Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src
I just basically ignore 80% of the threads posted here these days because you've got Trumptards posting snowflake drama and you've got snowflakes posting Trumptard drama and it's just so stale. 6 more years sounds awful.
When a sub hits 50k subscribers, it officially starts becoming terrible. Only time will tell how this affects /r/drama, given that this sub was always terrible.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-03-01
Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 TaylorSwiftOfRdrama 2018-03-01
Pack it up boys, it's been real and it's been fun, but it ain't been real fun
1 ioiidnsksi 2018-03-01
see u in hell bois gonna kys now
1 Assy-McGee 2018-03-01
1 fuckyourcontext 2018-03-01
Time to shut it down.
1 Foxehh3 2018-03-01
/u/BasicallyADoctor ruining another sub. Why are you such a fuckup dude?
1 pepperouchau 2018-03-01
Much like Loverboy, it has always sucked
1 toynbeeidea16 2018-03-01
1 BannaHamHock 2018-03-01
Just buckle down and wait for the Trump to pass, than most of the faggots on both sides of the issue will shut the fuck up about it finally
1 siskonaut 2018-03-01
We actually might get Donaldo for a full 8 years. Stock up on the metamucil cause this shit is gonna not pass for a while.
1 BannaHamHock 2018-03-01
I just basically ignore 80% of the threads posted here these days because you've got Trumptards posting snowflake drama and you've got snowflakes posting Trumptard drama and it's just so stale. 6 more years sounds awful.
1 siskonaut 2018-03-01
Unlike Hapas or Trollx drama the Trump drama has actually changed the sub.
1 Sai22 2018-03-01
lol it's at 49,998 right now
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2018-03-01
I bet at least 10,000 of our subscribers are alts
1 dogDroolsCatsRules 2018-03-01
That sound like a wild underestimation.
1 Ed_ButtheadToast 2018-03-01
I blame /u/riemann1413 and /u/ed_butteredtoast
1 EricTrumpIsMyWaifu 2018-03-01
Going on the low end I take it?
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2018-03-01
I’m conservative
1 EricTrumpIsMyWaifu 2018-03-01
O rly?
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2018-03-01
1 LemonScore 2018-03-01
Basically a doctor so fat he counts as 28 people
1 Honk4Tits 2018-03-01
Basically a hospital.
1 LemonScore 2018-03-01
1 broden 2018-03-01
/r/drama was always succ
1 Wtfct 2018-03-01
Ban all SRD users for extra drama. Cmon mods dont be white.
1 ComedicSans 2018-03-01
Why I never
1 VultureV1 2018-03-01
Why though ?
1 DefNotaZombie 2018-03-01
That's horrible, this place feels like it should be a couple dozen people, max, and also me for some reason
1 snallygaster 2018-03-01
It probably is a couple dozen people coming in and out on alts
1 sheepinblack 2018-03-01
There are dozens of us. Dozens!
1 ladyhaly 2018-03-01
I don't understand. What happened?
1 snallygaster 2018-03-01
When a sub hits 50k subscribers, it officially starts becoming terrible. Only time will tell how this affects /r/drama, given that this sub was always terrible.
1 InsaneHuckleberry 2018-03-01
It will become SRD.
We are the sardine now.
1 EricTrumpIsMyWaifu 2018-03-01
The mommy love has been boiling at a soft simmer here for months
1 ladyhaly 2018-03-01
Says the person called EricTrumpIsMyWaifu.
1 ladyhaly 2018-03-01
My hero. Thanks for explaining it to me.
1 sixty_nine_69 2018-03-01
I always thought 100k was the magic number. That's about when I thought r/comedycemetery started to go downhill.
1 killjoynightray 2018-03-01
Incles like Assy-McGee who abuse power
1 CordialCalamity 2018-03-01
1 asdjfweaiv 2018-03-01
r/drama has always sucked. You're just woke now.
1 Neronoah 2018-03-01
I posted in /r/drama before it was cool.
1 MG87 2018-03-01
Shut it down
1 Talonek 2018-03-01
Drama always sucked
1 automatic_cuck 2018-03-01
This is the magic of /r/drama.
1 ladyhaly 2018-03-01
That's the whole point, isn't it?