untitled agendapost (retarded, meta)

23  2018-02-27 by grungebot5000


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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posts like this do make you wonder how a 30-year-old story about “Drumpf” (as OP has affectionately dubbed him) stopping a guy armed with a baseball bat (by yelling and getting other people’s attention), supports their theory that at 71 he could take out an active gunman barehanded.

and as much as I’d like to ping people like /u/Dongbong5 and /u/JohnChrissy and ask them directly, there’s simply no time for these things. I’ve been inspired, and I’m off to begin my new night volunteer work, stopping crime in the streets of St. Louis with my bare hands.

He's had 30 years to perfect his crime fighting skills. May Allah take mercy on all criminals. Inshallah, brothers.

Allah can suck my fucking cock


How he can suck when your cock is already fucking?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Look, no one's ever gonna suck your dick you need to move on from this. There are other things to live for - blind sycophantic daddy worship and competitive cheeto eating seem up your alley

That's Jesus's dad you are talking about.

Salam brother!

Your mother is a whore! You dirty western kafir pig.

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country? I'll answer that for you: fuck no, because they don't let this degeneracy slide, like fucking liberal CUCKS in the USA. There's only one solution, and that is for everyone to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn't tolerate degeneracy like promiscuity or gender bending—nay! He mandated the ostracization and execution of adulterers, and made sure they would not become commonplace or accepted by the rest of the community. He made sure to establish clear gender roles and didn't tolerate this "casual sex" trash.

In the meantime, you have Western society accepting whores, gays, slut pride, gender-mixing, topfreedom, prostitution, new genders, no genders, LGBT, and who knows what else?! Western society is truly degenerating without guidance, and I fear that as time passes, these degenerate groups only gain more and more power.

Muslims and conservatives might think they're enemies, but in reality, they're closer to each other than they think! An alliance would prove very fruitful for both sides.

Just repeat the declaration of faith after me:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

and you'll be right on your way to becoming a great Muslim!

u/Kagato3 just one more real bad day? So it'll be somewhere around the 40th real bad day since taking office?

One bad day, as in watching his parents being murdered on his way home from seeing Zorro at age 10.

So youre a daddy dick sucker AND you like capeshit - I bet anyone in this sub 5 tendies you have a favorite anime and various opinions thereon 🤣😂

I bet he drives one of these

Most philanthropic man of all time. He constantly did things like this for decades without seeking any recognition. And now he is continuing that through his presidency.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Donald Trump The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Democrats would tell you. It’s a Republican legend. Donald Trump was a Dark President of the Republican Party, so tremendous and so wise he could use the executive branch to influence the taxpayers to create walls… He had such a knowledge of the conservative side that he could even keep the ones who supported him from fact-checking his statements. The right side of the political spectrum is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice shocked him for being gay. Ironic. He could save others from theocracy, but not himself.

10/10 would anime

Most philanthropic man of all time. He constantly did things like this for decades without seeking any recognition. And now he is continuing that through his presidency.

Literally scientific proof that Donald Trump radiates some sort of brain rotting rays through TV.

imagine being this far gone

out of all the ridiculous shit that comes out of that guy this takes the cake

no fucking way in hell he would have done shit

[–]EmperorOfTheWestMAGA 1057 points 8 hours ago

Damn this is a find right here! Supports my personal pet conspiracy theory that President Trump is in fact a superhero.

[–]Kagato3 466 points 8 hours ago

He's a real bad day away from being Batman.

[–]NikitaPooterov 218 points 8 hours ago

Except Baron is Alfred.

[–]MingusDew42America First 130 points 8 hours ago

I'm a fan of Pence as Alfred: https://twitter.com/ScottAdamsSays/status/961077627195830272

[–]Let_HerEat_Cake 81 points 8 hours ago

No way! Nigel as Alfred!

[–]brobrobrobro1234 35 points 6 hours ago

Sufficiently British 1910 era tophatter. I believe this.

[–]Futuramawe 21 points 6 hours ago

You win the internet today, good Pede!

Jesus christ.

yo you gotta keep your callouts and your calls to violence separated

just a tip

good call

NOW you can say it