In which r/relationships aggressively fails to understand the point of a party

40  2018-02-27 by brokenpornograph

Note how “so what if it didn’t go exactly according to your script and timetable, all your guests had a great time” is apparently the worst possible thing to say:


Text of OP:

So I realize this may sound silly and I'm sorry in advance if it does, I promise I'm not snooty or holier than thou in my day to day life. It's just that I've always wanted to host a "sophisticated" party with great wine and food and decent conversation. I'm not opposed to bar nights and keg parties, it's just that I wanted to do something different on this particular night (last Saturday).

I had literally been planning this party for over a month, I ordered special cheeses directly from Europe, I sent out "taste questionnaires" to all my guests to best accommodate their wine and food preferences. I cleaned for days, I even replaced our ratty old couch with a new sectional from Crate and Barrel and matched some really cool thrift store hauls to make it sort of "warehouse chic." I hand made all the invitations and event matched the stamps to better fit the motif of the design.

Saturday night came around and everyone was having a great time, people were dressed to the nines and I was on cloud nine with what a great time everyone was having. We had intelligent and polite conversation and everyone was getting along great. I had at max 20 total guests (some left early and some arrived late).y

After maybe 2 hours I noticed my husband was not present, no big deal I thought since he said he'd wanted to smoke some good cigars so I figured that's where he was. Maybe 10 minutes later I hear him and his best friend bust through the front door saying really loud "Now we got a party folks!!!" as he and his friends were carrying huge boxes of Budweiser.

Well slowly but surely my sophisticated wine party turned into a beer bust, the guys took their ties and coats off, the girls got more loose and after an hour of beer drinking my new couches were pushed to the wall and everyone was dancing and grinding and my nice calm background music was changed to hip hop.

I basically went in my room and cried. I didn't tell anyone so no one checked on me, not my friends, not my husband, no one. They were all having "too good" of a time. To make it worse, the next day nearly everyone sent me texts or emails saying what a great time they had and they didn't expect to "party until 3am." So not only did it not go my way, no even appreciates "my part" of the party.

I'm crushed. By my husband mostly since he knew how important this was to me, but also by my friends who so quickly went along with my husband and didn't even seem to miss me at the party.

What do I do here? I feel betrayed by just about everyone.

tl;dr: Husband ruined my "sophisticated" party by showing up in the middle of it with beer and basically turned it into a frat party.

It’s him

New account, only has one post. Its definitely a troll.

They were all having "too good" of a time. To make it worse,

"I had fun once it was awful" lmao

It's for sure a troll, but at least you know the commenters are fun-vampires.

Lol fun vampires. Yeah totally dude. Or maybe we just respect others.

You clearly don’t respect the fact that the guests in this totally real and absolutely not made up scenario had way more fun after the Suds MacKenzie-esque husband showed up with a much more fun option.

It isn't about them though. Say it's your wedding. What if someone totally ruined everything you planned just cause they're not having fun? When you're a friend, you have respect for your friends and maybe sometimes do things they want. They didn't pay for shit. And they got free food and wine. But again. THIS ISN'T ABOUT THE GUESTS. It's about her selfish asshole husband.

Again, the post was an obvious troll. No functional adult would act like that much of a goddamn child in that highly improbable situation. What worries me is how much you think her reaction is real and believable, which implies that you, too, would completely lose your shit over something so menial. Get help.

She didn't lose her shit. She's upset and she cried. Yeah I would cry if something I poured my heart into was ruined by my own spouse. The only children here are you guys.

I know you are but what am I?

I can't tell you cause you might cry.

You guys are living stereotypes

Because I would be upset that someone ruined something I put so much time and effort into? I would think that's a normal human reaction. But there is no arguing with incels, huh?

