyone over 30 would have rage stroked out by now.

Hahahaha /u/save_the_last_dance, can you explain yourself? How many alt right psyops-ers do you see on a daily basis?

I mean, is that a serious question? There's a few. It's not alot.

I just ask because you seem to sperg out at relatively normal opinions. Like a young AngryDM.


I don't know what that is man.

/u/AlwaysTryAgain, if you're unfamiliar.

What about him?

because you seem to sperg out at relatively normal opinions. Like a young AngryDM.


That's a very legitimate point. I never thought about it from that perspective.

Serious question, wtf is this place?

Make fun of people like you, mostly. You admitted you weren't even in school in 2000. I was in college. Here's an observation: to adults, your posts read like you're fucking retarded.

You admitted you weren't even in school in 2000. I was in college.

...Aren't you too old for this shit?

The internet? No, there's a lot on it these days.

No. I mean this sub.

It's one of the few redeeming subs on reddit. A place to laugh at all the stupid shit that's posted here, mostly by people like you. If you end up deleting your account eventually, archive some of your posts. In a few years, you'll look back and laugh, too.

If you end up deleting your account eventually

Why on Earth would I delete an account with this much karma? At the very least if I ever quit reddit I'd just sell it. I mean, wouldn't you? I could probably get 100 bucks if I gave it to those guys who wrote pro FCC shit for Ajit Pai

Poke around the sub, you might like it cause it seems like you can take a joke. My wife is making me go to brunch now with mimosas so "look forward" to that being your life down the road.

I hope you have a wonderful time at brunch with your wife! It was nice talking with you.

Ugh, so you're one of those degenerates.

What's wrong with them?



I literally refuse to believe there was ever a time in American history where people were so "optimistic" and absurdly naive they actually fucking thought all conflict was soon going to be over forever. Like, the idea of anyone being that gullible or stupid makes me physically ill. As a part of Generation Z, we don't even have it that bad. Economic collapse, global warming, lifelong war, nuclear threat, foreign governments interfering, global terrorism.. that's normal. That's just how shit is. I didn't live through like, the fucking Great Depression and World Wars 1 and 2. Or the Civil War and the horrors of the Gilded Age. American's always have it fucking tough. Look at my own life, look at history, as far as I'm concerned, that's how the world works. But the 90's, what the fuck was the 90's? People were so rich everyone could have two cars and ten credit cards and a summer home and a boat and pay for college and all that happy go lucky fairytale bullshit? Fuck that. Never happened. It's impossible to think that that was ever true. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but the 90's is a fucking lie. It's like Finland, people just pretend it existed.

I see shit like Portlandia's "The Dream of the 90's" and they might as well be talking about a foreign country because that's not America as far as I'm concerned. No way that was ever true.

I guess if older people sort of want to get into the heads of how younger people view the world, Rooster Teeth's Camp Camp actually did an amazing job about that with their character Max, who is basically like Huey Freeman but for Gen Z

Thank you for admitting you are a kid. You were at the oldest 10 by the end of the 90s. You think Rooster Teeth shows can help us understand your worldview and how one character is the Huey Freeman of your generation. Worst of all you're an r/politics shitposter of typical quality. But don't worry kid, your first election is coming up soon! You'll show 'em for sure now that you'll be old enough to play.

Millennials, look upon your successors and despair!

Jesus dude you went that far back in my post history? That must have been like 100 comments ago? Fuck's sake it's almost flattering.

Jesus dude you went that far back in my post history? That must have been like 100 comments ago? Fuck's sake it's almost flattering.

It's a comment yesterday.

Also, I was much younger by the end of the 90's. I wasn't even in school yet at the turn of the century.

This is unsurpising but tbh I do find shitting on the youth just for being young kinda wrong. I now regret it. Especially since your rageposting is the much funnier aspect.

It's okay dude. I appreciate what you do here. Sometimes people just need to get made fun of. I can respect that. You're not hurting anybody.

lol I should have :)

Some straight up /r/mallninjashit

I made a post on r/mfa

TBH that's way more shameful than your naive political beliefs


And for what it's worth dude, he really is the Huey Freeman. It's not necessarily a compliment, Huey can be a fucking joke sometimes and alot of his philosophy was half baked.

blaming pol on a entirely different website

Rent free.

I like the part where the kid claiming to be vehemently opposed to the alt-right, fluently uses all their shibboleths.

