CBTS_Stream is freaking out again because apparently Google (aka Satan) are persecuting them for their beliefs. Fresh pasta in Top comments.

10  2018-02-28 by DayyyTripper


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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They really need websense on retirement home internet.

lol. Every time I go to that sub I think "Godamn. I thought last time was peak retardation, but this; it can't possibly get more unhinged that this". Never disappoints.

"Most gullible sub on Reddit" is a pretty high bar, but the unflinching way these fucktards dive, head-first into any random claim, no evidence, no links, no credentials, no nothing- is fucking Amazing. As long as it backs up their bath salts fueled NWO-turning-the-frogs-gay-John-Titor-Club-of-Rome-Moloch-was-a-Nephilim-Turner-diaries fantasies, they're neck-deep in that shit, no questions asked, before you can say "Comet Ping-pong"

Imagine if Hillary got in? We would all be in re-education holding cells or murdered. Thank God for POTUS.

lol. OK. T_D is right when they talk about 90% of Reddit having "Trump derangement syndrome", but at least Trump is POTUS; there's no possible excuse if you have HRC living rent-free in your head in 2018, bringing her up out of no-where in unrelated LARP posts like this.