KiA gets mad about child exploitation being banned.

18  2018-02-28 by SPEZ_AKBAR


user reports:

1: lmao stickying a /r/gamerghazi tier thread

1: When you have to desperately vote brigade just to create the drama, you don' have no dramas.

I think Stalin was a very cruel man but then i remember KiA and that goobergaters still exist in <current year>and maybe having someone like Stalin around isn't such a bad idea after all!

KiA always get's so booty blasted when we link there. Talk about muh insecurity

b-b-ut she isnt 5 years old she's actually a 100 year old dragon in the body of a 5 year old. Also muh ethics in video games kek.

Don't worry. Your prison sentence only seems like it's 25 years; it's actually only 6 months!

/u/davidverner I don't understand what the problem is

/u/davidverner just wants to make sure his fellow (expletive) are properly aware.

It's okay to call them ancaps

But that makes them feel okay and I don't want that.

Does the NAP also cover loli posting?

Can cartoon children consent to NAP? I'm not up to date on the latest scholarly articles

I'm sure hundreds of pages have been written on the topic

As someone who has seen very broad laws being abused, I don't like seeing very broad rules that will be abused and not evenly enforced. I enjoy certain animes like Monogatari series because of the character development and dialog banter between the characters with one of the main character being Shinobu who's appearance changes with her power level (Examples, 1 2 3) but is several hundred years old and acts like a young adult.

So lets have some fun and find a scene from the anime that these new rules can apply. This is a good scene screenshot from Monogatari Episode 8 – Suruga Monkey, Part 3 at 11:55 of the episode. According to the rules laid out this shot should be banned because

this can in some cases include depictions of minors that are fully clothed and not engaged in overtly sexual acts.


someone who appears to be a minor.

We can also apply this to innocent fan art like this if we really want to push the subjectiveness of the broad wording "not engaged in overtly sexual acts."

If want want to see a different but similar kind of example of broad but not evenly enforced rules causing damage, check out the current ongoing and unfolding drama around the Twitch rules change that was pushed back from the February 19th to sometime in March which as many streamers on edge to include big names like Destiny and Harmful Opinions. It is no secret Twitch admins don't evenly enforce their rules and it will be interesting how that turns out in the future with a lawsuit like Phantomlord v. Twitch playing out.

That's a lot of words for saying you wanna fuck little kids. I really didn't need the disgusting visuals thanks.

This trash should be banned and you should rot in a cell.

I enjoy good anime, good writing, and good fiction. If you really want to have fun calling names and arguing your point you can come onto one of my livestreams and we can go at it if you want.

I enjoy good anime, good writing, and good fiction.


you can come onto one of my livestreams and we can go at it if you want.

Sorry I'm too old for you.

Damn how did you live to be 200 years old? I want know your secret.

I look a hard 200 years tho

Do it, but wear a birdmask.

Got a vape pen I can borrow?

Those have soy in them, no thx.

Oh gross

I don't think it counts as a viewer if the person is a guest

I got viewers, that isn't too hard to do if you have the right content.

Would said content involve nude cartoons?

Said content involves government officials and civil rights issues mostly but expanding to Twitch style IRL content and Internet Bloodsports.

when you write things like this, are you under the impression it makes you sound cool? i want to understand what sort of psychological warping is necessary to allow a person to act this way and not immediately die of shame

I'm not cool, just another internet content producer voicing their opinion on matters. I'm just clarifying the content I produce to end the 20 questions. If you're not into the stuff I produce then obviously I'm not cool for you. If it upsets you that I have a mild amount of traction and fame from the stuff I produce, that is your issue and not mine. If you want a chance to really go at me and prove to my audience how uncool I am, I'm more then happy to bring you own a livestream where we can verbally duke it out or have another person hosting it.

I have a mild amount of traction and fame from the stuff I produce


We're mostly upset by your pedophilia

I enjoy good writing, and good fiction

Then why are you watching anime

Because a lot of Western made cartoons suck except for Lastman which is from France.

