User in r/LateStageCapitalism over-analyzes an Ellen video

19  2018-02-27 by AllyCiphers

Edit: the part I hated the most

*Steeling himself for a victory on this round, he proffers "this is my best chance," as they arrive at item #3 - dental floss.

"Really? Cause you floss," asks Ms. DeGeneres.

"Absolutely," replies Mr. Billionaire.

"I floss as well, very important to keep your gums in good health," says Ms. multi-millionaire, as the two richest people in the room (and in all likelihood the zip code in which they are filming,) pat each other on the back while seemingly unaware of the unspoken commentary on poverty's affect on lifetime dental outcomes.*

FFS His arm must be broken from reaching so hard.


How should I feel about this post if I hate Ellen, Bill Gates, and the types of people who would buy tickets to see Ellen?

Like mass extinction events are good.

No one buys tickets to Ellen, those are free.

u/darmon’s commentary was significantly cringier than anything in that video could have been tbh

/u/darmon I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but do you seriously have autism?

Wow too bad they didn't guess the prize of razers so I could shit my wrist after reading that

Spell check for real unless you plan to use this.

/u/darmon that was the cringiest shit I’ve ever read. And I read Bernie Sanders platform.