Bot claims to give an unbiased list of news articles. Redditor goes ballistic.

86  2018-02-28 by Snowayne2


Poor little bot. So much bot abuse. 😭😭😭😭


all lives matter, you bigot

Snappy's live >....wait a minute?!?

i don't think the down-votes are unwarranted here, the source should be easily available for something like this

I downvoted because I want to see him sperg out about downvotes even more.

You aren't supposed to downvote lolcows.

Mods, get rid of this Breton trash.

I will feed this lolcow whether you like it or not.

I thought we downvote them out there to create the initial drama that we use to lure them here and feed them sweet karma to sperg out more.

Is that not how this works?

Exactly! /u/billwoo, if you want some sweet karma come here and explain why you're right and everyone else is wrong.

If I gave a shit about karma I wouldn't have posted that to being with. I already posted the same thing previously and got downvoted to hell. If people here think it is "sperging" to care about something like algorithmic openness in an age where news articles are being written by AI and Facebooks feed algorithm is credited with changing a presidential election outcome, then I'm not sure there would be much fruitful discussion to be had. But I guess this itself is sperging right?

Indeed it is, thank you for your cooperation.

Glad to be of service. However I will have to ask you to give an opinion on the matter before I can sperg anymore in this thread.

Lmao no

Ugh. lolcows aren’t supposed to require effort.

You’re completely wrong and don’t know shit. Source code is bad look at what happened to jake gyllenhall

/u/ed_butteredtoast plz add this pasta to or MongrelDB

Facebooks feed algorithm is credited with changing a presidential election outcome

Do you think the electoral college gets their news and information from Facebook?

I'm not saying this, other people who have spent more time thinking about it than I have said this.

The Facebook news feed had no impact on the election. Those Russian trolls spent like $100k, almost all of it during the primaries.

The fact of the matter is that HRC is completely unlikable and couldn’t convince anyone otherwise with nearly $2B spent on the campaign.

I both like and agree with your point.

I just like the drama more. Have an upvote.

Calm down, spergbot.

Stop downvoting lolcows

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

That only applies when they're here.


Now that I know that it isn't open source, I certainly trust that bot less.


lol, imagine caring about the political position of internet bots.

/u/billwoo you're at hazmat suit in chernobyl levels of required safety

Thanks for tagging me, this is exciting! Although what passes for "drama" and "sperging" around here is a pretty low bar.

Congrats on being low effort drama.

This is also 3/4 agendapost

what's the agenda?


We don't need an agendapost to make mayocide look good. Try again.

Although what passes for "ballistic", "drama" and "sperging" around here is a pretty low bar.

Funny, the same could be said about your ability to make a coherent point.

OP is an actual retard hth

so does this mean you've stopped beating your wife?

Only while I post replies to this thread.

now you're getting the hang of it!

btw next time you really need to go all crazypants and not that bush-league shit i saw before. you need to break out the emergency rage pills and really get the fuckers riled up. then post it here ofc.

welcome to the family hugs

I just saw that you unironically post in /r/samharris, so now I feel I should apologize to you for mocking your post. Believe me, it was a mistake, I am very much against making fun of actual retards.

You’re completely right about being concerned about the non-transparency, but because you’re on /r/Drama your mom a cum dumpster and your commenting style is trash.

I definitely don't favor trump at all, but cnn is def damn near garbage tier news at this point in time

In all honesty, I’ve never seen that bot link a Fox article (except local fox stations) but it will link Vox, Salon, and HuffPo. That is very suspicious in its own rite. Other than that it is a good bot.

If only the coal mining fox watching rural retards can P R O G R A M, maybe they'd have a better representation

Only STEM students are smart enough to write news articles

I just glanced through the bots history and it links Fox News as well as Breitbart. It's also entertaining looking at all the conservative subs it's been banned from

Suspicion squashed like beef, now.

I've seen it link Brietbart at the very least.

It could just be pulling stuff partially or primarily from Google News, which has exactly the bias you describe (it's almost certainly this, it's the easiest way to implement the bot).

a. Yes that is paranoid, but it is also possible, and it would be easy to disconfirm if they simply LINKED THE SOURCE-CODE.

He's right, though.

I mean unless they changed the source code they posted

which would be verifiable, which is the point

No, because we don't have access to the system the bot is running on. They could be using a completely different source and binary than they release.

it would however produce a different result than expected, unless there is a random function to shuffle the news list

If it’s just pulling from google news, you wouldn’t be able to compare results? Those results change depending on many factors... so you may not get the same results as his bot.

oh hey it's the other side this time