The problem is unironically watching cartoons whilst over the age of 13.

good anime



Keep yourself safe, pedo

Is this pasta?

Use or because they work better for that kind of thing.

Let me be a luddite!

a person opposed to increased industrialization or new technology.

I mean sure if you want you could argue the fact that archiving has been around awhile but it would be a bit inane

As long as it is purely fiction it should be protected under the freedom of speech clause for artwork. As one person pointed out,

*I mean genuine original drawings here, and not rotoscoped child porn

and I follow up with,

Rotoscoped CP is still CP. There is no excuse for that.

There is a difference between fictional art and that where some bastard traces over a CP image and tries to pass it off as a work of fiction. But the bigger question is how do you feel about shota and do you think the rules will be evenly applied to that?


Ugh, I hate that that post introduced me to the possibility that such a thing exists. I associate rotoscoping with Don Bluth films ffs.

I've never heard of it myself but I'm sure it is in the realm of possibility because of rule 34 applies to all.

Lol what a pedo

In what world do you live in where the sucking face pose isnt sexual.

Puritans of both religious and non-religious. As I said it is pure subjectiveness depending on who is looking at it and with what kind of moral standards they have.

Yeah yeah yeah. And the intersection of all our subjectivities isvthe objective.

The point is that you are objectively, woefully (fortunately?) inexperienced and hold dangerous ideas due to your preclusions. Please better yourself before you inflict suffering on another person.

Who is suffering if all the characters are fictional?

Western Civilization

Last time I checked Western Civilization gave birth to the United States where freedom of speech is the standard and gave rise to entertainment medium known as Anime.

Last I checked Western Civilization gave birth to Capitalism where freedom of economic expression is the standard and gave rise to the entertainment company known as reddit which can express its economic freedom by banning degenerates.

They can and we can openly criticize it for their actions, inactions, and poor enforcement of their own rules.

And we can criticize you for being transparent pedophiles.

And we can debate this back and forth. So I don't think we disagree on this part.

Who is suffering if all the characters are fictional?

That's pretty much the same argument people use to rationalize CP- "The images already existed, I didn't pay for them, the CP would exist whether or not I downloaded it for free!!"

Like it or not, normal people just don't like seeing pedos play "I'm not touching you... I'm not touching you..." with the concept of fucking 8yos. Normal people are happy keeping well clear of that shit, and feel no compulsion to try to blur those lines, so when someone clearly feels driven to feel out the edges of those grey areas, and starts being all "akshully, its ehebephebophilia, and she's a 12,000 year old vampire, and I'm only imagining sodomizing a nine year old a 12,000 year old vampire that looks identical to a nine year old, which obviously could never indicate an actual desire to sodomize a nine year old..." alarm bells tend to go off.

Like with beastiality, or incest; pedophilia is just one of those things where, even in today's gendr-neutral, trans-friendly, polyamorous, slut-shaming-shaming world- some things are still too degenerate to talk your way out of, even by those standards. Congratulations; you've found the bottom.

Bestiality incest and loli arent morally wrong you boring cunt

they are just aesthetically disgusting and i like to bully those who engage on those things

" but muh society thinks so "

who gives a fuck

Right. So, you're cool with pedos, dog-fucking, and incest, and you don't care about morals and society's rules, man.

Good to know.

pedos, dog-fucking, and incest,

One of this things are not like the other dumb cunt

That's pretty much the same argument people use to rationalize CP- "The images already existed, I didn't pay for them, the CP would exist whether or not I downloaded it for free!!"

Actual CP affects actual people because they subject children who can't legally consent to the actions let alone make informed decisions. Stories involving fictional characters at worst affects the imagination of the creator and those that don't mind viewing it. If you don't like it you can go look at something else. If I don't like something I don't watch it, play it, or read it.

