Happy puppy

165  2018-02-27 by likearasputin


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Oh god

Paging u\aluzky


Press F because he was suspended for fucking dogs

/u/PressFPayRespects where you at

So wait, I need to press F for u/PressFPayRespect



he's suspended

He'll be back, with an army of alts.

Doubtful, we reported him to the Costa Rican authorities after they made dog rape illegal last year.

I suspect he'll be gone for a long time.

we reported him to the Costa Rican authorities

Did he post images or videos with his face in them?

Yep and someone (NOT ME) hacked his dog fucker match.com account

post your fursuit snappy

You can tell there are no pitbulls around because the dig is relaxed and happy.

Nigbulls is what they are now called learn up mayo.


Mayo dog ew. This is very problematic.

Absolutely disgusting. It has pale mayo skin beneath the black fur. It's just culturally appropriating.

Golden retrievers are some of the most boring dogs out there. I'm not saying that they're ugly or that they're bad dogs, that's not true. But when you get a golden retriever, you're getting a lap dog who will automatically and unconditionally love you with pretty much no effort or upkeep on your part. They all look the same too.

There's so many more unique dogs out there. Border collies (in so many different colors and patterns!), German Shepherds without fucked up backs, huskies, Aussie shepherds, Dogs of Length, Borzoi, etc...

A lot of those dogs are ones where you really get what you put in, border collies especially. You treat them right, you go out there and exercise them, you show them love, they'll show off why they're the most intelligent dog breed and why they have the greatest capacity for bonding.

Firstly I know this is some pasta. Secondly fuck you. You nigger spick mick jew Nazi fag mayo how dare you include the majestic boxer in with a degenerate sub class of dogs like toys. Do the world a favor and end yourself you degenerate sub-human.

Did you run out of breath typing that as quickly as brachycephalic dogs do after catching one frisbee? 🤔

The best pig dog I ever owned was a "pit" (not a real breed) boxer wolfhound mix that fucker would not only have the boar down but dead and missing most of it's head before I could even get to it with a knife he was a champ. He was super useful unlike any toy dog.

More length pictures. God I love greyhounds.

Border collies

are honestly the best dogs and this copypasta is 100% correct.

This doggo sucks.


Wtf everyone involved in the comment chain should keep themselves safe

And I used to like you Ed..No more 😤😤







You too


Any dog that's not a lab is useless tbqh

That is the correct answer

shelties > labs

Doggo suck. Cats are much better.


Relevant name xd 😂😂😂

This dog is judging me. I can see it in his eyes.

All I see is a basic bitch.

"Privileged" puppy, more like it.

What does this have to do with drama?

What does this not have to do with drama?

I hate you glorious bastard

This is drama?

I bet he voted trump, the fucker


Maybe later...it's hard to find unused cute birb post.

We've never had a roadrunner, just sayin

I can't find a worthy picture, those birds are ugly irl, sorry.

I appreciate your efforts 😙

That dog sold me a roll of toilet paper once.

in my day, that would have been a gif with for 30 seconds, then goatse

goddamn millennial faggots

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Test post