There's nothing wrong with ageism in either direction

3 years off, not bad.

14 year olds shouldn't be allowed online without adult supervision.

Honestly neither should 20 year olds, this guy is an idiot either way.

Honestly neither should 20 year olds

Nah that's how you keep /r/gonewild interesting. 20yo with daddy issues provide the best content.

Are you guys actually full grown adults? And you're doing this of all things?

Gotta fill the hours while you're at work.

No way you work on a Sunday at a job with regular acess to a computer. Retail, service industry sure, trade, okay, but an office job?

Or I work as an independent (meaning working sundays means extra income), and have a job requiring running short tests on stuff and waiting for results (which means lots of little bits of downtimes, perfect for shitposting on Reddit).

You know what timezones are right?

Oh fuck this is a good one. Alright. You win.

Just saying you made that comment around midday Monday for me.

I'm 12 but very mature for my age btw

If Trump voters didn’t like people who whine on the internet all the time they wouldn’t have voted for Trump


Nah, they'll probably just vote for him again.

shut up

If you believe that kids these days are fragile “snowflakes,” that political correctness is running amok, and that LGBT people are now society’s true bullies, are retarded then this new Heathers is the show for you.

i want all the edge of tim allen whining about white genocide but rebranded for the hip millennial crowd by a room of smug 40-year-olds

Boy, can you imagine a tv show or movie mocking middle Americans or concervstives? That shit would never be tolerated.

Yeah, there are literally zero people who mock conservatives in the modern world.

Why are you agreeing with a statement that was never said?

Because their statement would only make sense in a world where almost literally no one mocked conservatives.

their statement was sarcasm.

If you've been here long enough you would've known I'm retarded.

I would be fine with that if they just banned sarcasm. Doesn't everyone here hate sarcasm. Sarcasm is like mayos everyone hates it and it shouldn't exist

That'd be pretty fucked up tbh. They already have to deal with late night mocking them

It's like... literally every facet of the entertainment industry. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty to mock, but double standards like this are u/The_Reason_Trump_Won

Imagine being so autistic that this level of sarcasm wooshed over you

I'll admit my response was redundant, his implication was not lost on me tho.

What double standard? You can find PLENTY of right wing media sources bitching about late night.

I dunno man, everything has gotten way out of hand politically. It seems like, ya know, half the country lives in the south and midwest. Letting them have a show once and a while that reflects their values shouldn't be a huge burden, but w/e.

Wait what? Where did I say they shouldn't have a show?

waddya mean there's a double standard, they complain too!

But...like...they have no shows. Ever. They get 1 (supposedly, but it sounds more like by accident) and buzzfeed commits seppuku.

It's just dumb, and who cares? They get shit on 24/7 by music artists "I'm moving to Canada!" movie actors "Resist!" talkshows, cartoons, entire news networks, platforms like twitter and reddit.

Entertainment on the right: youtube people, fox news, and now supposedly this racist show.

I mean... you honestly don't see an issue here? You don't think finding common ground in media would be beneficial? You don't think mocking 1 side constantly is damaging to dialogue?

A long way of saying this article is stupid, and anyone getting angsty over this should kill themselves.

But...like...they have no shows. Ever.

They have Fox and Sinclair media group.

They get 1 (supposedly, but it sounds more like by accident) and buzzfeed commits seppuku.

Buzzfeed writing clickbaity articles complaining about shit ain't exactly a new thing.

Entertainment on the right: youtube people, fox news, and now supposedly this racist show. I mean... you honestly don't see an issue here?

Not really, no. No one owes them a fucking show, no one needs to pretend their ideas have just as much merit as other shows. And the people who bitch about safe spaces and the fairness doctrine don't get to whine when there aren't shows pandering to their worldview.

You don't think finding common ground in media would be beneficial?

What are you talking about.

You don't think mocking 1 side constantly is damaging to dialogue?

Oh lord stop playing the victim would you. The left gets mocked too. Right now though the right is in control of Congress and the presidency and they're pushing through some very rightwing stuff. Asking why the left isn't getting mocked more just seems really deliberately obtuse.

Is this a u/pizzashill alt?

Bruh, I don't give a fuck, you asked me why it was a double standard, let me break it down as simple as fucking possible.


shows that ridicule retards on the right are entertainment and pushing liberal talking points are ok.

shows that ridicule retards on the left have no place on television and pushing conservative talking points is bad.

