Stephen Miller apparently fell asleep at a White House meeting about school shootings

68  2018-02-27 by throwawayforme9000


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Probably why he fell asleep

He was just trying to draw attention to the important growing issue of adolescences suffering from Sleep Deprivation. Truly a brave men who is fit to help lead the next generation into an unprecedented period of decadence and grace.


He is so brave, his bravery is that of multiple men.

No, this is Narcolepsy Awareness Month

It's is unironically a total non-issue. Deaths from school shootings are rarer than death from lightning strikes.

You can't be this stupid unironically right?

I like how you don't have an argument.

I mean /u/DoctorFahrenheit is statistically correct.

Actually I don't know that, but he might be right.


quick googling says there been 122 school shooting deaths since columbine and 40-50 lightning deaths annually, so yeah seems like it. doesnt make it an any less retarded talking point tho

doesnt make it an any less retarded talking point tho

Kindly explain how the per population demographic isn't related to a call for gun bans over incidents that are exceedingly rare and gun-control would have not done anything to prevent.

"kindly explain how [deliberately contorted rewording of initial claim with unsupported speculation tacked to the end] is wrong"

nah no thanks. i will explain that its retarded to compare a low but consistent statistic (like lightning deaths) to a high but extremely random one (like school shootings), because they are very different sorts of issues. if something happens very rarely, but when it does it's catastrophic, then even a slight statistical decrease in number of incidents will be dramatically beneficial, whereas something that happens regularly, but is not particularly dangerous (only 10% of lighting strikes are fatal, apparently), then a similar statistical decrease would have far less value. by the logic youre using, islamic terrorists are less of a danger to americans than furniture, which is a retarded claim. this is, of course, ignoring the more basic flaw which is that human beings control the distribution of arms, but have not yet become greek gods who control the fury of the skies.

to be clear, im not trying to advocate any particular policy position with this post, just explain that you are a retard and should kill yourself. youre welcome.

by the logic youre using, islamic terrorists are less of a danger to americans than furniture, which is a retarded claim, which only works if you use retard logic.

I'm not following you here. Am I supposed to haul furniture in an unsafe manner and think to myself that it's safe because there's no Muslims around?

to be clear, im not trying to advocate any particular policy position with this post, just explain that you are a retard and should kill yourself.

Thanks for the safety tips. I hope you've learned some here yourself.

by the logic youre using, islamic terrorists are less of a danger to americans than furniture

How many chairs are in America.

How many guns are in America.

How many islamic terrorists are in America.

Seems like it's not quite an apples to apples comparison.

nah no thanks.

Who would've thought you wouldn't be able to establish gun crime as a serious issue per the population and firearm prevalence.

I am shocked.

it's not that i "wasn't able to," it's that i didn't try, because that's not what we're discussing itt. i get that you wanted the conversation to be about that, because you thought you could "win" some sort of point on those terms, but unfortunately reality doesn't care about what you want.

islamic terrorists are less of a danger to americans than furniture

Fundamentally both issues are the same. They are very rare, but the fear generated ensure that people vote the correct party, and don't question stuff like mass surveillance.

Ban lightning silencers.



I mean, why bother


White House senior adviser Stephen Miller once jumped into a women's track meet to make a point about masculinity. In a lengthy profile published on Monday, The New York Times reported that Miller "jumped, uninvited, into the final stretch of a girls' track meet, apparently intent on proving his athletic supremacy over the opposite sex." The White House seems not to have denied the incident to the Times, only clarifying that the girls' track team was from another school.

Imagine being that insecure

He's the archetypal Alpha Male in the flesh. Many of Roasties got Toastie with him that night.

This sounds like an ISAIP sketch where Mac and Dennis try to show off.

The gang jumps some hurdles

That's one of the saddest things I've ever heard.

Imagine being that insecure

Yeah but did he win?

T_d wasn’t around when that statistical analysis was undertaken but I’m sure if you were to replicate the study today t_d would make it to the top of the list along with MDE,CHAPO, SRS, CONSPIRACY, SOCIALISM, FULL COMMUNISM, ANARCHISM, SRD, DRAMA, CBTS, IGTHFT, CA etc etc

Given that the white house didn't deny it, probably.


Hot take: who cares about a bunch of dead mayos

They weren't mayos thought

JQ issue


Just Questioning




Literally a state that’s Southern half is called “Northern Cuba”


Smh my head

And yet you can be white and Cuban



Just like Argentinians, Cubans can’t be white and this is a fact.

Source: Am Cuban

You ever notice how there is a hispanic-white and non-hispanic white option on most legal documents?

Yes, I was kidding on my part about the whole “can’t be white from x Hispanic country” thing.

Then why do people measure "non hispanic whites" when talking about mayocide?

Have you taken too many vaccines🤔


If the President died in the line of fire like he said he would, would it make you happy or sad that he died?

as in going into the school?

sad, even if he actually stopped the guy and became a martyr and Republicans won every election from now until the end of time.

Not just because he'd be gone, but so would his hilarious personality and unparalleled ability to create drama.

...What the fuck answer were you expecting?

The answer I was expecting was "anything" tbh.

Thanks for being the predictable bait-eating retard that botchlings was

u mad

no u

your mom gay

I liked botchlings more. Boo.

ban me faggot

And single out the retarded kid? That's mean.

it's okay if a retarded mod does it

so you or /u/ed_butteredtoast or /u/hodorthedoorholder can have at it


Lol like that pussy could stop a school shooter

Honestly, considering that the last time we got meaningful gun control was after Reagan got shot...

How do you even make fun of this anymore? They are always two steps ahead in self parody, that's the real 45D mahjong.

Miller sleeping means he doesn't take kid death seriously. It's reached parody at this point.

Peach that 45

I don't know this guy: didn't some people call him Maurice while he spoke of the pompatus of love?

Can you bloom him? School shootings are so common they’ve become passé.

It's called Democrat fatigue. Re hashing the same gun control nagging for weeks.

Idk man, I've fallen asleep in terrible situations, not due to being bored or anything. These include: funeral of a loved one, during huge fight with ex gf, class, like anything where I'm not doing anything with my hands or feet. Does this mean im retarded?