Very healthy woman is upset when a shitlord charity suggests being a hamplanet increases the risk of cancer

150  2018-02-28 by MastaBlastaz


The ability for fat people to accept obesity as healthy just boggles my mind.

If you are wheezing trying to hamplanet your way up the stairs, maybe it’s time to cut back on the Cheetos.

When given the options:
1. My problems have proven solutions and the only obstacle is my own laziness
2. Basic thermodynamics don't apply to me, medical consensus of what causes certain health problems is a global conspiracy, and I am being discriminated against because of it

It's an easy choice, really.

Obese dude here.

The thing is these lardass idiots don't care. I'm speaking as a dude who was 320-330lbs. You get addicted to food, you become lathargic and seek out excuses of any and all forms just to satisfy cravings and back your reasoning and logic. It isn't that they think people are out to get them 90% of the time or that they are admittedly lazy, it's because they just see nothing wrong with themselves, it's other people's fault.

"If my girlfriend doesn't eat, it'll go to waste" "I shouldn't be rude, mom made a big meal" "I'm a big guy. I gotta eat a lot to get full."

These dumbasses don't acknowledge their killing themseves because they only see their perspective.

I'm a big guy

for you


Am fatass (6'5 and 290lbs) on a diet. Cannot agree more.

There is absolutely nothing healthy about being overweight. It doesn't matter. You are putting your own life on the line for fucking junk food. It's not worth it. Human beings, not even tall men such as myself, are not designed to be morbidly obesed by evolution and human nature.

Getting offended by scientifically proven medical facts is the definition of being fucking retarded.

Good luck my guy.

The ability for fat people to accept obesity as healthy just boggles my mind.

You should know by now that cognitive dissonance is a very powerful force.

It is drug addiction plain and simple for obese. It is same behavior.

Absolutely disgusting.

Well you should know it and you should not know it.

Let's be real, 99.9% of fat people are under no illusion that it's healthy, many of them probably don't know how unhealthy it is though.

And you can absolutely go away in terms of trying to excuse it. Society viewing fatness as a negative thing is a thing that kills more than the cancer that you MIGHT get due to MAYBE something to do with you POSSIBLY weighing MORE than a CERTAIN weight POSSIBLY MAYBE.

It always amazes me how such lethargic specimens can suddenly become amazing mental gymnasts

I give the gymnast a solid 10.

Society viewing fatness as a negative thing is a thing that kills more

Ahh yes, I remember the great weight purge. Terrible tragedy. Except wait no that never happened.

Let's see what actually kills people:

Number of deaths for leading causes of death

• Heart disease: 633,842

• Cancer: 595,930

• Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 155,041

• Accidents (unintentional injuries): 146,571

• Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 140,323

• Alzheimer’s disease: 110,561

• Diabetes: 79,535

• Influenza and pneumonia: 57,062

• Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 49,959

• Intentional self-harm (suicide): 44,193

It just makes me so angry how bigoted the CDC is.

Wow, they didn't even include all the deaths from society shaming fat people despite them being a heavy majority in the Western world now! This is proof that fat people are the most oppressed.

Umm, you’re missing abortion on that list. It’s the number one cause of death.

that doesnt really count

Really? If it’s not a cause of death, your mom should get a post natal abortion.

erehmm. fetuses nerological capacity is literally so undeveloped that they count as brain dead, and as far as i know, its pretty optional to keep brain dead people ”alive” or not. chill out also. people disagree and thats fine

So it’s okay to kill people that are “brain dead”, like yourself?


dont be rude, post some valid arguments and ill listen to you

I wasn’t rude. You said abortion is okay because they’re technically brain dead. Then it’s okay to kill you because you’re also technically brain dead. So why don’t you stop keeping yourself “alive”.

we’ve already established the definition of being brain dead... its interesting how you hystericall pro-lifers never seem to make any valid arguments

you're the one without valid arguments, retard

can you mention even one argument valid or not that youve posted so far that isnt opinion based and insult my intelligence? xD and also preferably on when you dont lay down and scream MURDER!!1!1!


dont start arguments you cant finish boo

Biting bait

You are the definition of brain dead.

who said i was a guy ;)

Definitely you.

Yes, I say we should kill both of you retards.

suicide at #10

smh step it up you emo faggots

What really is a shame is that people believe that vaccines cause autism when /r/Drama is the real cause.

They don't waste energy by moving around, obviously

... he says as he posts in a sub that is actual cancer.

I'd rather have cancer than be a hamplanet tbqh

Any sane person would

i don't think there is a more delusional demographic then fat women

Its a toss up with trannies. Fat trannies being the most delusional.

Is cancer even the main issue?