That's the double standard, spaz. I don't give a shit about anyone's safe space on the right or left, I was illustrating that the lack of parity in media is bad for communication. Personally, I don't think politics should be the cornerstone of entertainment, but if that's where we're at, it'd probably be better if it wasn't lopsided.

But I don't give a fuck man, take it to t_d if you wanna screech at Trumptards about how they're the issue, you're all equally retarded.

Buzzfeed has a left leaning bias, sites with a right leaning bias whine about left leaning shows and praise right leaning shows. It's not really a double standard.

It's not EVERYONE ELSE'S fault you didn't know CMT was a network, but all their best material is recycled CW content, which gives you a pass on knowing CMT had shows but not that Last Man Standing, Reba, Roseanne, Raising Hope, and everything the Blue Collar Comedy Tour ever made existed.

If you're wondering why there isn't any newer scripted content, it's because it's all Reality shows that represent that culture right now. And that's a demand issue, not a supply one.

y'all this is because jokes are gross icky and ugh didn't you know that y'all we need to have a conversation about this, what did they MEAN when they had fun at our expense?

obviously that they wanted to murder us queerfolk y'all


">The blacks had a good run. Obviously the gays and Jews are over.”

Well, that's just shitty writing

like wut that is not writing that is a garbeled tumblr post.

gays and Jews are over


It's like if /tv/ was forced to write a tv show that /pol/ would like

I keep forgetting how much a crossover default reddit has with tumblr

Reddit wasn't so bad before 2015. Now Tumblr is full of moderates and here is where all the far-leftists are. Tumblr is pretty great for porn too. Reddit is bad people with bad opinions

I watched the first episode on paramount's website, it's actually pretty funny.

I don't know how you could possibly watch either the 80s movie or the new show and not understand that the Heathers are just annoying bitches, wheres JD is an insane murderer.

Can confirm, absolutely worth watching.

The movie is worth it just for the funeral scene. But also it just owns completely

This failed attempt at a roast on the TV show made me want to watch it when I didn't before tbh

The show isn't based on the 80's movie, it's based on the musical adaptation of the 80's movie, which has significantly different changes to characterization and some writing/plot alterations. The TV show's biggest mistake was getting rid of the songs, which are pretty good

Samantha Allen is a senior reporter for The Daily Beast. She holds a Ph.D. in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from Emory University. In 2013, she received the John Money Fellowship for Scholars of Sexology from the Kinsey Institute. Previously, she was a Sex + Life reporter for Fusion.

Ltlrly a caricature

imagine going to all the trouble of getting a PhD just to end up writing for a tabloid.

She might as well have a Ph.D. in toilet cleaning.

Tbh it probably pays better than academia.

If she would put all that sexology to work, sh could get paid.

It really tells you how bad you fucked up when working a street corner would literally be a better option

Implying that getting a Ph.D. in gender studies is in any meaningful way different to being a blogger for a tabloid.

John Money Fellowship

Wait, seriously?


PhD works at The Daily Beast.

okay but why did anyone think we needed a new heathers to begin with, especially some anemically paced tv version

The execubots who run television networks are programmed to like what they have seen before


It's always the same propaganda with you people. "If we free black slaves, soon WHITES will be the slaves!"

I was amused by the part where you hallucinated that reply somehow made sense in context, or in any way refuted the comment you were replying to, or indeed even reasonably characterized the argument. No wonder Cracked is what it is nowadays.

"When the genderqueer Heather Duke spies the black—and supposedly lesbian—Heather McNamara making out with a male teacher, Duke exclaims, “Heather Chandler is going to shit herself skinny when she finds out our black lesbian friend is actually only black!” "

lmao it's like t_d wrote a teen movie

I loved the original.

the writers should stick to less controversial subjects like blowing up schools

Imagine being the sort of person who watches a TV show based on Heathers and then gets mad when it's edgy.

The entire intro of the show is based around the concept that you can’t get into college unless you have a million oppressed identities.

You can literally just look up college demographic statistics to know that isn’t true, especially for higher-up ones.

This gen-X brand of rich people whining about social change continues throughout the entire show.

The comments in this thread are not very smart.

You mean the demographics of ever decreasing white male participation?

What could possibly go wrong when we lower standards for professions and give people positions based on race?

Old white men need to shut up and step aside to allow women of color to build an intersectional utopia.