You mean made cooler? Everyone liked it more but op

It really doesn't matter. You'll never get it because you're someone who doesn't respect others. Have a good night.

something is improved

oh no the something isn't what I want it to be anymore even though it's better now


something I poured my heart into

if planning painfully boring "parties" that people feel obligated to go to is what you "pour your heart into" you deserve much worse than having it "ruined" by someone making it actually fun

And you deserve shit in your life for being an asshole. Grow up.

if growing up means forgetting how to throw parties that people want to come to then i think ill stay young, thanks

Not all parties are keggers. And honestly if that's the only way you can have fun, you have an issue.

yeah im the one with the issue because people actually want to come to my events, whatever you say man

please don't take this the wrong way and take it as a moment to introspect a little but locking yourself in a room and crying for the duration of a party that is going successfully isn't healthy or mature behavior. You can only try to make a themed party but if it goes another direction you can't force it or cry. You gotta go with the motions or find a healthier way of addressing the issue. Consider a separate scenario in which she decides "fuck it" and drinks and has a good time with friends and family. Hell if you consider the fact that it started classy then fratted up, everyone wins and gets a taste of their own party.

but really and I don't say this to be a jerk, but that really isn't appropriate behavior

Okay well you don't know how she is as a person. I'm an easy crier. I hate it. So if she was feeling tears coming I think it's better to go in a room than do it in front of others. Right?

my point is being an easy crier isn't healthy. I'm not judging or being mean, but we all have things to work on. I have a temper and it's been a journey to fix it but I'm improving. Just like having a temper is one extreme, crying easily is another. And I'm certain you'd agree that if you could change that aspect about yourself, you'd feel improved if not slightly happier. Between being neutral vs crying/angry, being neutral is healthier. In a professional setting, there are stresses far beyond a failed party. If one loses their cool to such an inconsequential event, it might seriously be an impediment for professional growth.

Please tho, I'm not being a jerk like the others. I'm simply pointing out that locking oneself in a room to cry for the duration of the night while guests are enjoying a party you threw, is immature, rude to the guests and just all around unhealthy. There a number of ways the night could have panned out where she didn't feel that way, but instead it did. Likely she'd also agree that if there was some way to salvage the night, either by managing a reversal to the classy party (which I would consider control freak status) or by cooling her emotions enough to enjoy the company of her friends and loved ones.

But really though, lets be honest with each other. That kind of behavior isn't appropriate for grown adults. I only say this, again, not to pass judgement, but because you mentioned you behave the same way and see nothing wrong with her behavior. By ignoring the fact that it isn't healthy, it sugar coats the problem and shifts blame to everybody else. Absolutely she has a right to feel slighted, and she can and should address that. No reason they can't talk it out. But locking herself in the room, crying, and expecting someone to come console her and give her attention, then getting even more worked up because they didn't, just really, genuinely, isn't healthy behavior.

We probably won't see eye to eye but I certainly appreciated it when someone just flat out told me it's not the world making me angry, but me making myself angry. Sure there are things that justifiably make me angry, but things that don't warrant anger either. We should work towards improving ourselves and ridding ourselves of unhealthy behavior, wether it be anger or excessive tears. Not judging her, not saying she's dumb or dramatic, just saying that it isn't healthy behavior. Calling a spade a spade.

Just my opinion, we can disagree, that's ok.

Thanks for helping prove that women are emotional and irrational. Really destroying those stereotypes here.


...have you ever been to a party? The measure of success is how much fun the guests have, minus injuries, property damage, and police appearances.

Absolutely i have. I have hosted them too. But not all parties are keggers. Ever heard of a cocktail party?








Nice caps :)

They had 2 hours of wine and cheese then the party evolved and the wife got butt hurt. Lame

How many times a week do people tell you "You're like Dracula, only instead of sucking blood, you just suck"? Would you ballpark it around 5, 10 or 20+?

More like 0. How many times a week do people call you an asshole?

That's actually pretty mean, I was just delivering the punchline to the fun vampire joke from beloved, wholesome sitcom "Community".Thought you were up for bantering but I guess if you wanna spit that kind of vitriol instead, you're within your rights.

nah you're just a boring twat.

God damn, when I originally was looking through comments I assumed that the husband brought the beer in at the beginning of the party. She had *2 fucking * hours of wine and cheese and then the party evolved. What an entitled woman.