Being obese kills your joints, makes it more likely for you to develop diabetes, and gives you a fatty liver. It's fucking awful, these people are killing themselves and they support others who kill themselves as well and want their voluntary suicide to be recognised as a healthy lifestyle.

i learned in anatomy classes that being overweight just fills your body with inflammation. fat cells pump out inflammatory chemicals, i don't know why or what purpose that serves, but really super overweight people are just riddled with inflammation and it probably makes them prone to various conditions, including cancer.

it's really not good to even be slightly overweight if you remotely give two fucks about your health.

Is cancer even the main issue?

It is for Cancer Research UK.

That's disgusting, and I'm not talking about the campaign...

Is she blind from the diabeetus?

Dieting has been proven TIME and TIME AGAIN to be the worst thing you can do for your body.

These are the type of lolcows I come here for.

i went from cheese burgers and pepsi to brown rice and kale and i cant stop vomiting blood

Rest in Pizza

Watch out tho, kale is the first step to soyboyhood

its awesome! my nipples are very puffy and sensitive and my penis doesn't really get hard anymore.

im transitioning without using faggot pills.

If someone does the ground work (starting a petition, something like that) I'll post the shit out of it.

Oh this is golden. Hamplanet is too fucking lazy to even start a petition, the laziest form of activism. Needs someone else to do it first.

A+++ drama. Am wondering if troll.

She can tweet though. He fingers are very dexterous.

She obviously has a dialing wand. She’s not capable of hitting one key at a time.

how about lose weight instead of scranning huler hoops all day then

I can't tell if this is old person on social media language or UK language. Is there a person from the UK around to help me out? Should I ping someone from CBTS Stream to start from the other end?

Pure UK.

Here let me translate for you:

"Why not lose some weight instead spending all day forcing potato snacks down your throat."

Hope that clears it up for you.

Cheers, mate!

Is a “huler hoop” a specific kind of potato snack? Also where does the word “scranning” come from?

Huler Hoop is just because the guy in the tweet can't spell Hula Hoops. There a specific kind of snack and they're quite good. Salty as all fuck though.

Scran is a northern English, Irish and Scottish word that just means food or to eat. When it's used as a verb like this, the implication is usually of someone shovelling food into their fat fucking gob. So it fits really nicely with who they were replying to.

Hula Hoops

Hula Hoops are a snack food made out of potatoes that are sold in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland as well as South Africa, in the shape of short, hollow cylinders. They were first introduced in 1973. Hula Hoops come in several flavours. They are produced by parent company KP Snacks.

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Thanks when I read that I thought it was an old senile American and not just a normal Brit.

Gas all white "comedians"

lmao. Barry Stanton got in there the absolute kad.

This is extremely well substantiated research. Inflammation promotes a tumor microenvironment that allows cancer to grow. Obesity causes this kind of inflammation and is a huge risk factor for cancer. It's not mean, it's science.

Mansplain harder shitlord

By oppressing her with his male science he's contributing to the hostile environment womyn face in STEM.

Because of this I'm going to have to skip work for the next 4 weeks

You guys, I can't make fun of this shit. I got over an upper respiratory infection, and developed some crap called subacute thyroiditis. I have a muh condishun. I'm slowly going to become a ham planet. My BMI is going from a 17.6 to 71.6. Help!!!

Don't worry, BMI has been debunked DECADES ago, and it's not a valid way of measuring anything. Did you know bodybuilders are obese according to their BMI? Building your body with the nutrients it craves is essentially the same as that manifestation of toxic masculinity, so the same applies to you. Besides, we have to look at the assumptions. You can't tell someon's lifestyle or health by looking at them. There's such a health focus in our country that I call it Healthism, a kind of moral obligation for people to be healthy.

Is this ok? This is not ok! How is this ok? Not ok! OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK......

Learn to speak like an adult, you filthy Millennial.

How the fucking fuck is science okay?

Hey useless mods, maybe if you weren't so lazy you'd invent a way for us to ping Twitter users. Domestic lolcows taste bland tbh.

”Brain death is the complete loss of brain function (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life). It differs from persistent vegetative state, in which the person is alive and some autonomic functions remain.” so per definition since im typing this i cannot be brain dead. isnt it interesting how you havent even written a single argument so far and merely keep insulting my intelligence?

I have found a really good way to manage my sugar cravings. What I do is, I eat the sugar I’m craving. It really works and it tastes great.

How could you say no to such fine bussy

Why is that all self-proclaimed """comedians""" are the whiniest cunts of them all?

wiki says shes a comedian. is she just roleplaying sjw for attention?


O... Obussey?

I miss FPH, but this legit charity putting up billboard that triggers fatties from miles away makes up for it.

Fatness is a mental as well as a physical disorder.

All you fukks are too lazy to link one of her stand-ups.

Who the fukk says women aren't funny?!

Who the fukk says women aren't funny?!

People who watch that link.

This hambeast is writing a book about how it's OK to be fat, so no surprise that she'd be wrecking the reee-ometer when a medical charity look like poisoning the well for her.