/r/socialism’s jimmies are rustled when ICE enforced the law.

44  2018-02-28 by addictedtocovfefe


From the sidebar, things that aren't allowed in the sub:

Racism Sexism Ableism Homophobia Transphobia Religious Bigotry Fascists Rape Apology Reactionaries Police Apology Trump Supporters Lesser Evilism (Clinton, Macron, etc.) Supporting Neoliberalism (NATO, EU, etc.) Anti-Working Class Rhetoric

Is there even a single politician in the entire spectrum that doesn't fit at least one of those?

Blessed Bernie and his son.

And their multiple houses.

He backed Clinton, so "Lesser Evilism."

And his white flight, blessed be its name. And his racist supporters who declared minorities too stupid to know what was good for them, holy be their voting against their own interests.

But that one fat rapper that only white hipsters listen to was going to tell all the darkies to vote Bernie! It was all part of the plan! What happened??

They still claim that minorities are too incompetent to get a driver's license.

What kind of idiot socialist supports a succdem?

Because anything right of that is unabashed fascism. You don't want to support a nazi, do you?

implying that succdems aren’t crypto-fascists due to their acceptance of fascist ideas like “private property” Reactionary detected

Holy shit

Because anyone other than Based Bernie is a fascist. Why do you love fascists, you racist Nazi scum?

They don't even like him really. I think they like Corbyn though.

nigga u get banned for saying 'dumb' or 'stupid' on that shithole lmao

Guys, cool it with the ableist language

It’s true. I got banned for it then permabannef for calling the mods idiots.

When will they add - "vegans only"?

When black people stop eating fried chicken.

So never?

People on the autism spectrum

/u/ar-_0 enforcing civil law isn't an occupation


issa joke you dumb cunt

Wahhh I hate ICE even though the percentage of interior deportations that didn't have a criminal record stayed the exact same during the Trump's first year as Obama's last wahhhh

Which is a travesty. Deport them all.

/u/ar-_0 Are you guys on r/socialism going to go full Timothy McVeigh anytime soon? Or are you faggots content with wearing all black and getting beat up at every rally you attend?

I just want to watch the antifa have a straight up LotR fight with the alt-right.

Someone should gather all those retards up and have a PPV bloodsport gladiator match.

I would trade all my Obamaphones and food stamps to watch that.

Embarrassing socialism is a good way to stop illegal immigration into your country. 🤔

The Soviets had to build a wall to keep citizens from illegally emigrating from their country.

Really makes you think.

I think you just uncovered a massive conspiracy that trump is a secret commie

/u/Rhiuna apologises are not accepted for assuming that mayor's gender. Is it so hard to Google before you doodle? Into the gulag you go.

These kinds of posts just demonstrate how disconnected /r/socialism is from the actual working class. Do they think tradespeople are in favor of illegal immigrants coming to the US, undercutting wages, and not joining trade unions?

how disconnected /r/socialism is from the actual working class

Well that shouldn't be a surprise since none of them are employed.

none of them are employed.

Are you saying capitalism only works if I do?

They give more of a fuck about ending the "oppression" of borders than they do about getting the support of working class people that don't have the morals of a Philosophy undergrad at Berkeley. They're going to be calling anti-immigration workers "class traitors" soon if they aren't already.



going full stasi i see all that is missing to make this look more like east germany back in the day is pervasive spying and a wall oh wait we already got the spying and the wall is also planed.


Unfortunately sitewide rules prevent me from giving your post the rejoinder it deserves, but I'd like to ask you specifically which nations on Earth do not have immigration enforcement schemes and officers to carry out deportations? If you answered (correctly) "none", perhaps every single country on earth is now East Germany?

you can be more or less like a police state


The way we treat immigrants defines who we are.. America is the lowest of the low

Dude... do you have any idea how this works in other countries, like, for example, Mexico? Not letting people just set up shop is hardly being lowest of the low. I have an idea, lets goo full libertarian and have open borders and NO social programs, like at all, deal?

Gee it's almost like this stuff is heavily disguised libertarianism

Name a difference between pure communism, anarchism, and libertarianism. You can't, because they don't exist.

Libertarianism is basically the polar opposite of communism but okay.

That's a value judgement, not a difference. Try again.

Ok here’s a difference:

Libertarian: I can do drugs and run around naked in my yard because fuck you it’s my property.

Communism: your yard belongs to the people, report to the nearest gulag for rehabilitation

But that's not pure communism. Pure (theoretical) communsm is all ideological bullshit, but that's not communism. In terms of the real world, of course the the USSR is the true representative of what any communist society will come to be.


“Your yard belongs to the state, off to the gulags for re-education”

Fixed it for you

Well now I have nothing to say.

pure communism = closeted homosexuals

anarchism = proud homosexuals/ paedophiles

libertarianism = yearning to be homosexuals

Finally some real talk. But I'd like to point out that they all yearn for it.

Yeah this is incredibly dumb even for this sub.

My only regret is losing internet and the ability to make it even stupider.

China treats internal migrants like shit.

Fuck ICE and fuck all the enemies of the people. All reactionaries must and will pay.


Are you going to be doing the purging personally? Secondly, supposing you got your hands on a weapon weighing more than a pistol (like a Mosin Nagant), would you be able to hoist such an instrument or would your frail arms not be up to the task?

Sounds pretty reactionary to me. Gonna buy me one for the upcoming civil war.

>not already owning a Mosin


will pay

/u/VinceMcMao capitalist stooge confirmed! Counter revolutionaries to the wall

The illegal immigrant thing in America is really weird.

Also, money is a social construct.

So is gender, but all y'all take that pretty damn seriously /u/M-L-Pinguist

Race is a social construct...?

That’s totally wrong. Race is not a social construct

Fuck off nazi

Heil hitlar

It's a construct of some biological items based around a fuckton of history that prevents it from being properly objective. It's status as an identity is fluid, it's status in society is fluid, and it's basis in biology has become less and less clear as we find it doesn't fully follow true lines of genetic descent (some african (west africa) are more relwtted to Europeans than south africans). Aka yeah, largely a social construct

Yes goy become transracial goy race isn’t real.

Maybe you should become rich since money is a social construct.


You: Hurr durr socially constructed things aren't real

Also you: Why do I need so much fake money to make my rent?

I said race isn’t a social construct. Never said a word about money or anything else.

Even for r/drama you are severely disabled.

Race is a social construct, so you're just wrong. You should get a head start on the mayocide by offing yourself.

Not white fam start with yourself

That argument is theoretically true, but it fails to resemble any real-life country.

Also, money is a social construct. A country that prints its own money can literally never run out. We shouldn't print so much that a loaf of bread costs a trillion dollars, mind you, but the current, low rate of inflation actually leaves a lot of room for more money to be safely infected into the existing economy through social services. Basically, everyone needs to stop worrying about immigration.

Holy shit why didn’t anyone think of his before. Just print money and we’re all rich!


When will Daddy start funding ICE to buy helicopters?

just print money

How's that working out for Venezuela, /u/M-L-Pinguist?