It doesn't matter if the art is essentially a step away from that line of legality that you don't like. There is a clear line to what is legal and what isn't legal on this issue. Actually CP is bad and illegal in the United States, fictional characters no matter the look or age can be depicted in what ever situation the creator wants and publish it. This applies from sexual to gruesome violent deaths. If you don't like it move to a country that makes it illegal.

As is, my standards align with what is legal and not to what you moral's wants. I deal with your kind of bullshit on a weekly bases except on different legal matters and boundaries. You can call me names and low of the low but this is nothing new because people like you can't grapple with the fact that people have civil rights to do something that you don't like. I can already tell you would be first in line to deny a criminal his right to a fair trial and to a lawyer at the drop of a hat.

Sure. You have every legal right to edge up as close as humanly possible to child porn laws- for whatever reason you feel compelled to do that. I never said you didn't.

I just said that normal people find that kind of behaviour abhorrent. Because normal people don't just find the act of child sex abuse disgusting, we also find it disgusting that you people have the desire for that stuff.

I wasn't giving you legal advice. I was calling you a degenerate pedophile.

But, just a tip for the future- next time you're trying to trick someone into believing you aren't a degenerate pedo that poses a clear and present danger to any children in your vicinity, probably best to pass on linking the "gruesome violent death of an 8yo girl" video that you just happen to have on hand, yeah?

You do realize that it was a classroom of mostly boys who died right after the timestamp and two minutes of searching on YouTube isn't really that hard.

Lastly, vent all you want. I know there is nothing me or anyone can say to change your opinion on the issue and you will continue to call anyone who looks at edgy anime names. Just remember there is line between stating your opinion and defamation.

Just remember there is line between stating your opinion and defamation.

Oh, it's not just my opinion. You are objectively an abhorrent, degenerate pedo.

Are you actually retarded? Or is this just because you are on drama?

Hmm... Why would someone get upset about people being mean to pedos?


Because a pedophile has no choice in the way they are, they need help as they are mentally ill. Of course if they do as much as attempt or plan to assault a child, they deserve death, that much is obvious, and my asking if you are retarded is simply this. Pedophilia is bad because children cannot understand or consent to anything related to the issue, they can only be taken advantage of. Drawings are not children, retards such as yourself often have trouble understanding this.

So I'll break it down for you, Sexually predatory behaviour towards children is bad because people are harmed. Getting off to drawings means jack shit, because it is harmless to everyone involved. Yet you somehow consider the latter equal to the former, and when your "argument" was easily rebuted you merely screeched "pedophile" like a thoughtless imbecile so convinced they are right everyone else must be wrong.

That is why I called you retarded, but continue to be the smug asshole that you are, as your lack of common sense and desire to police people's thoughts won't amount to shit.

, Sexually predatory behaviour towards children is bad because people are harmed. Getting off to drawings means jack shit, because it is harmless to everyone involved.

As I said before- pedos use the exact same "no-one is harmed" argument (with exactly the same amount of validity) for real CP. "The 8yo had already been sodomized by the time I got the image. I didn't pay for the image; in fact there is no way that the sodomizer/pornographer could possibly know whether I downloaded the picture or not, so it's impossible that he was influenced by me at all..." So you're supporting this argument, then?

Normal people don't only find the act of child sex abuse disgusting, we also find it disgusting that you people have the desire for that stuff.

No child is harmed if you go up to someone and say "See that six year old boy there? I bet he'd love it if I taught him how it felt to have a big fat cock inside him." But normal people, people who aren't psychologically disturbed or morally bankrupt, will still be disgusted by you for saying that, because [1] the inner workings, desires and fantasies of the pedo mind are inherently disgusting, and [2] even if you haven't fucked a child yet, making that statement informs us that you want to fuck a child, and probably will fuck a child if you get an opportunity.

Your interest in these images is effectively the same as making the above statement. And is likely to get the sane response.

[Just to be clear- I'm not trying to change your mind about anything here; I'm just giving you a normal, non-pedo perspective on the issue to contrast with your own, And explaining why your efforts to normalize pedophilia aren't going to get traction in non-pedo society.]

