Jigaboo gussy admits to killing a doggo on purpose to get back at its owner. The one thing the internet never forgives.

22  2018-02-28 by IAintThatGuy


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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At least dakimakuras don't kill doggos.


What kind of a dog was itπŸ€”

A dead one.


Maybe it's revenge. Like that dog's great great grandfather bit her grandfather during a civil rights protest back in the day.

I hope it was a pit bull

If it was a pug this was a mercy killing

Welp the firing squad is inbound now! RIP random gussy streamer.

Dogs rank lower than everyone in the oppression pyramid. Being a black woman (maybe a tranny), she forgot she wasn't supposed to harm the only creature lower than her.

Damn, I didn't think to play "which one is the dog killer" before reading this. Honestly none of them look the type, which puts her even higher on the psycho charts IMO.

I kind of thought it was upper left, she has a bit of that "I pull wings off butterflies for fun" look

The black one did the savage and inhuman thing.

Did you read the first word of the title of this thread?

Reading is for faggots.

She appears to be playing OSRS, that's what shows her to be a psycho.

/u/tightbutthole92 do you smile with your mouth open you reddit autist

All niggers are disgusting animals.

At least chinks kill doggos for fur and meat.

Ice this bitch.

that blonde girl is a dime piece

And she doesn't kill dogs. I like the brunette because of that "underage" vibe (also the only one who doesn't look like a tranny too much).

I still would. Just keep her away from your pets.

Are you kidding? Make sure you have pets from your exes, and then date that crazy bitch so she can ice them.

If there is one thing that 100% turns me away from a women is that she is shitty to animals. She's hot but i wouldn't do her.

She reminds me of Lionel Richie and it still doesn't put me off.

Jigga what

what is this anyway? people just donate money to.these girls to talk on camera to some dbag?

being above a 6/10 is literally a job, like, they just exist and get money thrown at them by thirsty men, for doing nothing. it's been like this ever since the internet. they don't even have to suck dicks, be naked nothing. just sitting there talking about nonsense and get money.

She's fucked. What a retard, she admitted to that while she is studying to be a veterinarian. There are already numerous articles up about her.

Links plz? Too lazy to find them (and the mods over there removed them).

I dont wanna get banned famalam. Just google twitch dog polygon.

Thx. As expected Polygon is taking her side and lamenting that bragging about killing pets is going to yield lots of hate online.

imagine being this fucking dumb. bitch gets a free ride by just existing as a hot girl, and siting around playing video games, and she STILL finds a way to fuck that up by admitting to being an animal murdering psychopath live on the internet.

well, she is going to have to get a real job or do some kind of niche porn where she kicks puppies to death. i mean, i jerked off to that once, but of course i'm not a normie, and non normie porn doesn't pay the bills.

non normie porn doesn't pay the bills

I think I've read recently that it's the only kind of porn that allows an indie performer to make a living. Because "classic" porn is saturated, and there's so much free content around (so unless you become a big star it's hard to make money from your content, plus you have to deal with piracy reducing your earning potential).

Whereas the degenerates who want niche porn will pay in advance for special requests, the communities are so small you can't often find new torrents for that kind of content (and people will want newer jerk off material).

Porn where people kill puppies to death already exists but it comes with a lot of legal issues. Although I'm assuming that the most prolific content providers made a good amount of money.

is it really that hard for girls to make money off normie shit? i mean the girls in this post do what, sit around playing video games and talking about thot level nonsense? they make a living off it.

being above a 7/10 is basically a full time job in and of itself these days, you have many options, and lots of them don't even involve porn. titty streaming, make a shitty youtube channel doing literally anything, instagram whores probably pay the bills somehow from that too. then you get into the sexual options and you have shit like cam whoring, or selling your dirty underpants, and girls make a living off both of those things. now none of these options so far even involve leaving the fucking house.

if an attractive girl is prepare to actually leave her house, she can be a stripper, hooker, sugar baby, and pretty much make more money than you or me do in a month, in a couple days.

really normie shit would pay the bills long before they come to the option of niche degenerate porn. this girl just fucked up by admitting she is a psychopath who killed a dog to get back at some ex boyfriend. you have to be really, really autistic to fuck up your ability to make easy money as an attractive female.

but anyway, this girl could easily find job cam whoring or be a sugar baby or something, and probably no one will know or give a fuck that she was some stupid ass slightly famous titty streamer for a while.

is it really that hard for girls to make money off normie shit? i mean the girls in this post do what, sit around playing video games and talking about thot level nonsense? they make a living off it.

For these girls it's easy. Now if you're a random girl (even a cute one) and want to make reliable money that way it's going to be very random at first. Or take a long time to build up a following. And maybe spend months barely making pocket money while investing time trying to build up your follwing.

Remember that those you see making money out of it are the ones who succeeded (and we all know women on our social media who are still trying to get into that game without results).

