Senior ShareBlue $hill thinks that Mr. Radical centrism himself Jake Tapper is a card carrying consevathot for pointing out the Nation of Islam’s history of anti semitism

13  2018-03-01 by Strictlybutters


In another nuclear take he claims that CNN is more friendly to Daddy than the dick flute soloists at Fox News:

I knew Tapper was an alt-righter as soon as I saw his minecraft Creeper mug. When will our mod /u/xNotch disavow?

There is nothing more right wing than building shit with your imagination

That entire game is libertarian in practice if you think about it. Punch enough trees and eventually find diamonds.

It’s like the Lorax minus all that annoying nagging from Mother Earth

Not a big fan of anything Geisel did after his propaganda posters tbh.

Having Hitler as a foil really brought out his best work

He Nipped the pacific war in the bud too bruh.