Stephen Colbert hit standupshots, people are amused?

15  2018-02-28 by WeWuzKANG5


If you would have told me ten years ago that I would kind of hate Colbert in 2018 and think he’s a giant pussy I wouldn’t have believed you. Shame what happened to that guy

He's way too political for me now. All he does is take shots at Trump, which is too easy, and gets boring.

I definitely miss the old Colbert Report.

I don’t even disagree with him, generally, but he’s just so worked up and sanctimonious about everything now. Every single segment is about trump and most interviews touch on it too even if it’s a celebrity who doesn’t give a fuck.

Jimmy Kimmel sobs on national television once a week and I still think he’s handling our current fucked up times like more of a man


Like, i torn about it.

On the one hand, it's way too easy to make fun of Trump, and it gets old when it happens every fucking day.

On the other hand, Trump keeps generating this shit every fucking day. It would almost be criminal not to make fun of it. I mean, when the old, overweight, draft-dodger President literally says "if i was at a school shooting I would totally run in there unarmed", how can you NOT make fun of that?

it's like the Trump Paradox. He keeps saying and doing completely unbelievably stupid shit that needs to get mocked, but at the same time, you're tired of hearing people constantly mock him

If you would have told me ten years ago that I would kind of hate Trump in 2018 and think he’s a giant pussy I wouldn’t have believed you. Shame what happened to that guy

If you would have told me ten years ago that I would kind of hate Obama in 2018 and think he’s a giant pussy I wouldn’t have believed you. Shame what happened to that guy

Honestly, I'm in the same boat. I loved John Stewart and Colbert, I also used to love the history channel; times are a-changin.

He says the safest shit possible, no wonder people hate him. It's like using a mayocide joke in r/drama.

If you don’t have anything to say just make a low effort mayocide or bussy joke for instant upvotes from the psuedo-intellectual mouth breathers that populate this sub.

Man it's not even a bad joke but like everything else on that trash heap of a sub putting text onto pictures ruins all delivery and timing.