Buttblasted Armyfag chimps out about "anti-military propaganda"

11  2018-02-26 by Starship_Litterbox_B


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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>Look at me! Look at me! I volunteered to die for Israel!

Lmao wtf even is a “Just War” anyway? Hamas and ISIS are all sand niggers, good enough for me!


I myself am a veteran, fought in WorldWarMeme1.

Ok let's pretend there's no anti-military propaganda on reddit. Fairy tales are fun. Fun for the whole family.




























Oh jeez, I had no idea there was a whole subreddit dedicated to hating soldiers. That's even worse

Bro. Let me tell you why some aren't super impressed with your battlefield bonafides:

Because you're mostly retards.

Lemme explain:

Turning a wrench in the desert does not make you a hero. Cooking slop does not make you a hero. Processing payroll - not a hero. Loading and unloading crates? Again, not heroic.

I'll give props to people involved in live fire circumstances...what is that? 10, 15% of all us military personnel? The military is like any other job and most of the jobs are menial civilian style assigments. You know what you're signing up for in advance, and get a retarded amount of compensation for it. VA benefits for life, free college, job placement servives, as well as handsome living stipends and salary.

Forgive us plebs for being less than impressed.

Ladies and gentlemen: a prime example of military hate 👆

Hating the military is not the same as hating people that want special acknowledgement for the kind of work most of us do day in and day out.

Military personnel don't want glorification. Part of their training is the indoctrination that they are not heros or individuals. They are part of a chain of command which deserves no glorification. But still you want to hate them. You just want someone to hate even though the majority of the people you describe are nothing like that.

Lol. Put your udders away, I'm not trying to milk you. My dad is a Vietnam vet, my great uncle landed in Normandy (r/iamverybadass I know.) I have respect for people, particularly people who were drafted, that give their lives in protection of ideals (misbegotten or not.) There is, I'd say since 9/11, this perception that anyone who is a first responder, police, military, etc gets treated with reverence. That's bullshit to me.

The guy who owns the hotdog stand running into a burning building to save someone, that guy is a hero. Not the fireman with training and equipment, that's his fucking job. Same with the military. Do your jobs and drop the attitude like everyone should thank you for doing it.

And deal with criticism too, everyone gets shit on wether it's fastfood workers, teachers, or politicians. This notion that people shouldn't give you shit is exactly what I'm talking about.

Why do you deserve sympathy just because you were repeatedly sexually assaulted during basic training? I talked to your drill instructor, he insists you were asking for it.

I feel like everyone feels this way, but that was well put. Particularly the first responders bit, like everyone is a hero now for doing the job they signed up to do.

Yeah, like where's the sacrifice if you're being handsomely compensated for your troubles. Lol

Thinking of me Ed 😏. Don't worry, a few beers from now I'll be on here following your every comment demanding you get demodded.

Has your wife cheated on you yet?

Did someone kick you in the head or something?

Why should you care what some fat neckbeards and edgy teens have to say?

You're probably right. I shouldn't care.

That’s the spirit!

I hope US soldiers die puking in shit-filled ditches in Afghanistan while their wives get plowed by Achmed. Please add me to your link wall, thanks.

Translation: I have a little dick and I'm angry at the world for it.

I hate weirdos like OP in the video who do shit like this. "Hurr durr I can film in public!" Filming a military installation is supposed to be only allowed with base commander's approval. This is basic OPSEC shit.

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