You believing that saying that no-one is harmed when someone draws some weird porn is somehow equal to stating that no-one is harmed in actual child pornography where a child has been abused and taken advantage of is one of the most retarded things I have ever read. Somehow you seem to associate a like for certain hentai (a stylized cartoon) as an actual desire to harm real children, how the ever loving fuck have you come to this conclusion?

And your statement of

No child is harmed if you go up to someone and say "See that six year old boy there? I bet he'd love it if I taught him how it felt to have a big fat cock inside him."

as a comparison is fucking laughable, your example of an "equal" situation to getting off to some cartoons, is someone saying how they would love to sexually assault and abuse a child, how retarded can you be? Do you think about anything you type?

All you have done is create a bunch of strawmen arguments in an attempt to brush aside any actual discussion. You aren't speaking with pedophiles here you retard, you are speaking with people who like a type of cartoon porn, but continue to accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being a pedophile, because that's all you are capable of, creating strawmen arguments and screeching pedophile.

Dude, like I said, I'm not trying to change your mind about anything- I'm just explaining why the normal, non-pedo majority is repulsed by you people.

our example of an "equal" situation to getting off to some cartoons, is someone saying how they would love to sexually assault and abuse a child, how retarded can you be?

I know, I know... What a crazy, baseless assumption I made- that people's preferences in porn reflect their sexual desires!?! Absurd!!

Obviously you "get off" to porn of people having sex with toddlers because the idea of people having sex with toddlers completely repulses you!! It's all so clear!!

btw, just some advice; Next time you're trying to trick someone into thinking that you aren't an abhorrent degenerate chomo who's a clear and present danger to any children in their vicinity, you should probably steer clear of admitting that you "get off" to porn involving children, yeah?

I'm just going to say some damn basics right here, how in the fuck do you think a stylized cartoon is in any way similar to a real child. Have you seen what those cartoons look like compared to a real child? You continue to argue that because a thing is drawn to be physically attractive and then given an age you do not approve of. It somehow makes people attracted to real children of that age.

You continue to accuse people of being pedophiles when the content they look at is so different from a real child, you would need to be mentally challenged in the most severe regard to not know the actual difference.

And you yet again end your post with calling me a pedophile who is a danger to children, because I get off to porn involving drawings that you don't like. What kind of mental gymnastics must you perform to consider drawings children, and then to even further that, what kind of retardation makes you believe such drawings are then equal to children?

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Ethics is high stamina shitposting

Get a job

Like one at a school?

No, production is more your speed. Your manager will know just how to put you to work. You'll probably even like it and grow as a person.

Just wondering, if you slept naked and an underaged 2d character from an anime comes out of my TV and starts stroking my dick, is that pedophilia? I mean I'm not initating the contact in any way, shape or form and if anything it's ME who is being sexually assaulted or raped in this situation, but where would I stand legally?

The beautiful thing about 2D girls is that they don't have rights. You can do anything to them and still be legally in the right.

The beautiful thing about 2D girls is that they don't have rights

Just like 3D girls.

I would like to say that I find the description to be an inaccurate portrayal of what the problem is.

One, it is clear by the bolded segments that what is being objected to is the depiction of these things, not actual instances of this. This is important because depictions are not exploitation, nobody is harmed in the making of those things.

Secondly, so much falls under the depiction beyond the overtly pornographic stuff, to the point where someone who isn't at all interested in that aspect could still find fault in it; in the Shakespeare Play "Romeo and Juliet", Juliet is 13.

When rules are so over-broad as to include Shakespeare you may be surprised what else you enjoy that would fall under this definition.

That's the gist of my feelings on the matter.

We get it, you're a libertarian pedophile

You said it right the first time.

Not either of those.

Is this the hill you want to die on? Really?

