Let's try something a little different this time.

6  2018-02-28 by Swain-Main

Don't mind me. I'm just taking out the trash.

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/80umg7/i_27f_need_to_have_a_massive_cometojesus_talk/

"Hi, I'm u/AdorableCrustacean and I wrote a 1200 word essay on Reddit about why my husband is blahblahblah in our relationship, instead of talking to him about it." You fuck, just have the "come to jesus" talk with him. Stop wasting your time on Reddit. My fucking god.

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/80vr5j/i_26f_want_to_work_on_our_marriage_following_my/

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/80srwk/update_me_16f_i_am_trying_to_transition_from/

(This update should have reached the #1 spot in maximum two-three hours despite being posted late at night, but it got there in 6 hours, so it got FUCKED in terms of attention received. LMAO BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!!!

I mean, who the fuck posts an update at 12 am unless they have vote manipulation???)

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/80vyo6/i_24f_slept_with_my_friends_22f_ex_boyfriend_23m/

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/80vvlb/my_28f_manager_50sm_called_me_like_a_mom_in_a/

  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/80wpcy/my_23m_jewish_boyfriend_21m_prays_for_forgiveness/

  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/80unmx/im_really_sad_tonight_my_future_mil_60f_is_a/



I particularly liked the episode: My (28F) manager (50sM) called me "like a mom" in a public praise instead of acknowledging my achievements. It's your typical /r/relationships cry for validation.


  • She admits to being the youngest in her department, but complains that she makes 2/3 the salary of her "male predecessor"
  • She admits she doesn't put in as many hours as others and brags that she once worked "with a fever".
  • Says she brings "unique skills" to the job, but doesn't specify.

In my experience, the people who complain the loudest about being underpaid are not the truly undervalued employee, but rather the laziest, most self-centered employees who are oblivious to what hard work and ambition actually looks like.

Among all the "you deserve better" affirmations, this guy lays out the reality of the situation nicely.