Lol that husband rules.


Actually, Edwarda is really busy with her residency and overthrowing the Great Satan. She doesn’t have time for a man in her life.

Is that all that sand people writing xer keeps posting?

🤫 I’ve said too much.

I'd eat his butt.

Like with utensils or what

Well slowly but surely my sophisticated wine party turned into a beer bust, the guys took their ties and coats off, the girls got more loose and after an hour of beer drinking my new couches were pushed to the wall and everyone was dancing and grinding and my nice calm background music was changed to hip hop.

Wew lad

This, but unironically.

my nice calm background music was changed to hip hop.

Ah do declayah! Mah cotillion has broken out into unbridled negroidism!

Why can't I find a girl that talks like this? My wife is all, "crikey mate! wallaby dingo durrie arvo mooloombalahawaha sausage roll!"


I tried basically the hotel situation last year with one on his favorite games for the season, not only did he not clean up after he and his friends after that game, he had poker, Saturday and Sunday football and didn't clean up after any of it.


  1. Why would he? You do it for him. Do you want to be his mommy the rest of his life?

  2. Then go back, pack more and stay in a hotel longer. He sounds like a giant toddler who needs to put his big boy pants on and learn to clean up after himself. He also needs to learn his actions have meaningful consequences.

    I get the feeling you could leave him and he wouldn't notice until he ran out of toilet paper, and even then probably not until he ran out of clean underwear.

  3. You are not in a respectful marriage. You might struggle with lows elf esteem, but you come across as so kind and disciplined, I guarantee you that you deserve better. Lots better.

  4. He’s not your partner. You’re his maid who he’s fucking

  5. Hmmm. So does he have any redeeming qualities here? Because he sounds like an butthole that doesn’t care about you.

Context link.

Husband doesn't clean up after his mess once a year? Fucking break up you stupid whore, you don't know what's good for you, and Reddit does. Bitch. Care to add something to this, /u/random_response_99 , /u/maeven2 and /u/clty ?

Sure... calling someone names when they are asking for help is neither helpful nor respectful.

Neither is calling for them to divorce because he makes a mess once a year but here we are.

The break-up/divorce quick fix comes up far to often I agree, although by the time people come for advice it might seem like the only option (depending on details given). That said, a lot of the advice wasn't calling for that, it was calling for a conversation. Mine, if you look at all my comments, was about communication and boundaries. I think with stronger and consistent boundaries and communication will go a long way for both of them. That and perhaps clarifying expectations and roles within their relationship (ie, some people are comfortable doing more cleaning, as long as there is respect and other benefits that balance it out). I will agree that my comment wasn't the best of mine, but it is what these situations boil down to - one partner feeling resentful and like the others mother, when they willingly cleanup after their partner.

I think the problem is that while you say "communication and boundaries" it's fairly clear that you think that HER boundaries and confort zone is more important than his.

See, it would be one thing if he threw parties, made a mess, and then expected her to clean up after. But it's fairly clear that's not what's happeneing. He doesn't expect her to clean up. He's probably ok with things being messier than she personally likes.

this still doesn't explain your disrespectful language describing OP

You walked into the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.

Well no, they are married and both their boundaries/needs/comfort zones are important and have to be negotiated, hence communication. Since it was her party, that he took over and turned into a rager, she shouldn't be cleaning up his messes - unless that's what they've both agreed to in the relationship, which again is about communicating expectations. We no nothing about his, just that he created a mess and then went golfing.

Yes, I didn't realize it was cross-posted. Have fun with the post...

Already baleeted his comments, fucking lole

Did you just assume xir's gender?

Yes because he sounds like a cuck

What about calling someone names while mocking the diarrhea they shit out and wrap up as "advice," what's your take on that?

I get the feeling you could leave him and he wouldn't notice until he ran out of toilet paper, and even then probably not until he ran out of clean underwear

I find it hilarious this is supposed to be an insult to the husband.