Uh...what? I'm not sure what you mean, because the way I interpret that phrase, you asked if I really wanted to fight to the last against the notion that I'm a pedophile. Which sounds like a stupid question, what sort of person would act otherwise?

It's time to come clean. Out of the closet and into the light. Only then can the world accept libertarians.

I honestly just have to assume they're presumed this, because the stuff I say about lootboxes definitely does not fit the definition of what I assumed libertarians considered kosher.

So you're a libertarian and a hypocrite. But I repeat myself.

What pushed me over the edge? It was obvious really. No way in hell would I let them charge me money for a bonus damage radius on my thermal detonators. I already paid $60

Death threats? Really /r/drama? I thought this sub was more wholesome than that.

As a side note, I recently joined a facebook group called "This is a weird hill to die on." where people willingly throw themselves into drama-filled internet bloodsports. It's great.

They're the same thing. You're also really very exhausting

Lol what the fuck

I didn't want to be accused of brigading so I got permission first. I don't see what the problem is, most subreddits don't appreciate when you come in from another subreddit.

Eww go away pedo scum

How fucking dare you.

The Internet is ruined by people like you

You're only welcome if you're uninvited. Fuck off

How politically correct can one person possibly be

Not at the same time.

please stop fucking kids

If I had the ability to look through the things you own and like, I would find a piece of media that would just as equally condemn you with the accusation you just leveled at me. Which is to say, not at all but for an overreaching definition.

Nah. He doesn't want to fuck kids.

Neither do I, yet by the standards you've set for this accusation, he apparently does, and likely so do you.

He's not defending the rights of child fuckers like you are tho

Last I checked, you don't have a right to fuck a child.

And we'd like to keep it that way, you degenerate

but have u considered that anime is trash and weebs are degenerate trash tho?

Sure. But have you considered how many people own a copy of "IT"?

What happens between a prepubescent child and a giant spider in an open sewer is none of my or the state's business and screw you for implying otherwise.

Wait what? I must have not been paying attention the move to even notice let alone remember anything like that from the movie. Of course I haven't seen that movie in like 15 years.

Your fellow pedo recommends it highly. Seems like it'd be right up your alley. ;)

I just remember kids using a sling shot on a clown to kill it. I wasn't really into the movie.

They were dressed very conservatively. You prefer them more libertine? Or do you just have a problem with 3d?

You really wanting to push that narrative. Tell me how much of a movie that you weren't really into back when you were a teenager or kid and only seen that one time, as long as it was over ten years ago?

I tend to remember things that awakened deep, shameful, dangerous feelings in me. So if it wasn't while watching IT, when did you first realize what you were?

So what is your most shameful dangerous feeling that you have?

Some days I think to myself, "What if not all mayos should be genocided?"

Those are dark days. Thanks for listening. It was really tough, but I feel better now that that's off my chest.

I tend to remember things that awakened deep, shameful, dangerous feelings in me.

I see. You're talking about Disney's "Robin Hood" aren't you.

Please see my other comment. Let's try and keep things civil.

I was referencing a scene from the book, not the movie.

For obvious reasons, that particular scene will never ever be in a movie adaptation.

Okay, I never read the book. I'm sure something like that might cause an uproar.

Have you gained your wizard powers yet?

holy shit you're boring

Listen you want interesting, try your child fucker line again in person. I don't see how it serves me in any way to provide you with entertainment.

Ooh, it's been a minute since I last got a "say that to my face not online." Consider me entertained.

Never said it had to be to my face. I expect it'll be a thrill a minute no matter who it is.

I tend to call the police when I find a libertarian offline. There's really no need for a direct confrontation when there are professionals trained to handle situations like that.

Like what would I even do once I found the children in the basement? I'm not trained to help them through their trauma.

calling the police is the proper response when you see a fat neckbeard walking down the street with a katana in hand

"Look, I may be jerking it to images of children, but you have a dusty 30 year old copy of Lolita! Who's the real kiddy diddler now?"

