The President's coming for yer guns and it ain't the black guy

86  2018-02-28 by icefourthirtythree


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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For the record i strongly support the second amendment.

With that being said. BWAHAHHAHHAHHAHA. This is what you cucks get. Enjoy your reality tv star president idiots. MAH DONALD BASED EMPEROR.


For the record i strongly support the second amendment.

Me too. But I've long stopped getting angry or excited when Trump says something. It rarely translates into any kind of policy.

I kinda liked that he doesn't do anything more than shit post

If you get mad at him saying something you end up just like Politics.

I support the 2nd amendment , but it scares the shit out of me to imagine a reddit user with a gun.

for that, I just have to keep in mind that most gun owners are most likely to use it on themselves

Well fuck, make them mandatory

Itโ€™s funny. The only country with guns as a right is the country that has all these schools being shot up. Maybe itโ€™s time to look at that 2nd amendment you hold so dearly.

Can somebody who isn't banned repost this to the_donald?

Thank you for your sacrifice

Now someone xpost it to politics.




I tried to. Someone else did, lol. They're in a tad bit of panic.

It's gonna be interesting to see how Daddy dicksuckers spin this. Though this is going to be an issue that will probably cause the true gun nuts to have a meltdown, regardless of how much they love Daddy.

71.5 D underwater crossword puzzle!

i got banned :(

I need to be more proactive about commenting I never get banned anywhere ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Seeing as anybody who's not a fricking retard is banned, probably not.

Finally someone is saying I'm not retarded

Is /r/Politics even discussing this?

Here's the /r/drama thread about /r/The_Donald's response to the news.

Wait, if this happens, that'll mean the biggest advances in gun control of the past half century came during the presidencies of Republican actor/politicians.

Just imagine if he pulls it off because he's mad enough to give it a shot, his presidency would have done a huge step towards reducing gun crime AND eased tensions in North Korea at the expense of some retarded drama about women's bathrooms or cofeve.

As such he'd be seen as the worst President ever since Bush.

The 'only Nixon could go to China' of our times?

Clinton was the last good president

Having an internet bubble during your presidency doesn't make you good.

that was just the cherry

Oh I see, using your power to fuck White House interns wasn't the cherry?

No thats the blowjob you get while you eat the sundae.

"Clinton was the first black president!" ~ /u/Karmaisforsuckers

In 2018.

I think this works the same way with most issues and most administrations. Look at how quickly everyone was cool with NSA revelations because it happened under a Dem administration. Same with the upcoming DACA amnesty under Trump. The only way to get something passed is for the party who normally opposes it to cede a bit of ground on its principles and tell its base "srs it's okay to do this." Clinton was famous for doing this during the 90s with welfare reform and crime and whatnot.

but what did anybody get with the bushes? all they did was fucks with taxes

Trump couldn't even get trannies banned from the military.

Literally yes

WTF?! I love Trump now!

Ahahaha ha ha

Tired of winning yet, centipedos?

Don't see the DDF of r/drama in this thread lol.

Knowing what DDF stands for puts me somewhere on the spectrum, doesn't it?

Yes. The deep end.

Reminder that Jeb! would have done this

Jeb Mooch 2020 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ


We'll have cloning technology by then, so I'm voting Jeb! Jeb 2020.

(second Jeb is !less due to being a baby)

Wait, hes a nazi and we WANT him to take our guns?

REEEEEE states on suicide watch

Just watch this is 5D chess.

The media will point out this is unconstitutional and then no gun laws will be changed

This is why you don't elect 70+ lol

wtf i love trump now

Mark my words, left people will suddenly become pro guns.

left people (anarchist,socialists and such) have literally always been pro arming the working class, its the liberals who dont like them


A socialist that wants people to have their own protection? Are you from the united states? That would explain why you wouldn't have met a socialist.

Im not from the united states no, im a socialist from a country where the army is mandatory and i believe citizens could benefit from having arms training.

"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary"

  • Karl Marx

I would suggest that you talk to someone who lived in a socialist country based on the teachings of Marx. You were not free to have guns, you weren't even free to write a newspaper or organise a political meeting. You could barely own anything, let alone a gun. Socialism means government control.

I really doubt that Marx wrote that, doesn't fit in the socialist ideology.

Its from the "Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League" written by Marx and Engles. They were warning against the communists becoming friendly with authoritarians and democratic moderates.

There is more to Marx than the inane Cold War-era BS that retards like to copy and paste everywhere on this site to try to make the ideas of Marx synonomous with Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, etc. Read a book and think for yourself instead of relying on the thoughts and opinions of others.

Ok, I get it. You're a book kind of guy. If it's correct in the book it's correct. Socialism is authoritarian in nature. Sure maybe some good old leftie wrote a nice book once upon a time, but don't forget there is also a real world.

What drivel.

The ideas of Marx are separate from the actions of those people that interpreted him as they saw fit. It's akin to saying the Jesus is responsible for the Crusades or the Spanish Inqusition and that the ideas of the people that started those events are now the thoughts of Jesus.

Totally agree. Good comparison, sure Jesus is not responsible. But the crusaders were all Christians. When I speak about socialists, I speak about the real life ones. The people that want to give the government more control.

whats it like having a schoolchild's level of political literacy

Ameriburgers were a mistake

Oh god please tell me they'll become pro-christian too

bismillah noooooo

wtf i love guns now


Christ this sub had become a srdine safespace shithole


Nothing to see here, just some 12D Clue being played