After maybe 2 hours I noticed my husband was not present,

Meanwhile OP doesn't notice his absence for 2 out of 4 hours at her own boring ass wine and cheese party. Shieeeet

Also, you cut and paste a couple of comments and ignored all the great advice on communication and boundaries that she received, as well as the different perspectives on the party.

You are the only one using this disrespectful language to describe OP, most people didn't suggest breaking up, and it makes me wonder why you are so invested in discrediting the post?

It seems you are the one misunderstanding the point about why this specific party was problematic to their marriage (not parties in general).

/u/trynottoexplode it must be so nice to have a husband as thoughtful as yours, what with going out of his way to make sure your friendships aren't ruined and doing everything he can to prevent The Most Boring "Party" of 2018.

Yay love!!

I read the comments, batshit crazy. It was obvious her party sucked balls and the husband tried to save the night, but no. She went upstairs to cry because she bought a brand new couch for the party and no guest came to check on her. Blamed both husband and guests for blowing her carefully and obsessively planned party. Everyone agrees husband is a jerk and doesn't respect her.

Everyone agrees husband is a jerk and doesn't respect her.


This is why bussy > gussy every time.

Troll. It’s just too obvious of a set up.

It's pretty obvs so that's why I'm focussing on the retards in the comment section and not OP.

I'm enjoying engaging with the character tho.

I dunno, this is pretty standard gussy behavior.

Maybe, but OTOH I do know a couple with the exact same dynamic when it comes to parties: she's the one who makes meticulous advance plans (e.g. providing sunscreen for all the out-of-town guests at a Southern California beachfront party), he's the one who will do whatever it takes to keep the party going (resupplying alcohol when the original amount had run out is exactly the sort of thing he would do.)

Difference is, they work as a team: she doesn't go off and sulk when he extends the festivities a couple of hours beyond the scheduled end time, he doesn't shirk the unexciting but necessary work before and after. Together they are quite possibly the best party hosts I know.

So, nothing like the OP really.

Especially with their most recent comment:

I Did bring up having craft beer at my party but he said he’d never have f@g beer in his house

Nice work /u/trytonotexplode aka /u/ItsPhilTheTroll

LOL! I know some people who would actually say that sort of thing though. That's the most believable part tbh.

Nah, this is how women are.

Wasn't there a SpongeBob episode about this exact situation?

I even replaced our ratty old couch with a new sectional from Crate and Barrel and matched some really cool thrift store hauls to make it sort of "warehouse chic."

has to be le trole

u/Steffinily, u/HeroRose, u/random_response_99, and many others too numerous to ping can't handle such a high test alpha male tbqh

HAHAHAHA holy fuck I got tagged by a fucking incel.

I get plenty of pussy, they just don’t really remember when they wake up.

Yeah. No you dont. But nice try bud.

Yeah that's not rape, it's called inception sweety.

Don't call me sweetie you nasty fucking trolls.

Daily reminder to off yourself!

I don't see TrollXChromosomes anywhere in his post history. You must be mistaken.

The label seems more suited to you, what with the whole "I'm a grrrrlll gamer!" shtick. Overwatch is still the most normie game out there, though. It might as well be Candy Crush.

I never said I was a girl gamer. Not once. I said that's the only game I play and that I'm good at. I never claimed to be great at games. So fuck off with that.

It's alright u/morerokk struggles to engage with people of the opposite sex due to his involuntary celibacy.


Lol where is this gamer girl thing coming from?

Sounds like her lame ass stuck up middle-aged white-woman party got turned into an actual party that would be worth going to.

He didn't even bring Mickey's so everyone could play with the little puzzles on the caps? Divorce that oaf asap.

I can at least respect how extraordinarily autistic OP must be in order to diligently plan an elaborate fancy party for what sounds to be a bunch of Amerifat mayos.

back in my day we drank Sparks. No one ever seems to remember those now

/u/ooh_de_lally ugh just thinking about Sparks gives me a hangover

There’s a reason those cans looked like batteries

A candlelight supper