I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.
What baffels me the most is that this place hasn't become an SJW/alt-right cesspit and has somehow managed to mainain its center of balance with no mod interference.
That's what I love about this place. It's a safe haven for pieces of trash like myself to mock everybody without fear of partisan judgment. Just the regular kind of judgment, for being a piece of trash
Can we trust the official estimates about the number of Jews that were supposedly "demodded"? How do we know that it was malicious and intentional? Maybe it happened out of natural causes? Even if it did happen, they probably had it coming.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-02-28
I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.
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1 EricTrumpIsMyWaifu 2018-02-28
1 greensunset 2018-02-28
Give me mod
1 EddingtonDidNothingW 2018-02-28
why does this place even have mods
cant you just script automoderator so he stickies a random thread every six hours or something
1 Stuntman119 2018-02-28
What baffels me the most is that this place hasn't become an SJW/alt-right cesspit and has somehow managed to mainain its center of balance with no mod interference.
1 AlohaWarrior34 2018-02-28
Because we shitpost may-mays, not SRSpost.
1 VidiotGamer 2018-02-28
It's probably because both groups are too fucking sensitive to handle bussy memes.
1 Stuntman119 2018-02-28
1 Psycho_Robot 2018-02-28
That's what I love about this place. It's a safe haven for pieces of trash like myself to mock everybody without fear of partisan judgment. Just the regular kind of judgment, for being a piece of trash
1 Fr33_Lax 2018-02-28
It has parrots . Party parrots.
1 semsRott 2018-02-28
1 Fr33_Lax 2018-02-28
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2018-02-28
1 cavides 2018-02-28
Can we trust the official estimates about the number of Jews that were supposedly "demodded"? How do we know that it was malicious and intentional? Maybe it happened out of natural causes? Even if it did happen, they probably had it coming.
1 Oh_hamburgers_ 2018-02-28
This is eerily reminiscent of the 1930s Germany, God help us.
1 eva_unit_hung 2018-02-28
noooo /u/annoysthegoys was it because of dat ass?
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-02-28
I'm sure that had a part in it. The flat bootied often feel shamed when confronted with a firm and curvaceous ass.