I'm sorry but this is human nature, not pedophilia for fuck sakes. 14 year olds are fertile so of course they are potentially sexually attractive to every other fertile human. It's not appropriate for an older person to engage in sex with a young teenager of course but that has nothing to do with whether you are attracted to them or not. This shit makes me feel like we're living in some Orwellian world were it's against the rules to just acknowledge the obvious. There are some 14 year old kids who are in fact sexually attractive to healthy adults. It's a fact. They're usually not the most attractive though. That, I suspect is the real reason why people usually say "in a few years", not because they're trying to "make it ok" but because they will legitimately be much more attractive in a few years.

I can't relate to this, I think it sounds off and I'm not condoning real instances of this sort of thing.

I just know that there's so many books and movies that depict "coming of age" stories that to define the rules in this way is a huge disservice.

this is good pasta i especially like the bit where 1984 is namedropped in reference to not being able to talk about fucking actual children

To be clear, following totes back is always allowed.

You're not wrong, over reaching definitions of anything that amounts to "I'll know it when I see it" are usually useless when it comes to any type of enforcement. That's why our government has had to abandon such notions in most cases related to obscenity.

That being said, this is totally the wrong place to serious post.

No one is going to ban Romeo and Juliet. No one is that retarded.

People are retarded enough to use the "WTF are you going to ban Shakespeare now?" as an argument against not banning child exploitation.

Rope yourself, you fucking freak.

Kay first off, Gamerghazi, you of all people don't get to accuse anyone of being a pedophile, okay? You probably frequent ResetEra too, birds of a minor-corrupting feather I swear.

Secondly, get it through your skull that depictions =/= exploitation. Supreme Court said that. You know what else? They made the fucking Romeo and Juliet argument, so yeah looks like the retard is you.

Don't rope yourself. Turn yourself into the police and tell them where the bodies are buried; the families deserve to know.

As long as you recognize 16 year olds are not kids I am fine with this


but muh vidya?

actually it's about ethics in loli posting

This, but unironically.


OP has autism.

Y-you too

first they came for the lolis, and i did not speak out because i was not a degenerate childfucker

They targeted loli, loli!

For those unaware, /u/SPEZ_AKBAR and /u/AnnoysTheGoys would be okay with reddit banning all anime.

This is who you are upvoting.

Thanks, to clarify, I mean a complete ban. Not just Reddit

I meant a weeb genocide too, a ban doesn’t go far enough. These degenerates will simply find another artform to sully.

Also, I’m not sure where I said that.

You're getting me all hot & bothered! 😍

Well yeah, that's why I clicked the up arrow.

You act like that's a bad thing

I would love to take these guys on in the Internet Bloodsports arena. Sounds like it would be fun for all around to watch.

I would love to take these guys on in the Internet Bloodsports arena.

You're fedorable

Cmon πŸ’ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ–•

Fucking try me

Let me know what you scheduled is like so we can plan a day to have you on. Also do you prefer Discord or Google Hangouts?

First, let’s say I spent my time reading actual books instead of jacking off to internet spergouts. Exactly how out of place would I be?

Depends on the platform we can book. I'm sure you would have a decent audience rooting for you on the Morning Kumite if that can be booked. If timing isn't so I good it might have to done on my channel which doesn't have a strong amount of haters but they are allowed to comment freely as long as it isn't breaking the hosting sites rules that they are chatting from.

I still have no idea what internet bloodsports are. Please explain.

We discuss and/or arguing what ever we disagree about. Yelling and name calling is allowed. Mister Metokur explains it best but if you want some examples look at the following links. Watch five minutes.

gas all weebs

Are you shocked? This place is three weeks away from becoming full-on SRS at this point.

For those unaware, /u/SPEZ_AKBAR and /u/AnnoysTheGoys would be okay with reddit banning all anime.

Where do I sign?


can't wait for all the ravioli ravioli don't lewd the dragon loli ironic weeb twitter shitters get purged desu


GG defense force ASSEMBLE