r/Conservative: "Why don't we use illegal immigrants as slave labor"?

49  2018-03-01 by Deity_Of_Darkness


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What's the issue here? Beaner criminals don't get the same rights as white Americans. The same slave labor should be applied to niggers in prison.

I want to be able to watch niggers and spics cut grass with dull scissors and see them get whipped by a prison guard if they disobey.

Pretty edgy for a /pol/ack. Why don't we use edgy fascists for slave labour?

What part of "see them get whipped by a prison guard if they disobey" did you misread?

You do realize using edgy racist slurs isn't a substitute for intelligence? Why can't mayo trash like you be used for slave labour?

Because he is American and he is not an illegal immigrant.
>boohoo edgy racists slurs
>mayo trash
Guess which one of you two is the worst trash

being this stupid has to be criminalized with slavery .

Of cooouurse. But what if he is as buttblasted as you and wants your stupidness to be criminalizes with slavery? What shall we do then?

I say, let them fight.

mashallah but I'm american , that's why you can't enslave me

B-but he is american too, brother by faith.

Hahahaha. I know this is late but bravo sir


That's not a word btw, you scholar you

How does it feel knowing that your weak mayo genes will get diluted and be more rare with every generation?

>implying feepo will ever breed

I didn't imply he was going to

Decent idea, but most fascists would make terrible slaves. They're too fat and uneducated.

>sjw joking about suicide
That's something new.

Why do you have me as a SJW ?

You have just recommended a dude who uses words like nigger and spic to kill himself. IMO that's pretty sjwey.

Would it help if we were to told him to keep himself safe?

That's just a dude using bad words , nothing else is retarded about that comment .

Are you a fucking retard bro ? Seriously . Kindly put on your seatbelt .

kys nerd

Ugh ur nerdshaming me how daaaeeer u

feepo once again demonstrates the need for mayocide.


Machines are more efficient, fam.

don't we already sort of do that? they get the shittiest jobs and shittiest pay cause they can't squeal to anyone cause they aren't even allowed in the country in the first place.

Definitely in agriculture. California would collapse if it actually paid illegal immigrants in the agriculture sector better wages and made them citizens.

I had heard that paying ag workers better would make a negligible impact at the grocery store. Source. But also, fuck you I got mine.

That's assuming the companies wouldn't charge more because "Fuck you give me my slave labor back"

That's not slavery, it's just shitty. Ameriburguers love their cheap stuff but not labor rights.

To be fair if they choose to cross a desert just to work on a plantation field then the alternative must be way worse.


Slavery means you have to care if the slave lives or dies at the end of the day, because then you're out a slave and those are expensive

This way's better, we can just toss out the used ones when they get too old

Yeah but why pay them?

Except for the part where they make more then people making 60k/year doing a $20/hr job at home depot or a construction site because they aren't paying taxes.

The better solution would be to break California into two states, a Left and a Right California. Then the Left California can be bundled with Hawaii in the new Circuit Court until we can manage to expel it from the union and wall it off.

The whole thread is full of juicy bits like this. Apparently /r/conservative dislikes /r/the_Donald now but somehow they're not any saner for it.

The funny thing is a couple of conservatives have long hated T_D and posted peacefully on /r/conservative. The recent idiocy has brought out the worst of the refugees and I unironically want them to go back.

To reiterate: the Donald is not sending us their best. We need subreddit controls and we need them now. Build the wall!

That's just the Republican party as a whole, they got grabbed by the balls by Trump. Say what you want about Democrats but i can support democrats and laugh at SJWs, they are nowhere near controlling the party. But i can't be a Republican and laugh at that Trump, that dude is the one currently in control, he's presence permeates the party.

Why? What do you mean why? Because you can't have competition with the other black prisoners that you've enslaved, you gotta protect those American Jobs™.

That's also the Democrats argument as to why we need illegals and a weak border.

"They'll do jobs Americans don't want to do for lower wages."

More like the average Dem voter’s argument because they can’t confidently explain economics. I’d say the party’s (read: donors’) stance is that border restrictions prevent the free flow of labor and goods and are protectionist. So there’s a fiscally conservative argument for it, though it gets covered up so as to not offend the populists in the party

Is Nancy Pelosi the average Dem voter?

Nancy Pelosi is a proxy between donors/leadership and the voters. If anyone has to speak voterspeak it’s her

u right

/r/conservative is just racists with more convoluted arguments

Thought we agreed smug white liberals telling the poor blacks how to live were the racists with convoluted arguments?

At least conservatives will just say “free market, now where’s that burning cross?”

Both sides can do it, it's white South Park neutrality is the only way

Hey at least smug white liberals dont vote to put more black in jail. I wonder do Trumptards get sexually aroused when minorities get trampled on?

Well in reality the smug liberals do vote to put more coloreds into jail. They create a network of laws that inevitably bring more minorities to jail, while whites tend to be better at not breaking the laws or can figure out how to hire an attorney to help them navigate the myriad of laws out there.

Example, a chunk of my practice is firearms regulatory compliance. Most of my clients for that area make roughly 20k - 60k. They are almost entirely white. And all they want is to stay out of jail, even if it means paying a lawyer on how to make sure the i’s and t’s are dotted and crossed. I rarely see a black guy asking how to stay out of trouble. I tend to see black guys already IN trouble for something.

So smug liberals happily vote on laws, like sexual assault, cheering because “much progressive” and then reeeeeee when whitey turns out to be better at staying clean.

You shold do gymnastics at the Olympics.

Mk sweety. When you practice law and get to see for yourself who you’re representing for breaking the law and who is paying you to avoid breaking the law, you’ll join me in the Cirque de Retardation.

I unironically embrace the notion that the Dems deliberately regulate everything, down to enthusiastic consent, in order to keep coloreds in jail. Because the alternative would be embracing the racial meme that the coloreds just likes breaking the law.

But I’m sure you have significant experience and can demonstrate why smug liberals in gated communities are definitely not the racists.

Gold medal. Please compete and make America proud.

The riposte in your argument was beautiful. This gold is yours, oh serious poster. I’ll accept bronze.

Get outta here with that political seriousposting

Hey at least smug white liberals dont vote to put more black in jail.

I live in Baltimore, this is funny

Is there any group left that doesnt cheer when American civil liberties are taken away?

Lol fuck that sub, got banned for saying fox News mainstream media.

We already do this. They are in our fields picking our food right now.