Of course porn is a more direct course for money (that might limit your options later on).

yeah true. but pretty much every attractive girl can at least supplement their regular jobs with like, a few extra hundred a week, for fuck all work. i almost got my attractive ex girlfriend to let me sell her underpants and nudes to thirsty losers, even if you weren't very popular it was an easy 300 or so a week for no effort. if you actually got popular it's possible to live off it.

i think the next time i get a girlfriend i'm going to talk them into cam whoring once a week or something, for a few hours, just to make spare cash. whats the point of having an attractive girlfriend and not whoring her out in some capacity? at the very least if she plays video games, get her to wear a slutty outfit and do it on twitch.

Plus even though pimping is illegal in many countries, running a sex related business (selling girls panties, camwhoring services...) and taking a cut might not qualify legally. So you might have found a good idea there. I was on my way to actually pimp my girlfriend a few years back, but then work related developments put us in different countries so we lost sight of each other (and now I make enough legit money that the legal risks of becoming a small time pimp wouldn't be worth it).

I should see if she's still struggling. Even if we're long distance, I could manage the whole panty selling/camwhoring thing remotely (and she's computer and business illiterate so she might even feel like I'm doing her a favor).

yeah that is what i wanted to do with my ex. i'd handle talking to the creeps, setting the whole thing up and doing it, she just provides the underpants/nudes, and i get like 50%. i could still do that probably, i'm still friends with her and she loved the idea at the time of easy money for nothing.

I know girls who'd be easy targets for that (they already sent nudes or had them leaked, get abused in every relationship...) but at the moment they're underage (so I'm minimizing contact). The minute they turn 18 I'll be discussing job opportunities with them. I guess if you find one girl like that, most of her friends will have similar backgrounds and issues too so it'll be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Just gotta be careful and keep it legal. I think in the meantime I'll develop at least a simple online platform for webcamming and online sales. All I'll be doing is run that service, and "advertise" it to women who'll be free to sign up (and of course the platform will take a cut of all transactions).

shit, if i bring my ex onto it and maybe some other girls can i get a cut too?

We might be in different countries. I'm in France, where procuring has been outlawed for decades, and they passed laws against prostitution (punishing clients). Plus we have different privacy laws. Also to keep everything legit I'd probably create an SARL (basically an LLC) for that business, which would be based in France. Might be a mess tax wise if you're a foreign national.

I think similar platforms already exist, if you have content to provide (some asian camwhores seem to have pimps, and operate out of the same buildings with the exact same rooms). You'd only need to set up different individual accounts for each girl (to pretend they're the ones doing it on their own).

My only need is to be able to base mine locally, and have my books good enough to withstand a tax audit. So having my own online service (where I would control every account and personaly vet the girls, and would know where all the money comes and goes) protects me from some jackass signing up, doing something illegal, and then being held responsible (my local tax code has stuff about "facilitating" tax evasion if I let up people sign up from abroad or locally without making sure they have all have provided legit tax information).

I know it sounds complicated (and time consuming), but in the end it's worth it if you consider that otherwise you'd need to launder/hide that income (and that ha.

I guess if I ever code something worthy, I might also host it abroad (in a tax shelter) and share it with like minded people around the world (if bitcoin wasn't such a dumpster fire these days it could be worth dong it by renting servers anonymously). Or just provide source code and support on some tor service.

yes i'm in australia. i have no idea about all the laws about this shit here, now i'm reconsidering lol.

I think it's totally doable. France is very restrictive, especially in terms of taxes (you can't really get paid outside of creating a legit business), and also on the whole "prostitution" thing (I think even brothels are legal in Australia so you it would be way easier for you than me). But it's kind of easy. Plus even here you only need to register your business as soon as you make money. So it gives you time to build your website, advertise a little, find the girls...

It's some paperwork, but even here it's basically free (you can start a business with 1€).

Most countries make it way easier than France. In some you just get the money, then have to declare it as personal income (no need for registration and such).

Then you just have to look at local laws. If you can't take a cut out of the panties and such the girls sell (because maybe it would make you a pimp), set it up a different way (like buy the panties from them and then resell them for a profit).

I'm sure there are a thousand (legit) businesses in your country that already have found the loopholes you need. Just look up how they operate near you and then take inspiration.

I'm also paranoid about the legal aspects because I have legit businesses so I'm not losing those over a few pair of panties. If I was younger and didn't have that much to lose, I would hesitate less (because the worst that could happen would be a tax audit and maybe a fine).

hookers aren't legal in all of australia but they are legal in the city where i live, so yeah. we do have some odd laws about porn though, it's illegal to make it here i think or something weird, but not to own it or sell it. or maybe that is only in some states, idk.

but yeah, it's probably easier than i think and i'll look into it. i wasn't thinking of doing anything too fancy, there are sub reddits and websites where people sell nudes, or used panties, basically, i was just going to sell that shit, and do all the actual messaging and setting it up, while she just gives me the underpants and poses for the nudes, cause she is just lazy and shitty with computers lol.

That's a good plan too. Guess it all depends on the relationship you have with the girl, and how much time you're willing to invest in the system. I see it as an aside to a full time job, and I work in tech, so it makes sense for me to try to make it airtight on the business side and rely on making my own website. In your case the situation might be different so another course will be best for you.

why does reddit give so much of shit about dogs and elephants?

Her statement:


Top response is best response

Seems her clever strategy (of publicly admitting to killing a dog and then pretending it was just a joke) is not working as well as she intended. Who would have thought?